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Operation Khopesh (Fuchu prison break) - Printable Version

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Operation Khopesh (Fuchu prison break) - Ironwatsas - 05-14-2009

Background into text

With the Kusari Naval Forces victories on nearly all fronts in the Bretonia theatre of operations, and the seeming victory over their usualy domestic riff-raf such as the GC and Blood Dragons, an aura of invincibility permiated every facet of Kusari society in the spring of 817 A.S. Infact, the renewed KSP presance and clean-up operations had severely reduced Outcast and GC activity, and the eldest pilots of the NovaPG, the most experianced and dangerous of the Blood Dragons, were nowhere to be seen.

As a result of this, the Kusari prison machine, most notibly prison station Fuchu, was filled to the brim with political prisoners of all sorts, ranging from domestic terrorists to Bretonian PoWs. Rather then make a scene with executing them, the Kusari police would simply lock them away forever. However the truth was even WITH many Bretonian prisoners going to planet Miura, Fuchu was near capacity. Many in the Shogunate and government argued on how best to proceed.

Traditionalists argued for simply blowing a number of Dragon, GC, and Outcast prisoners out of the airlocks, though the thought of this disgusted many others, and the public relations blowback was a potential social time-bomb.


Whilst politicians argued in the Imperial courts, the GC and Dragons watched the events unfolding with concern. Previously, even the combined efforts of both factions would have no chance of breaking into Fuchu sucessfully. With the Battleship Myoko so close by, any assault would be suicidal at best. The KNF knew this, and had even gone as far as to redeploy some of the Myoko's fighters to the Bretonian front in secret, hoping the GC and Dragons would still be intimidated.

However, times were changing. And the GC and Blood Dragons had one ace in the hole which would open the door to a sucessful raid on the prison station... the Consortium. A source of military relief which could easily turn the tide against the station's defences, and was more then willing to assist in recovering the captured brethren of the Sisterhood and Dragons. Though in truth, there were other reasons behind their eagarness to strike...

Fuchu was also filled to the rim with foriegn prisoners, derelect Hogosha and Farmers caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, and petty criminals not affiliated with any organized crime syndicates. As well, the station's guards numbered in the hundreds. For the Consortium, this meant one thing... food.

A council of GC elders, Dragon senseis, and Consortium Coordinators met, and made plans for the assault in secret. While information flooded in from Dragon Sympathetic politicians and the Consortium's intelligence network. Sucessful counter intelligence efforts made it difficult for anyone in the Kusari intelligence community to identify that anything was out of the ordinary, even as Consortium carriers and Intel Spike vessels moved into Shikoku and established positions from which to launch the assault.

Plans were now in motion, and a major confrentation was now inevitable.


//OOC crap

Seeing as the KNF unlawfuls scene is a bit dead at the moment, we need a good old fasioned event to drum up activity and get some RP going. The classic 'prison break' event creates an oppurtunity for this, and lays an RP foundation for future events.

The participants will be the NovaPG, [GC], [Kiretsu], and \CS\ on the unlawful side, and KNF and KSP on the lawful. Other factions like the AFA and [|] will be left out, as they have little RP reason to participate, though we 'may' allow them to participate if the KNF is retardedly overwhelmed and can't secure backup from their own. Though I intend to keep the sides balanced as best as possible.

I'm considering letting each side have one capital ship (Destroyer/Cruiser class) with the rest being fighters or bombers. Though depending on feedback, we can go just fighters. The unlawfuls will also have to have some kind of boarding craft to be able to land on Fuchu (preferably, a transport with the ability to dock to replicate a force boarding, but otherwise noncombative).

I'm also considering the date and time. My inital idea was next weekend (24th, 25th) giving us plenty of time to prepare and get situated and do prepatory RP. An exact time is still anyone's descision, as I need to know what timezone we're all in.

Anyhow, the critical things I need to know from the community are...

Limited Caps: Y\N
Haz Timezone: ?

So, I need feedback.

Operation Khopesh (Fuchu prison break) - Dashiell - 05-14-2009

sounds good. 1 cap would be nice. give the bombers something to do.

Operation Khopesh (Fuchu prison break) - gezza999 - 05-14-2009

If I can, I'll bring either Impulse or my Kiretsu HF.

Caps... well, the Blood Dragons shouldn't field them for anything un-defensive (In RP,) and I'd say this comes under that ... Gunboats, maybe, wouldn't say cruisers or Battleships though. Just Gunboats, fighters and bombers would be good.

EDIT: Of course, if KNF are outmanned, I'll be flying Jingasa.

Operation Khopesh (Fuchu prison break) - Zeonlight - 05-14-2009

Hmmm...sounds like a good RP event.
Why not cap''s pretty obvious, since they are trying to break through Myoko's blockade. You can't pass by the Myoko only with fighters and bombers. And theyll need it as a cover(RP, like Walker in the Alaska system when Trent was trying to escape with the president, and there were 2 dreadnaught blocking the gate).

And about the timezone i think members of the groups involved should post their timezone, and try to sort out a good hour for everyone.

Timezone: GMT +2

Daii Byakuya Kuchiki :::::Over & Out:::::

Operation Khopesh (Fuchu prison break) - Ironwatsas - 05-14-2009

True, perhaps one Destroyer and 1 or 2 gunboats on each side, and the rest being fighters + bombers. For the unlawfuls, any capital ships would probably be \CS\ destroyers (OC dessies) as we are the only ones in the Ku unlawfuls who reall use them offensively.

Seeing as this IS a pretty big and heavily defended target, it'd make sense for atleast some big guns on scene, though it shouldn't distract from the fighter battle. Small craft are the bread and butter after all.

Operation Khopesh (Fuchu prison break) - Jihadjoe - 05-14-2009

Count my NovaPG in on this.

I'll attend so long as I can shout loud enough at my ISP to make it so I can actualy log on the server without getting a ping of over 500 and 25% loss and lag.

Operation Khopesh (Fuchu prison break) - FooFighter - 05-14-2009

I'll try to be there in my GB, if not for combat, than at least as a coordinator on the \CS\ side. GMT+1.

Operation Khopesh (Fuchu prison break) - farmerman - 05-16-2009

Sounds like potential for fun to me. Limited caps makes more sense to me - given the area, caps aren't sensible as there's a giant battleship nearby.

I think the best idea would be to attack from behind Junyo, strike at the prison, and then head to the dark matter clouds of Galileo and lose any pursuers.

Operation Khopesh (Fuchu prison break) - Ironwatsas - 05-20-2009

Now, I was hoping the event would be on Sunday, at about 1800 or so GMT or earlier. Thing is, there's also the Rheinland royal visit which I hope to attend. Either that, or we do it on Saturday, though this may conflict with the weekly KNF/BAF event. Though, I'm at GMT -7, so I need to be able to ensure I'm awake, active, and not busily doing sometihng.

Also, we could use more people.

I think we have:






Anyone else?

Operation Khopesh (Fuchu prison break) - Othman - 05-20-2009

GMT+3 Here. 24th would work for me.