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To the trader, Latawiec - Printable Version

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To the trader, Latawiec - Shaka - 05-13-2009

*****transmission commencing*****

Comm ID: Josef Marks
Location: Bruschal Base

Guten tag Mein herr,

today we had a misunderstanding. As you attempted to fuel the war machines of the houses by shipping military vehicles, my comrade and I disrupted you. In the eyes of the people this is an unacceptable action, and we requested numerous times for you to halt and drop your cargo. You attempted numerous times to flee, but remained unable to escape our grasp. Ultimately, you halted. Unfortunately, my gunner became antsy and discharged a sufficient amount of energy to cripple your ship, just as you dropped your cargo. Comrade, the people do not wish to beggar those such as yourselves, merely to shut down the oligarchical regime that rules Rheinland. As a small token of our apology, we have transferred some credits to assist in your repairs. We shall not be so hasty in the future, comrade, but do not assume to aid the tyrants again.

Josef Marks.

*****transmission ending****