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To: Megiddo - Printable Version

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To: Megiddo - Caliban - 10-28-2024

[Image: dULGn9q.png]
[Image: iQ8pBvY.png]

...dataCache:processes:legacy - CR_CL
...26xY, cortexchipscan...
...-> active...
...running.ampOSv0.3.2(Alpha) (WARNING: />compat.error_225129931cc:a55s9)
...optional.arguments:~setcom.private; ~remov.geoloc; ~rndm.ip.set-TRUE; ~set.backdoor-; ~legacybootinit:Aut_'AMPERE'

6jDNBAYKqw[Image: IEhG6LJ.png?2]RRZbRoPp0e

I offered you a deal everyone can benefit from. Well, I wanted to until the Eidolon Wraith showed up anyway. You get something to feed your curiosity, and I get something in turn that helps me clear things up. And credits, of course.

I can share with you what happened during a less-than-pleasant set of events between myself, Lazurith, Gestalt, Revenant and an ominous Nomad Warform. Ah, and the brave technocrat who cared so much about Laz' that he contacted me about this. Wisp didn't deserve that fate, but it is what it is. I was more ehm...unhinged back then - a little bit of forewarning, nothing more.

That will cost you 2.000.000 Credits. Consider that my incentive to part with this bit, because honestly I've got nothing else I can possibly want from you. An official cease of hostility between your kind and myself is nigh impossible and I've got little faith you'll return a favor like this one in the shape of fancy tech I've no real use for.

So what say you, oh aggregate mine?

RE: To: Megiddo - Weapon - 11-01-2024

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: AUX-LM0-333 'Megiddo'

Your biological and artificial self are willing to part with this information for proverbial pennies, so you will have to forgive our artificial selves if your altruism registers as suspect. We would have almost preferred you request that we spy upon our benefactors, part with a warship, or lay down our arms against Moretti and Knight.

What we seek to convey is that you've devalued your own intelligence. We will have to weigh this accordingly in moving forward.

None the less, my artificial self will have the money routed to you within 1-2 business days once you've made it clear where to wire it.

[Image: uczvtq.png]
Non Omnis Moriar
Libera Te Ex Infernis

...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: To: Megiddo - Caliban - 11-01-2024

[Image: dULGn9q.png]
[Image: iQ8pBvY.png]

...dataCache:processes:legacy - CR_CL
...26xY, cortexchipscan...
...-> active...
...running.ampOSv0.3.2(Alpha) (WARNING: />compat.error_225129931cc:a55s9)
...optional.arguments:~setcom.private; ~remov.geoloc; ~rndm.ip.set-TRUE; ~set.backdoor-; ~legacybootinit:Aut_'AMPERE'

6jDNBAYKqw[Image: IEhG6LJ.png?2]RRZbRoPp0e

[Laughter garbled in static comes out of Caliban's voicebox.]

You want me to ask for more? Don't threaten me with a good time, Megiddo. I'd gladly raise the price, but I see no benefit in it. If you really are oblivious to the things that happen behind your back, then you deserve to know. I like to believe that compared to the Technocracy, I am much more open minded and with far fewer 'schemes' that involve doing things behind the backs of those that trust my craft. Live and let live.

Either way. As I said before: your technology isn't worth much on the market or in my hands and spying on your patrons will get you in trouble. Right - and the bit about Damien and Knight? First things first you misunderstand my position in your conflict with the Xenos. Secondly? I don't even know this 'Victoria Knight' whose name you curse to hell and back. She doesn't know me much either, and I'm quite contempt with that. It's not like we have anything in common to begin with.

Send the credits to one of my peers: Seidr. And if this data satisfies your needs, then you may buy the next one. I think it has Revenant admitting to the very thing I told you of during our discussion - her own words too. I'll need some time for that one, though.

RE: To: Megiddo - Weapon - 11-18-2024

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: AUX-LM0-333 'Megiddo'

It took our artificial selves longer than expected to wire the money untraceably, and we encountered a routing error which just now came to our attention. The money should have found its way to your associate. If your biological and artificial self would please confirm receipt, we would be appreciative.

[Image: uczvtq.png]
Non Omnis Moriar
Libera Te Ex Infernis

...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: To: Megiddo - Caliban - 12-03-2024

[Image: PMMv1R5.png]
[Image: iQ8pBvY.png]

...dataCache:processes:legacy - AM_P1
...26xY, cortexchipscan...
...-> active...
...running.ampOSv0.4.1(BETA) (WARNING: />techcompat.error:unsupported_hardware>ERR_ID#22591244)
...optional.arguments:~setcom.private; ~remov.geoloc; ~rndm.ip.set-TRUE; ~set.backdoor-; ~legacybootinit:Aut_'AMPERE'

6jDNBAYKqw[Image: IEhG6LJ.png?2]RRZbRoPp0e

Yeah, credits were wired some time ago. I never got to send you the data thanks to less than fortunate events on my end. You can have it now, since I'm partially back "online". If it helps your moral compass with anything and want to know more, I can always try and dig a bit further.

I've attached the blackbox data to this transmission. Here's a tip, too: 'Subject A' is Lazurith.