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A Holliday On Bruchsal - Printable Version

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A Holliday On Bruchsal - Doc Holliday - 09-12-2024

Bruchsal base. It had been since forever since John Holliday stepped foot in it. His memory ran deep and even he couldn't remember when he was there. It was a place where he had little reason, if any, to be. He only heard the rumors of the students who thought that they could change the world. The Rheinland government viewed them as terrorists so a Junker shuttle brought him anonymously. He brought only his medical bag, his sidearms and a pack of playing cards.

The request he received however, was unique. Who was this Civil Servant? What did he want and what were his motives? His request sounded sincere but dealing with the unlawful side of the tracks forced him to be careful. Still, he was relaxed as he walked into the bar at Bruchsal to meet his contact. Servant wanted something and Doc thought he may find opportunity.
The bartender was younger than most and looked at Doc suspiciously. After all, Doc was a stranger.
"What can I do for you, Stranger?" was all he asked.
"I am here to meet someone in confidence," Doc replied. He took a quick look about the bar. "Until he arrives, I will take a double Scotch over the rocks." He then gave the man payment with a very generous tip and found a table. It wasn't but a minute before his drink arrived from the now smiling bartender. "Let me know if you need anything else, Sir."

Doc just looked up with a nod. "Just anonymity from anyone except my contact and he will know who I am." With that, the bartender left. Doc sipped his Scotch and began playing Solitaire.

RE: A Holliday On Bruchsal - Civil Servant - 09-13-2024

The few bars and canteens on this station were generally a shared place amongst all Bundschuh, many made of local Rheinlanders who seem to be of friendlier nature to strangers and independent individuals, as some of its regular visitors and residents whom many from certain backgrounds called home far elsewhere but have found a community they can blend in with here. There wasn't really a aura of ego or caution around this place as people were more than happy to keep their heads up and shown around each other unlike most freeports. Likely from the lack of the regular troublemakers.

As Doctor Holliday had settled in with his first drink, the bar was pretty lively, a single individual at the table wasn't really common to see around this bar... Except for one other, an individual that didn't seem to bother taking off her flight suit after arriving. Still wearing her pilot helmet and all, she sat at the table with an empty glass and a data-padd in hand that she seemed busy with, compounded in thought as one leg was crossed over the other under the table as her gaze never broke from her educational reading... Although her presentation was nothing short of social isolation. A strange juxtaposition for such a location to be in alone.

As Doctor Holliday's drink almost came to its last sip as the ice danced in his glass, there wasn't any sign yet of the individual that requested the meeting just yet, that was until the room slowly dipped in decibels... Chairs screeched, footsteps rushed and the occasional whispering annoyance of some of the other patrons describing a 'Dead man' to fornicate himself in a certain direction... A sudden turn of tensions.

Almost without a sound, another helmeted individual had brought himself to stand at the side of Doctor Holiday's table, although there wasn't much of a word from him... He just stood there like with arms down by his side and as stiff as a statue who's head was on a gimbal, observing not Doctor Holliday directly... But that game he was playing. His flightsuit a combination of blacks and greys augmented with combat webbing and extra pouches, The helmet of his fully encased his head and his visor was a dulled and visually opaque shade of teal that made eye contact difficult to maintain for onlookers. Not a single bit of what person was underneath was showing.

"Doctor Holliday I presume, unless my eyes are incredibly mistaken. I hope the Void kept your journey secluded."

RE: A Holliday On Bruchsal - Doc Holliday - 09-14-2024

He flipped a card on one of the piles on the table before stopping and looking up at the helmeted individual.
"Dr. John Holliday," was the reply with a nod. "I guess it has been quite some time since I was last here as I do not remember seeing your kind before."
He started picking up his cards.
"You have me at a disadvantage," he continued as he used the table to neaten his card pile, "You know who I am but I do not know you."
He then put the cards in their box and put them in one of his jacket pockets. He then took a look around.
"We have some rather delicate matters to talk about so maybe we should find somewhere more private."

He stood up. His robe flowed around him as he took his bag in hand. "Let us find an office or conference room, somewhere away from the crowd."