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AZN - What's in the Box? - Rediscovered Navy Equipment at Freeport - Printable Version

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AZN - What's in the Box? - Rediscovered Navy Equipment at Freeport - Solo Wing Sagume - 10-15-2024

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What's in the Box? - Rediscovered Navy Equipment at Freeport
FREEPORT 6 - In a surprising turn of events, agents of the Liberty Security Force had to lock down the recently established auction office that opened its doors on Freeport 6. Confiscating what was found to be a plethora of Liberty Navy equipment stored inside old containers, mounted on transport ships which would be used as decoys for an illegally held auction.

Under interrogation, suspects explained that the recovered Navy equipment had been discovered by scavengers deep in the Tau Border Worlds and tried to sell it off to the underworld for a small fortune. Sweeping through the contents of those containers indicate the equipment to originate from the Des Moines - A Libertonian Battlecruiser recently reactivated after the conclusion of a series of investigations revolving around defectors from the Republic that had been believed to have disappeared into the Independent Worlds four years ago.

The recovered gear include state-of-the-art defense systems including recent fighter models and weaponry and are currently under preparation to be shipped back to Liberty to be cataloged. Still, with no trace of the defectors to be found, many aboard are puzzled by the provenance of the goods and who may have purchased them.

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