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An Ode To Smugglers - Printable Version

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An Ode To Smugglers - Petitioner - 08-28-2024

An Ode To Smuggling

adapted from "It's a Long Way to Mukumbura"

It's a long way to Planet Malta
It's a long way to cruise!
It's a long way from Manhattan
But you can make the police lose –
(With your escorts!)

Goodbye Pennsylvania, adios Ralston Field!
It's a long, long way to Planet Malta
And we're hauling there for yields!

It's a long way to Hokkaido
It's a long way, ja ne?
It's a long way from O-Delta
But it's trade lanes all the way –
(Well, nearly!)

Goodbye to the Order
Hello the Kyofu!
It's a long, long way up to Hokkaido
And we're Togos' log-in cue!

It's a long way to Miura
It's a long way to swim!
It's a long way from ol' Pittsburgh
But you can do it in Pilgrims –
(With your Bolters!)

We love our liner captain
When he takes us through the gates!
But if he F2's thru 'roid fields
We'd rather get Bastille'd!

It's a long way to O-Gamma
It's a long way in a Train!
We can jump right past the blockade
But they'd do one just the same –
(With their battleships!)

We all dig the TLAGS,
The ten alts and the pings!
But if we really scheme it's PROFIT
When we sell illegal things –
(Slaves and cardamine!)

It's a long way to Planet Malta
It's a long way to cruise!
It's a long way from Manhattan
But you can make the police lose –
(With your escorts!)

Goodbye Pennsylvania, adios Ralston Field!
It's a long, long way to Planet Malta
And we're hauling there for yields!