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Back after 14 years...I feel old. - Printable Version

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Back after 14 years...I feel old. - Tenshu - 08-26-2024

Hello there.

14 years ago I was Xavier Triton and fairly active on the RP side of the forums.
My character did a lot of trying to keep Zoners and border world factions from tearing each other's throats out. It *kinda* worked??
This was back during the Confederation of Freeports (COF) days and when TAZ was still an Official Faction. I belonged to TAZ at the time and represented them as an Ambassador. In short, at the end, Xavier took his Zoner Battleship, made it a sustainable township and then cruised off the map to find a new home for him and his own.
Anyways, life got busy and I had to duck out, but now I'm back.

I'm going to be flying about as Silas Triton inRP - A descendant of my previous character (There is a whole reverse gravitational time dilation type thing in the RP to explain why my character isn't in their early teens. I'll write it up soon)

As I get back acquainted with the game I'll see where I want to sit in terms of factions, which I'm happy to receive recommendations from. Wink
The Admins have been really helpful in setting my up again via the Returning Veterans Program! Smile

Besides all this, whats the political highlights in Sirius at the moment? Happy to receive links if that's easier for people, or badgering about the use of the forum search function. I do miss the old days.


RE: Back after 14 years...I feel old. - sindroms - 08-26-2024

What do you mean 14 y.... oh...

RE: Back after 14 years...I feel old. - Darius - 08-26-2024

Howdy, welcome back to Discovery! We're always happy to see returning face -- especially roleplayers -- so to help you (somewhat) acquaint yourself with the current climate of the Discovery sector (more specifically, the political side, as you've asked), here's a summary:

Liberty: Currently wrapping up an insurgency on Planet Erie, Pennsylvania; investigating an active alien ruin in Ontario; beginning preparations for an invasion of Inverness alongside Crater
Bretonia: Assembling forces for the Liberation of Dublin with Kusari assistance; working with the Great Houses (vanilla ones, to be exact) in restoring the supply of Gold Ore
Rheinland: Rebuilding still after a bloody civil war; preparing to make moves in the Omegas and Sigmas for more resources; ramping up support for the Gallic Union as per the signing of the Treaty of Oerlikon and subsequent deals on exchanges of food stocks and raw materials
Kusari: Recovering from catastrophic flooding on Planet Kyushu; assisting Bretonia in their up-and-coming Dublin campaign with jump drives (they have already tested the canonical jump drive prototypes in a region of Kusari space -- find out on your own where!)
Gallia: Rebuilding; currently throwing a kickass party after Rheinland has signed a crucial deal over the above listed materials (note on Gallia: they did some Atrocities -- to understate things -- and are now a pariah state with little to no support outside of their Great House and Rheinland proper)

This, of course, only explains the Colonies. The Border Worlds have undergone much change too, frankly too much to summarize in one post. If you've questions on lore, feel free to reach out to me here, over Discord, or right here in this thread. I'll happily answer any lore questions you have, at least the ones I am certain I have an answer to!

Once again, welcome back and have fun!

RE: Back after 14 years...I feel old. - Arne - 08-26-2024

Welcome back!
Enjoy your stay. Be sure to check out the discovery discord if you haven't yet!

RE: Back after 14 years...I feel old. - Karmotrine Dream - 08-26-2024

(08-26-2024, 07:46 AM)Tenshu Wrote: [...] 14 years ago I was Xavier Triton and fairly active on the RP side of the forums. [...]

Welcome, welcome back!
Great to see another veteran make their triumphant return, all the more so one from what's more or less the dawn of the game; I can't even imagine how different it must've looked back then, but I'll be glad to hear it if you're inclined to share (sun)

I see Darius here has helpfully filled you in on the political situation recap (much appreciated, I needed it too!) and stands ready to offer more, so I'll be glad to try answering any other questions you might have - it is in the nature of DIscovery to undergo radical shifts through the years, and I can personally attest to that after a three-years hiatus.
The 'starter' system's radically changed, wonderful new exploration content and secrets have been deployed, story developments, graphical and mechancial upgrades, oh my!

So please, do ask away, whether here or on the Discord (I personally prefer that, as it lets me respond to people faster, but whatever you're most comfortable with) (sun)

RE: Back after 14 years...I feel old. - Nika - 08-26-2024

Man, that's a lot of time since you've last been there! Welcome back. I'm sure with your background you'll find your niche fairly soon. There are still active Zoner factions (primarily OSI and Phoenix), but there is Pennsylvania Liberation Front if you're looking for a more radical twist.

For a generally roleplay-heavy faction I would suggest Starfliers, Technocracy of Auxo, Bristol Constructions, Ageira. RPA| Mollys, Kongsi Syndicate if you feel daring and wish for an unlawful twist. There's also occassionally appearing Lovelace Circle. A bit specific and not my cup of tea for the Lane Hackers, but definitely appealing in their own way.

But, wherever you end up - remember to take it nice and easy to enjoy yourself and have fun.

RE: Back after 14 years...I feel old. - TheKusari - 08-26-2024

Holy balls, I can't imagine someone returning after 14 years. That's an insane amount of time.
Welcome back, my dude! I'm sure things have changed a lot since the early 2010's.

If you want a jumpstart to help your return, there is always the Vet's Package to look into. Aside from that, a few people here have already submitted factions to look into, so I won't add to the pile.

To your good fortune in Discovery!

RE: Back after 14 years...I feel old. - Shelco - 08-26-2024

Hey, super glad to see someone returning after such a long absense, welcome back!

As others have said, be sure to join the Disco Discord to get your dose of of help regarding the billions of changes.

Man, can't imagine returning to this game after 14 years, what a uniquely peculiar experience that must be.

Hope to see you in space, mind the Bundschuh!

RE: Back after 14 years...I feel old. - Fab - 08-26-2024

no one ever truly leaves - they just take long breaks. welcome back.

RE: Back after 14 years...I feel old. - Jayenbee - 08-26-2024

Always nice to see a familiar face, even if I'm perhaps not so familiar to them (I was way more of a forum lurker back then!). - Glad to have you back!

A lot has changed in both mechanics and story, hope you enjoy your stay and get into the swing of things. Feedback on the state of things is always welcome, even if it's negative!

We have come a long way since then, we have grown, we have prospered, we have flourished. But we will never forget.