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Report: Landwirtrechtbewegung Revolt - Printable Version

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Report: Landwirtrechtbewegung Revolt - Arne - 10-02-2024

Submitter: Daniel Petersen
Recipient: LWB
Subject: The Bewegung has started
Encryption: High

Hallo LWB leadership und my fellow Farmers,

The time of repression is over. The ones we thought to be friends were just another group of ursurper, misusing our cause for their own gain... and Kishiro's. The tip of the Iceberg was when the Farmers Alliance decided to arrest and execute Sabine Schroder, one of our own. We only heard of this when the transport left. I must say, i've never seen a mob as angry as this one, and i sure was part of it. The revolution had begun.

We rallied at Cruiser Schwarzwald and awaited the transport that departed from Darmstadt. It seems they got word of our rebellion however, as a large group of Farmer alliance fighters jumped out of the jumphole and the battle started. Losses were heavy on both sides, but I managed to evade most of the heat by not engaging the faster and more agile fighters with my bomber. The transport was the main price. This revolution started or ended with the rescue of Sabine.

The Kusarians put up a heavy fight and the transport managed to slip through at first while our fighters were kept busy. It took a while for our bombers to catch up with the transport tagged FA]-Kiritsu. We located Sabine, but it was a long road ahead to save her. The hull and shield of the Raba Frigate were reinforced. We did as much damage as we could, but it wasn't enough because of enemy Alliance fighters keeping us from going in full force. The few LWB fighters that managed to catch up could only do so much to keep them busy.

Things seemed to look bleak. It seemed the Kiritsu was about to slip away in New Berlin, but then reinforcements from Cruiser Greifswald arrived! The sudden reinforcements managed to divert their fighters and give us a clear shot on the Frigate. It was Reaper One that managed to get the fatal hit on the ship, and managed to tractor Sabine just in time. We escorted Reaper One and our freed prisoner back to Cruiser Schwarzwald. The battle for the Bewegung was won. The battle for Stuttgart is yet to start. We're coming for our home, and for Synth.

Daniel Petersen,
Proud Farmer of Stuttgart.