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Catbert - Printable Version

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Catbert - Sombs - 10-22-2024

Happy Birthday, smol cat! Hope you're doing well and come back soon!

[Image: birthday-surprised.gif]

May you celebrate in the most extravagant ways while pooper-scooting on the carpet!

RE: Catbert - Moonwalker - 10-22-2024

Happy Birthday ! Cool

RE: Catbert - Catbert - 10-23-2024

Thank you!

Word of this thread has reached me, even though I haven't lurked the forums for a while. I'm doing relatively well; mostly preoccupied with stuff for the moment. Guess I've been getting my RP fix elsewhere—be it gaming, occasional writing, or involving myself in a couple of TTRPG campaigns on Roll20. One is traditional DnD with me as a player; the other uses Fate Core in a homebrew universe with me as a DM. Come to think of it, Fate Core could easily support a campaign in Freelancer universe. It wouldn't even require too much prep work, and could be easy to DM for anyone who knows the lore well enough... Heh, maybe something to think about for when I'm done with the current projects.

I'll admit, the urge to come back to Disco does return every half a year or so. And although it is a fickle thing—and not always acted upon—every foray into the Sirius Sector brought good memories and new friends. Alas, with some of them I lost touch, and some are no longer with us. But it is great that almost 15 years after I first came here, this place is still alive and kicking, through the efforts of the devs, admins, and community. Pretty good for a 21-year-old game. :-)

No promises on making a character and flying again, but I'll try to check back more often. And thank you again for setting up the thread or dropping by, even though I haven't been active for... about 3 years or so. I really appreciate it. <3