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To: OS&C || From: '\S/' - Printable Version

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To: OS&C || From: '\S/' - TheKusari - 09-07-2024

[Image: t9mWlni.png]

Albert McKenzie, Starfliers
To: Administration, Orbital Spa & Cruise
Subject: "Arrow"-Class

Hello, Spa & Cruise. My name is Albert McKenzie, I believe this marks my first contact with your organization after Leon resigned from the Starfliers.

My teams are after some activities when they are getting some rest and relaxation. As their job is very active, both physically and mentally, they have told us that this carries over into their off time. The racetracks that have been constructed in the Houses recently are most appropriate to have our staff "blow off steam" as it were.

My communication today is a relatively easy one. We are after three specifically equipped "Arrow"-Class light crafts. As I understand it, your Luxury Liner Shetland has a handful of these ships available for purchase. May I ask to have three of them setup specifically for racing? I intend on surprising our staff with this across the next few days.

As always, Godspeed

RE: To: OS&C || From: '\S/' - Coliz - 09-07-2024

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

[Image: 45686305.jpg]

ID: Hector Balzac

Location: Planet New Paris

To: Starfliers

Subject: RE OS&C || From '\S/'

Good evening Monsieur McKenzie,

This is Hector Balzac, Vice Director. Madame Cross has asked me to handle communications as she's tied up with family matters on Curacao. She sends her best regards.

Let’s get back to business. Three Arrow ships, set up as racers. We don’t anticipate any major issues with your request, but I have a few quick questions for you:

1) Is this for a purchase or a short/medium/long-term rental?
2) When do you need them by?
3) Where do you plan to race? We're very familiar with almost all the legal and underground circuits across Sirius and Gallia. If you have a specific track in mind, we can tweak the inertial dampeners, response times, and engine power to get the best performance for that kind of circuit.

In the meantime, I’ll reserve three units for you at no additional cost, given the strong relationship between our companies.
Looking forward to your response and wishing you a great evening.

Best regards,
Hector Balzac

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]
Gallic Luxury, the Orbital's way

RE: To: OS&C || From: '\S/' - TheKusari - 09-08-2024

[Image: t9mWlni.png]

Albert McKenzie, Starfliers
To: Hector Balzac, Orbital Spa & Cruise
Subject: "Arrow"-Class

Hello, Hector.

I do work very well with a concise list.
  • Purchase. To be included under our Recreational Racing fleet.
  • This is time sensitive, by the upcoming weekend. Marked the 14th day of the current month.
  • Currently, Provence. If the tweaking isn't permanent, we may return to have them adjusted for the other tracks.

Let me know the pricing for the three ships, will send the credits to you directly.

As always, Godspeed

RE: To: OS&C || From: '\S/' - Coliz - 09-08-2024

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[Image: 45686305.jpg]

ID: Hector Balzac

Location: Planet New Paris

To: Starfliers

Subject: RE OS&C || From '\S/'

Monsieur McKenzie,

It's a pleasure to work with someone who values pragmatic communication. As you are racing against time, I have already forwarded your requests overnight to our technical departments and sales offices.

It appears that activating the workshop over the weekend on such short notice for three simultaneous orders is quite a challenge for our technicians. Nevertheless, I have been assured that everything will be ready by the indicated date.

Please find attached the response from the chief technician, slightly edited for decency, regarding the requested technical modifications:

Quote:Mr. Balzac, you're telling me I’ve got to miss the first races of the Tau's Cup because these peace-loving explorers have decided they hate life even more than usual and want to crash into the asteroids of Vaccares? For Christ’s sake, they should go explore their mothers' asses and stop screwing with us honest workers. Mark my words it will cost them a hell lot. We're not just talking about a simple labor charge here; we’re talking about three ships—three ships—that need to be modified and delivered in less than six days, and we only have five workdays to get it done.

The modifications? Yeah, they're temporary. As long as these clowns manage to bring the Arrows back in one piece, we can tweak the settings. We’re slapping on some jettisonable external fuel tanks to let them do more laps without refueling —assuming they can even complete a lap. You know that Gallic circuit better than I do—it's long, fast as hell, and full of high-risk collision zones. Do me a favor and explain it to them cause even if I couldn’t give two shits about their wild stunts, I’d rather not go to bed with lives on my conscience.

Nonetheless, tell them the ships will be ready by the 12th.

S. Maloney, CTO Shetland's Racing Club

Regarding delivery, you may pick up the ships directly from Shetland or have them shipped to your headquarters or Provence at no additional cost, courtesy of the company. Attached below is the quotation:

Should this meet your expectations, please transfer the payment to OS&C|Guilder[Bank] .

Best regards,
Hector Balzac

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

RE: To: OS&C || From: '\S/' - TheKusari - 09-10-2024

[Image: t9mWlni.png]

Albert McKenzie, Starfliers
To: Hector Balzac, Orbital Spa & Cruise
Subject: Your chief's concerns

Hello, Hector.

Your teams work very fast. My own staff will most certainly appreciate the lengths I am going through in order to give them an activity to enjoy outside of work hours. Also, the payment is sitting in Spa & Cruise's nominated account.

Before I forget, please forward this message to your Chief Technician:

Your concerns are noted. If you have a complaint, do take it up with me directly.

As always, Godspeed

RE: To: OS&C || From: '\S/' - Coliz - 09-10-2024

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

[Image: 45686305.jpg]

ID: Hector Balzac

Location: Planet New Paris

To: Starfliers

Subject: RE OS&C || From '\S/'

Monsieur McKenzie,

We received the agreed amount, thanks for your promptness.

As I mentioned earlier, if you prefer to retrieve the 3 racers yourselves, you can find them moored in hangar 2. The enriched fuel is stored in their respective cargo bays to prevent consumption during transit. Just remember to completely empty the tanks before refueling to avoid mixing issues. Alternatively, we can begin organizing a tender for shipment to Provence, Inverness, or wherever is convenient for you.

Regarding Maloney, rest assured that his "colorful" language is well-known to our HR departments. However, he is all bark and no bite. Despite being rough around the edges, he is the best at what he does. Unless you wish to file formal complaints yourselves, we will handle the matter internally.

I sincerely hope your employees will enjoy those little beasts. Please feel free to contact us with any issues or clarifications.

Best regards,
Hector Balzac

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

RE: To: OS&C || From: '\S/' - TheKusari - 09-10-2024

[Image: t9mWlni.png]

Albert McKenzie, Starfliers
To: Hector Balzac, Orbital Spa & Cruise
Subject: Hangar 2

Hello, Hector.

Hangar 2, understood. Three of my staff members have already booked transit with one of your freighter captains to the Shetland. They will relocate the racers to Provence themselves. I will note down your advice regarding the fuel tanks.

Our own operations were not disrupted due to your Chief Technician's language. As far as I am concerned, no complaint needs to be issued.

As always, Godspeed