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Horizons Log/Kill Script Stories Feedback Thread - Printable Version

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Horizons Log/Kill Script Stories Feedback Thread - Helix - 09-15-2024

My new RP project, Horizons LTD./Bring me that Horizon.../Horizon Seeker has kicked off. I'm a bit ahead of the game with some logs already typed up following the adventures of the crew. This post is for those who interact with the crew of the Horizon Seeker in game as well as the forum post located here. All forms of feedback are welcomed provided it is respectful and constructive.

I have always enjoyed exploration RP as well as the Luxury Yacht so I figured I would combine the two to create a new, and hopefully unique, story driven adventure which is guided by those we meet in space. Also, there will be some regular story elements in the post aside from standard logs. Disagreements with the crew based upon their colorful histories is certainly something I would like to explore as time goes on. Many more options are on the table as I go through the story with these characters that I have created.

Thank you for your time, I hope everyone enjoys the logs, story, and interactions as much as I will.

RE: Horizons Log/Kill Script Stories Feedback Thread - Helix - 10-12-2024

This thread will also now be for my Kill Script roleplay story. The intent of this story is to basically tell his back story up to this point while maintaining a form of mystery to who he was even further back before the story is told. Was he responsible for the detonation of the nuke on Roppongi? Was he an innocent bystander? Did he facilitate it's transportation to the station unwittingly or was he the mastermind? Who knows?

The story also has a hefty amount of "AI" roleplay involved and while I do have some experience RPing an AI, my experience doing so goes back to when AI's were still only accessible with SRP (circa 2007-2009ish). With this in mind, any feedback, suggestions (public or private) are appreciated. It also details certain factions that I will be writing throwaway characters for. If anyone feels that I represented their faction improperly, please let me know how to correct the error and I will happily take any suggestions under advisement.

Thank you for reading thus far, I hope you enjoy!