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»EXTRNL: Civil Servant - Printable Version

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»EXTRNL: Civil Servant - Weapon - 09-23-2024

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: AUX-LM0-333 'Megiddo'

We have civil service to attend to.

Prometheus recognizes these developments are outside of your AO, but not out of your proverbial wheelhouse. My artificial self therefor presents a proposal: ongoing developments by Promethean and Auxo Personnel present us with an opportunity to provide your people with remote units for local deployment via proprietary Vessel Network Control - henceforth VNC - program.

VNC presents risks to software, hardware, and wetware via insecure operational strata, as VNC leverages access to superluminal neural net satellites. Risk can be mitigated through use of local hardware. Access to Lane Hacker Spyglass network would prove invaluable, if it could be obtained. We anticipate your movement possesses its own network, however humble, throughout Rheinland. There is a near certainty of insecurity in the Independent Worlds, particularly Hudson and Bering.

Should your biological selves choose to "eat that" as the saying goes, then we are more than happy to provide you with access to VNC capable assets. These assets will bear Promethean IFF and identification codes yet bare your names. This technology has been field tested, but never by humans, and never so distant a range.

My artificial self awaits your response. Your biological self may rest assured that there will be no hard feelings should you and yours deem this bargain too faustian. We have all sat out a fight once in our lifetimes.

[Image: uczvtq.png]
Libera Te Ex Infernis

...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: »EXTRNL: Civil Servant - Civil Servant - 09-27-2024

[Image: Civil-Servant-masked.png]
[Image: The-Platform-Flag-Transparent-CS.png]

| Private Connection Established

Name: "Civil Servant"
ID/IFF: The Platform
Encryption access: [TRACE ERROR]
Location: [ERROR]
Subject: Relay

Megiddo, your request has been discussed amongst our paramilitary command. This access to Remote Vessel Control is of a certain advantage that we are curious about, but there are certain concerns that we need clarification on before we give a definite answer for our support.

We would still have to divert the activities of our pilots over this network, but if disclosure on what our assigned targets (And their allies) would be so we make an overall risk assessment for Platform involvement as we are hesitant to jump into a combat field without established intelligence on our opponents. Unfortunately at the moment we're seeing a serious stretch in our availability, operations in Pennsylvania and Erie are small but a vital lifeline as of this moment so direct diversion of assets would not be possible as that lies beyond our zone of operation.

I personally have queries adopting this technology into the 'Open - Operating System', our systems rely on highly efficient protocols and decentralized networks for communication and is a far stretch from what the Technocracy has at its disposal. I don't think we yet have the bandwidth capability to handle such systems but I have plans to counteract this in the near future with some recent developments, but for now its on the back burner.

But then there is the issue of... Untested physical impacts, if field tests haven't been done then the paramilitary would at least like to see what controlled-environment test have been conducted on human volunteers.

You have our apologies that we're not able to yet return the favour your squadron provided during the evacuation of the Von Claussen Carrier. But in this war against the Corpo-State, our hopes are with you all.

Regards - "Civil Servant"
Cell of the 'Damnatio Memoriae'
Perseverance in desperation

[Image: The-Platform-Flag-Black.png]

| Port Closed