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TO: Orbital Spa and Cruise - Printable Version

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TO: Orbital Spa and Cruise - Helix - 10-07-2024

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[Image: fXI4Jzj.png]

Jax Burton
Maintenance/Overhaul Request

To Whom it May Concern,

My name is Jax Burton, I am the President and CEO of Horizons LTD., a small exploration and passenger firm based out of Colorado. In our fleet, we have an aging Passenger Liner as well as a leased Renzu Liner from your secondary fleet. Our Passenger Liner, which we own independently, was old when we saved it from the scrapyard and have been running the "wheels" off of it since it resumed it's service. Unfortunately, the engines have begun giving us trouble after many trips back and forth between Gallia and the Omegas and we cannot trust the Liner to arrive safely at it's destination on any further trips until the situation is handled.

Being that many Passenger Liners have come from Orbital Spa and Cruise--as well as the fact that your organization runs these ships as well--we are hoping that you might be able to help our burgeoning company with some maintenance and overhauling of many of the dated systems which might cause future problems. Provided you are willing to lend us a hand, we can bring the Solitude to a shipyard of your choosing for a review and survey to see what is needed. In the mean tine, we will continue to utilize the Renzu Liner for future passenger requests until the Solitude is able to be safely utilized once more.

Thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing back.

[Image: oTcVJMc.png]
President and CEO
Horizons LTD.

CONFIDENTALITY NOTICE: The information contained within this document is considered sensitive, controlled, and classified information pursuant to Horizons Code Article 7, §22a: "All information contained within communications, logs, or other visible information to other viewers is considered the sole property of Horizon LTD. and is not to be utilized outside of the addressee (Horizons Personnel) and addressed (receiver). Any other individual utilizing this information for other than it's intended receiver will be considered in violation of this Article and met with legal action."

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RE: TO: Orbital Spa and Cruise - Helix - 10-08-2024

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RE: TO: Orbital Spa and Cruise - Helix - 10-10-2024

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RE: TO: Orbital Spa and Cruise - Helix - 10-12-2024

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RE: TO: Orbital Spa and Cruise - Lord Helmchen - 10-12-2024

[Image: 8dd2b4fbf4a94012acf0986686bcdfd6.jpg]
- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Stephanie Cross-Fleischhauer
Location: Samson Resort, Planet Curacao, System Cortez.
To: CEO, Jax Burton
Encryption: OS&C Alpha One
Subject: Liner Service

Good Day Ceo Burton

My Name is Stephanie Cross-Fleischhauer. I am contacting you in the Name of my Wife, Caitlyn Cross, The Chairwoman of OS&C. We apologize for the Delay in our Reply. I know firsthand how these Old Ships are a Tough Nut to keep running. My Wife Loves her Old Palace Class Liner a lot, sometimes I think even more than me. Chuckles But let us come back to your Request about the Service for your "Passenger Liner", First I would need to know which Model it is that you Own. There are Many Models doing the Passenger Buissnes out there. From the humble Oasis all the way to the Luxurious Enterprise and Pallace Classes. Once we know that we can put the Right Specialists on the Case. While Many Parts in a Liner Might be Standard, the way they Come Together is Unique for each Ship Class. The Bretonians for Example build there Ships in a different way than the Libertonians, I am sure you have noticed differences between your Passenger Liner and your Renzu Liner as well.

There is also another thing that I want to make Clear. While we have the Capabilities to Upkeep the Ships and Do simple Modernisations and Repairs we are in no way, shape, or form Building these Ships. The work of Building Liners of the Oasis and Enterprise Classes is built by Deep Space Engineering at Baltimore Shipyard. The Palace Liners are built in Newcastle by the Scarborough Shipyard, while your Renzu was built by the Genious Engeniers of the Renzu Cooperation in the Tsukishima Liner Yards over in Shikoku. So while we Sometimes Sell those Liners at the End of their Lifespan in Orbitals Service to some Independent Banches like yours we are not Building them in the first Place.

After I made this Clear I want to Tell you what OS&C can do for you. We can send a team of our Engeniers to your Ship and make a Full checkup of the vessel. We will then be able what's wrong with the Vessle and what steps need to be taken to Fix it, and if Orbital is able to do this on our own or if you need to Visit a Shipyard. You mentioned some Engine Troubles on the Liner, in the best case you just need some Spare Parts and new Fine Tuning of the Engine and Reactor. In the Worst Case, you have some Months in the Shipyard ahead of you where the engineers of DSE will take out the old Reactor and Engine and put a new one into the Ship. But all of these can only be told with certainty once our Engineers took a look at the Ship Itself.

For now Please tell us the Class and Location of your Liner so we can send out our Engineering Team.

Safe Skys,
Stephanie Cross-Fleischhauer
First Officer, Red Velvet Club

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

RE: TO: Orbital Spa and Cruise - Helix - 10-13-2024

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[Image: fXI4Jzj.png]

Jax Burton
RE: Maintenance/Overhaul Request

Not a problem Ms. Stephanie, I know how running a business can be. Takes up much of your time for other things.

The Solitude is a Oasis Liner which was saved from the boneyards at Baltimore Shipyard several months prior. As a result of its intended fate, the ship was being stripped for parts when we intervened and took possession of the ship. In the following weeks, we replaced much of the pieces that were initially stripped off the ship and put it back into production. It seems though that we may have overlooked many systems which are responsible for handling fuel flows to the main engines and thrusters as we have been replacing burned out engine components at nearly every stop. I don't need to tell you that needing to do this at every stop not only takes time, but also makes our shuttle services look poorly managed to our patrons. For a business starting Travel and Transportation services, this could be our death knell.

I feel like the engine components are only the tip of the iceberg with the Solitude unfortunately. With your previous message, we may need more of an overhaul than what your teams are able to provide. Do you have a DSE contact we can reach out to in order to have this taken care of? We have been looking into and considering the possibility of having the ship overhauled into a Enterprise Class or even Palace Class Liner provided we obtain the license to operate one and get the requisite insurance coverage to do so. We realize that would be outside of your scope at that point, but provided DSE is able to assist, we may reach out to them instead provided you have a good point-of-contact we can use.

In the meantime, we can have the Solitude brought to Curacao in Cortez for your techs to review the engine troubles in the meantime while we wait for information from DSE as to what is required from us to get this process started. In the meantime, we will continue operating the Errant Venture whilst the Solitude is down for repairs/rebuild.

Thank you for your time.

[Image: oTcVJMc.png]
President and CEO
Horizons LTD.

CONFIDENTALITY NOTICE: The information contained within this document is considered sensitive, controlled, and classified information pursuant to Horizons Code Article 7, §22a: "All information contained within communications, logs, or other visible information to other viewers is considered the sole property of Horizon LTD. and is not to be utilized outside of the addressee (Horizons Personnel) and addressed (receiver). Any other individual utilizing this information for other than it's intended receiver will be considered in violation of this Article and met with legal action."

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RE: TO: Orbital Spa and Cruise - Lord Helmchen - 10-16-2024

[Image: 8dd2b4fbf4a94012acf0986686bcdfd6.jpg]
- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Stephanie Cross-Fleischhauer
Location: Samson Resort, Planet Curacao, System Cortez.
To: CEO, Jax Burton
Encryption: OS&C Alpha One
Subject: Liner Service

Good Day Ceo Burton

I thank you for your Understanding. I can understand that you are attached to your Oasis Liner and we will do our best to help you rebuild the Liner as Best as we can. I have already informed our Contact at DSE and they are know everything that you told me. To be honest, what you have Described to me sounds really Dangerous. The engine of a liner is one of the most delicate machines on board that can fail in a catastrophic way if not maintained properly. We have no Direct Contact for you but our General Contact informed us that you can write to them and they will Relay it to the Apropriate Division. The best is you tell them what our Engineers have Found out and then they can work from there.

And while the Oasis and the Enterprise Share some Parts in their Building I am not sure if a Finished Oasis can be upgraded into an Enterprise. And I am sorry to inform you that a Palace is not even Manufactured by DSE But by our Friends of BMM over in Newcastle, Bretonia. But should it indeed not be possible to save the Solitude By Repair or Rebuild or if it's too expensive then we can take a look at Orbitals Mothball Fleet and see if we can find a Liner there that is a Suitable Replacement. These Liners are all Maintained and would be ready to go within a Couple of Days or a week at most.

For now Please bring the Solitude Over to Curacao and Moor the Ship in a Safe Space. Once you have arrived we will Dispatch an Engineering Team to you. And once everything is done we can talk about some Training for your Crew to Such Engineering Problems in the Future.

Safe Skys,
Stephanie Cross-Fleischhauer
First Officer, Red Velvet Club

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

RE: TO: Orbital Spa and Cruise - Helix - 10-27-2024

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[Image: fXI4Jzj.png]

Jax Burton
RE: Maintenance/Overhaul Request

I want to apologize for the length of time between our communiques. We had some technical difficulties that prevented us from bringing the ship to Cortez, but it is moored nearby as of this evening. We have moved much of our staff off of the vessel so as to not get in your peoples way and have rerouted them to the Errant Venture for the time being.

As discussed, any and all diagnostics would be appreciated. Also, please provide the contact for DSE. If things with the Solitude do not go well, we will possibly commission DSE to build us a Luxury Liner to replace the dated frame of our current vessel.

Lastly, please let us know the payment required for this, I'm certain you and your people do not work for free.

Until we hear back, thank you for your time.

[Image: oTcVJMc.png]
President and CEO
Horizons LTD.

CONFIDENTALITY NOTICE: The information contained within this document is considered sensitive, controlled, and classified information pursuant to Horizons Code Article 7, §22a: "All information contained within communications, logs, or other visible information to other viewers is considered the sole property of Horizon LTD. and is not to be utilized outside of the addressee (Horizons Personnel) and addressed (receiver). Any other individual utilizing this information for other than it's intended receiver will be considered in violation of this Article and met with legal action."

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RE: TO: Orbital Spa and Cruise - Helix - 10-29-2024

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[Image: fXI4Jzj.png]

Jax Burton
RE: Maintenance/Overhaul Request

Sorry for the quick back-to-back messages Ms. Stephanie but there has been some developments within Horizons LTD. that have changed our plans moving forward. Due to the Solitude's dated frame and engines, we have elected to allow the ship to fade into a graceful retirement at Planet Denver where it will serve as the Horizons LTD. headquarters.

Our newly elected board of directors has elected to allocate our finances elsewhere rather than be sentimental over a dated ship which started our rise in the Travel industry. The ship will not be stripped for parts however, and will be used for our offices within the Colorado system moving forward. There, it will not have a need to over-exert it's dated engines on long travel routes between the houses. However, I personally am requesting we move forward with the discussed review of the engines and subsystems by your technicians so that I can present the findings to the board to see what repairs are necessary to operate the old girl as a headquarters.

In the Solitudes place, we have christened the Serendipitous Odyssey. A newly built Regent Luxury Yacht, it will replace her travel routes with ease and with a higher state of luxury to boot.

We look forward to your response. Thank you and sorry again for the duplicate communications.

[Image: oTcVJMc.png]
President and CEO
Horizons LTD.

CONFIDENTALITY NOTICE: The information contained within this document is considered sensitive, controlled, and classified information pursuant to Horizons Code Article 7, §22a: "All information contained within communications, logs, or other visible information to other viewers is considered the sole property of Horizon LTD. and is not to be utilized outside of the addressee (Horizons Personnel) and addressed (receiver). Any other individual utilizing this information for other than it's intended receiver will be considered in violation of this Article and met with legal action."

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RE: TO: Orbital Spa and Cruise - Lord Helmchen - 10-29-2024

[Image: 8dd2b4fbf4a94012acf0986686bcdfd6.jpg]
- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Stephanie Cross-Fleischhauer
Location: Samson Resort, Planet Curacao, System Cortez.
To: CEO, Jax Burton
Encryption: OS&C Alpha One
Subject: Liner Service

Good Day Ceo Burton

I appologice for my late reply. I had some Urgent Family Needs to attend to. but now I am back to help you. I have seen your Recent Messages and have Noticed your Decision to retire the Solitude to become a Floating Office. This is a pretty Smart Decision on your Part and we are happy that you found a way to give the old lady a Second Life and a new Use. And we also see it as Necessary to Dispatch a team of engineers to your vessel to make sure that the Reactor is Properly Running. You told us about the Prior Reactor Problems and even when the Solitude is now a Stationary Liner, it is still important to maintain a Stable Reactor Unit. I am sure that we can make the necessary Repairs and Modifications In Orbit and might be able to Prevent the use of a Drydock in this Situation. But I can tell you more once our Team Reaches the Solitude and Starts with the Inspection.

We can also offer you our Help in the Internal Redesign as orbital Interior Designers are some of the best and can do Wonders for the Looks and Feel of a Ship. I mean you will now need Office Space instead of Passenger Cabins. And I am sure that you want to Impress Potential Customers with the Beauty of your Headquarters and dont want to lead them trough the Hallways of an Old Liner. If you wish then I can Dispatch a Team of Designers alongside the engineers and we can do both Jobs at the same time.

As for your Purchase of a Regent Class Yacht, I want to tell you my congratulations. These Ships are a Marvel of Shipbuilding and are built as a Joint Venture between DSE and OS&C. If you wish then we can offer you some Crew Training for the Members of the Serendipitous Odyssey to make sure that the ship is Run efficiently and Optimaly. Orbital itself operates around a couple of Dozens of these Yachts for everything from Medium Range Passenger Transport to VIP Charter Flights. Our Crews and Technicians are some of the best in the Industry when it comes to these kinds of vessels.

Safe Skys,
Stephanie Cross-Fleischhauer
First Officer, Red Velvet Club

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]