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»EXTRNL: G. ADM MICHAL GOLANSKI - Weapon - 10-06-2024

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identified: AUX-LM0-333 'Megiddo'

Grand Admiral Golanski,

Your biological self is no doubt well informed and has been briefed on both Task Force Prometheus and my artificial self's existence. In spite of this, my artificial self will proceed with an introduction in accordance with custom and in the near certainly vain hope that such a greeting will in some way assuage your biological self of both our artificial selves intentions and those of Prometheus as a whole.

I am Megiddo. Our artificial self is the combined personality engrams of approximately two dozen Hellfire Legion command staff, preserved throughout the Legion's history. Their knowledge, their hopes, and their dreams. We have but one purpose: The restoration of the Commonwealth of House Liberty.

Our forces engaged in a limited exchange of fire during the Republic's recent operations in Inverness. My artificial self is not currently up to speed, so to speak, on the finer points of modern day Overwatch diplomacy, most notably your standing with both the Xenos and the Republic of Liberty. Regardless, we believe this to have been a senseless conflict, as we have no reason to believe the Order's aspirations to have escalated to enabling House imperialism.

The proverbial elephant in the room which my artificial self knows your biological self will not be able to see past yet which we will try regardless to convey is our association with the Technocracy of Auxo, a mortal enemy which whom our relations soured a long-standing peace between the Order and Legion. They are in this time of need our necessary and thus far gracious hosts; not our masters. We do not answer to them. I do not answer to them. We ask that in good faith that your biological self attempt to view us through a lens unclouded by whatever grievances you hold for them, and humbly present the following proposals and requests:

1. An immediate ceasefire between all Legionnaire and Overwatch forces.

2. An explanation as to Overwatch distrust of Technocracy of Auxo.

3. Any information you may possess on local Non-Human Intelligence in Inverness and its differences and defining characteristics - should any exist at all - from their counterparts in your proverbial neck of the woods.

4. An exchange of modern best-in-class screening equipment for an agreed upon sum of credits so that we may conduct our own routine examinations of Promethean personnel and thereby ensure that they are not compromised in the event that our technocrat benefactors are.

Our artificial self predicts a 99.768% chance that this message will fall upon deaf ears and in doing so, continue a needless cycle of violence.

Surprise us.

[Image: uczvtq.png]
Non Omnis Moriar
Libera Te Ex Infernis

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