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To: Dominik Otork | From: Morgan Andrews - Printable Version

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To: Dominik Otork | From: Morgan Andrews - Darius - 09-14-2024

[Image: Dlxxruf.png]
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[Image: SqZvYhk.png]
User ID: Morgan Andrews
Recipient: Dominik Otork
Subject: Business call


Mr. Otork,

Top o' the mornin' to ya. Andrews here, calling for a quick set a questions in the time between shipments at Bristol Bay. Hope you don't mind.

Bristol's Board has been looking at expansion recently down in the Western Independent Worlds - I'm talkin' Cortez, Magellan, Coronado, what-have-ya - and as it stands, they're searchin' for the right person, or team, to do part of that dirty work. Now, I'll admit, it ain't fancy going out there so far from home, but it means easy cash in the short term and more prestige for the company in the long one.

I understand that you're a... [Morgan takes a look at a panel nearby, holding the recruitment data for Otork.] graduate in inter-House trade and economics, that right? Miner, too, on the side. I was thinking, mister Otork, that I could put this experience o' mine in workin' with the locals and managing supplies to good use together with ya, that is, with you covering the side of affairs concerned with economic expansion.

I won't be able to do it on my own, no, mister, but with your input and knowledge here we may just do it well enough that the board notices our work and sends some additional folks to lend a helping hand, who knows, maybe even some extra funding. So, whatcha say? You in?

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RE: To: Dominik Otork | From: Morgan Andrews - Seapanda - 09-14-2024

[Image: Dominik-Otork-Forum-Size.png]
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[Image: SqZvYhk.png]
User ID: Dominik Otork
Recipient: Morgan Andrews
Subject: Business call


Greetings Mr. Andrews,

It is a pleasure hearing from you.

After reviewing your proposal, I believe that there is quite a lucrative idea there. I am more than open to working on this together with your good self. There is potential for expansion to a considerable degree, if done correctly. Though, I do not expect it to be smooth sailing either.

Given the distance of these systems from the main Bristol area of operations, we would first need to obtain a very detailed set of scanning data, obtain intel from the locals on existing trade routes, mining deposits, both public and hidden, any potential opposition locations and other risk#' factors. Personally I believe it would be beneficial to also approach the system's underground and see what deals can be made in our everyone's favour. After the reconnaissance is completed, we would need to ultimately consider the location of a new forward base of operations that would cover all western independent systems to both ease the strain on our operations and provide a safe haven for Bristol's employees. I do not anticipate any major resistance from Bristol's Board in this regard, at least not for basics. Any further development and operational increases will need to be backed up with evidence of sustainability and profitability. We can go over the other details in person, just to be certain that nothing is left forgotten.

Kind regards,
Dom Otork

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RE: To: Dominik Otork | From: Morgan Andrews - Darius - 09-14-2024

[Image: Dlxxruf.png]
Incoming Transmission

[Image: SqZvYhk.png]
User ID: Morgan Andrews
Recipient: Dominik Otork
Subject: Business call


Mr. Otork,

Great! I'm glad to see we have an understanding; now, onto the details. [Andrews takes a deep breath, then moves on to list the groups he's got in mind as the first to be contacted...]

I have a list here with the factions we should reach out to. Take a look and let me know what ya think.
  • Starfliers - for the system data
    Note: May be very expensive
  • Crayter Republic - to get acquainted once more, y'know? - it'd be grand if we could get a hotline to one of their Ministry of Trade & Commerce fellas to iron out unknowns
  • Orbital Spa & Cruise - for a sweet lil' word here and there; preparing th' ground for our eventual opening
  • Independent Miners Guild - possible help on the logistical side; may open us up to markets beyond the Barrier

Ah, yeah, 'course. Ya got any others in mind?

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RE: To: Dominik Otork | From: Morgan Andrews - Seapanda - 09-14-2024

[Image: Dominik-Otork-Forum-Size.png]
Incoming Transmission

[Image: SqZvYhk.png]
User ID: Dominik Otork
Recipient: Morgan Andrews
Subject: Business call


Mr. Andrews,

I believe this would cover our basics to and allow the operation to start on a solid foundation. To my knowledge there are no other larger groups that we would need to concern ourselves with at present. The only item worth looking into further is the system data from Starfliers, specifically their pricing of it. I wouldn't want to get extorted after all.

The IMG front might be worth pursuing further after initial operations.

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