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To: Hans von Goeben - Printable Version

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To: Hans von Goeben - Kusari Uchugun - 10-30-2024

[Image: bM9dE4l.png]

Transmission received
Code recognised as NT-NOH-Redir-NT-DcO-San-3

Recipient:Doctor Hans von Goeben
Sender: K.N.I

Subject: The Incident

[Image: D0NBZDc.png]

Doctor Hans von Goeben, employee of Med Forces Enterprises.

Following the events occurring between you and Captain Seito Taira of the IKN-Yugiri around 21:00 Sirian Standard Time on the 29.10.834, in representation of the Imperial Shogunate and in accordance with the Imperial Stellar Codex of Kusari, a verdict has been spoken.

Doctor Hans von Goeben, native of House Rheinland, has been found guilty of military espionage. The explanation provided by the subject was deemed untrustworthy. Whilst the Order is known for hostilities against outsiders, it is doubtful that an employee of Med Forces Enterprises - an organization notoriously aiming to provide medical services regardless of diplomatic landscapes - would be met with a small armada giving them chase and seeking their annihilation. Further, the dubious circumstances of the subjects arrival to the location they were found at by the IKN-Yugiri could not be verified. In citation of our own units, it is deemed incredibly unlikely that the subject "stumbled upon" the anomaly as they have described towards Captain Taira.

Doctor Hans von Goeben, however, will not face the punishment as laid out by our Stellar Codex: Either life-long imprisonment or capital punishment. Following Captain Taira's description, any and all data has been wiped in the destruction of the "Corvo"-class vessel operated by the subject. Further, through measures taken by Captain Taira, it was ensured that the subject would remain unaware of their surroundings and the route undertaken by the IKN-Yugiri.
The subject named alleged ties to the Imperial Diet, which were verified. It could not be verified whether the subjects contact within the Imperial Diet instructed him to appear at the location. However, in light of her involvement with the Imperial Diet and subsequent knowledge of Naval operations, any charges against her have been dropped as it was deemed nonsensical that she would utilize an old contact for this purpose.

Doctor Hans von Goeben, further provided valuable insights on the situation within the far Omicrons whilst being transported to Planet New Tokyo aboard the IKN-Yugiri. To his extraordinary luck, this piqued our interest.

Instead of facing commonplace punishment, Doctor Hans von Goeben will be hereby put on permanent probation and surveillance. Any further misconduct within and beyond the Empire we learn of, will revoke the temporary arrangement offered below and grant validity to a pending warrant with subsequent life-long imprisonment.

Doctor Hans von Goeben, upon agreeing to these terms, will provide Goryō of the Kusari Naval Intelligence with information and data on a request basis. This arrangement shall include data/information flow regarding patients, the situation of medical facilities frequented by Med Forces Enterprise as well as the subjects ties to other people of interest.

Further, I was informed that your vessel was in possession of cloaking technology. Its usage within Kusari space is prohibited without special arrangements. Should your newly acquisitioned vessel possess similar capabilities, inform me at once and I will arrange your safety on this topic for as long as you honor our arrangement.

In service of Kusari,


RE: To: Hans von Goeben - Hans von Goeben - 11-01-2024

*Incoming transmission*
*Source: Corvo-Type Explorer "Unsinkable 2"*
*Sender ID: Hans von Goeben*
*Location: Omicron Delta*
*Encryption: Reciprocated KNI code*
*Type: Text message*
*Topic: Reply to "The Incident"*

To Goryo.

Having received your message over a secured channel during the unplanned stay at the Starport on New Tokyo, I hereby send you my response to this here verdict from the relay of a freshly leased Corvo Explorer.

While I am fully aware of the fact that this is no business agreement or some mutual contract, but a list of full-blown demands in exchange for an alleviated punishment, I will not negogiate.

In turn, I will instead inform you of demands of my own. Should either side not come to an agreement, we both lose something. I will no longer be able to show myself in Kusari space, but would keep my general freedom. And you can easily make short work of me in case of an arrest, but would lose a prime opportunity for intel gathering.
With that in mind, allow me to explain my side of the story, since a fair hearing and trial by the /interstellar/ codex was not granted.

First off, while the unfortunate chain of events which resulted in this outcome does sound ridiculous indeed, the circumstance of immediate annihilation did not allow for details at the time of the arrest. While MedForce is indeed neutral towards practically all organisations and nations in Sirius, we are not allowed to enter certain areas without explicit permission, including Omicron Mu, as it is the base of operation of the Order. A sentiment which should very well have a familiar ring to you in this case, ironically. Hence the persuit of my vessel was ordered by the Captain of the Order Carrier after being detected. Though said Captain was the sole reason why I ended on their turf. He carelessly opened an artificial jumphole right next to Freeport Eleven while I was moored there. Its gravitational force pulled me in, shortly after the Carrier’s own jump. Fearing incarceration or worse, my first instinct was to hurry towards the nebula, close to where we re-entered space. Although losing my persuers there, it did not mean I was in the clear. Not knowing the locations of any exits, I went for the second best option and activated my own scanners, finding a gravitational anomaly mere clicks away. Since this most likely indicates a close-by natural wormhole, I took the chance and went through, hoping fort he best. Clearly seeing a giant, towering station right after the jump, I set course to it in hopes of refuge. Only to be greeted with gunfire and a lenient, yet inquisitive Captain. So, in summary, the accusation of planned military espionage is incorrect. Why would a doctor of all people do that, and what would I do with this information anyway?

Secondly, and most importantly. Do not mistake this reply as pure arrogance. I am well aware of the fact that my wrongdoing could’ve resulted in capital punishment there, and in an instant. Being grateful for the decision your Captain made, and what the Shogunate and you offered instead of the alternatives, there are two points I can not agree with, even with my life.
Under no circumstances will I undermine the unconditional confidentiality and integrity of MedForce, and my own profession as a physician. This is a matter of honor and The Oath! Relaying patient data, spying on my clients and backstabbing the hand who offered me employment in my darkest hours is off the table, period. For the very same reason, surveillance outside your zone of authority, namely Kusari, will not be accepted as well.

What I would agree on is to be your eyes and ears everywhere else you require, but not in the aforementioned cases. I would agree on being under watch while residing in Kusari space and the adjacent systems. Also, I would accept the consequences for another offense.
After all, as you stated yourself, all flight data and records were purged with the destruction of the previous vessel. Your precious system, whatever may be going on there, is as much of a mystery to me as when I first entered it. As your Captain testified, on our way back to New Tokyo, I also did not witness anything about the route back. And I already showed my willingness for cooperation by speaking about the situation on Eleven.

In the end, I am also open for new, or different demands, as long as those will not violate the terms I set in this here message. I do hope we will be able to sort things out, or both live with the consequences.

Best regards,
Hans von Goeben.

PS: Should there be a future for me in Kusari, I’d take the offer for the cloak tech permit within your borders. It is a vital part of technology in the more unsavory parts of Sirius, after all.

*End of message*
*Transmission terminated*

RE: To: Hans von Goeben - Kusari Uchugun - 11-02-2024

[Image: bM9dE4l.png]

Transmission received
Code recognised as NT-NOH-Redir-NT-DcO-San-3

Recipient:Doctor Hans von Goeben
Sender: K.N.I

Subject: RE: The Incident

[Image: D0NBZDc.png]

Doctor Hans von Goeben.

Consider me impressed. From everything I could gather about your person, I would have expected a passive yet begrudged acceptance of the circumstances from you. But surely not a show off of some fangs and decent reasoning. You are starting to be even more interesting than before and I will honor this interest with a brief act of transparency: Your verdict was written by me as authorized representative of the Imperial Shogun, in absentee of the accused. I will refrain from handing in our side of the facts to any court for the duration of our deal. Should you refuse a final attempt of reaching a deal or otherwise prove incompetent to deliver, I will reserve the right to hand in all material to the relevant institutions. For as long as the deal is honored, only you, Captain Seito and me will be aware of this incident.

If you had bowed to the repressive deal offered, you would have disappointed me but I would not have complained. You are wise enough to know when to keep your lips sealed and when to open them. A talent strangely rare these days. I will alter the deal accordingly. An oath bound Doctor breaking his oath is too close to the alternative of death after all, right?

For the purpose of our arrangement, Doctor Hans von Goeben will:
  • Disclose the details of his relationship to 'Sanae Miyasu' and reveal what he can remember regarding her past.

  • Utilize his neutrality as a Doctor to inform us about size and intensity of skirmishes in regions across Sirius, upon request. You will be forwarded a detailed area of interest list at a later time.

  • Forward any sightings of Order vessels outside of the Omicron cluster to us.

  • Accept that my assets will keep an eye out for him wherever and whenever it is deemed necessary. They will be discreet and not interfere with your occupation as Doctor. We usually have better things to do than to stalk a Doctor, but just in case.

  • Further accept that any actions, which could be interpreted as violation of Kusari's Interstellar Codex will result in the deal being terminated and a warrant issued.

In service of Kusari,


RE: To: Hans von Goeben - Hans von Goeben - 11-10-2024

*Incoming transmission*
*Source: Corvo-Type Explorer "Unsinkable 2"*
*Sender ID: Hans von Goeben*
*Location: Omicron Theta, The Academy*
*Encryption: Reciprocated KNI code*
*Type: Text message*
*Topic: Reply to "The Incident"*

To Goryo.

The content of your reply not only took my by surprise, but is amply more agreeable as well. As an experienced statesman, going for an advantageous diplomatic deal is part and parcel of your position, after all. In turn, showing such leniency towards the set terms and the nature of my trade is indeed generous.

That being said, I agree to the new terms and conditions you've presented here. With the last message, the contact information and encryption of my new vessel were most likely relayed to your organisation, for the mentioned future communication.

Although reaching a satisfactory agreement for both sides in the "Incident" matter, I would like to negogiate a secondary deal in relation to it, consisting of two parts.

Firstly, the mentioned permission for using cloaks within Kusari. Not only my personal ship does have this vital technology installed, but the majority of the MedForce fleet as well. As already stated, such measures are important to staff and equipment safety when operating outside House Space. Therefore, an extension of this permission to the enterity of MedForce Enterprises would be extremely welcome.

Secondly, despite the rough initial circumstances of this situation, a mutually benefitial deal was struck. These benefits could be further fostered by a license for commodities which are sanctioned as contraband within Kusari space. As a law-abiding humanitarian organisation, MedForce would only consider relevant medical and civilian items for such an exception. With such an allowance, MedForce would be able to prosper further. And Kusari will have an additional medical supplier for even the most remote of stations, as well as readily available assistance in humanitarian emergencies, should it be desired so.

While I do not wish to test your shown goodwill with these two suggestions, I deemed them worthy of consideration while this talk is still ongoing. Should you find them not agreeable, or would like to keep the cloaking device permit limited to my ship, I would wholly understand and accept such a decision.

With best regards,

Hans von Goeben

*End of message*
*Transmission terminated*

RE: To: Hans von Goeben - Kusari Uchugun - 11-11-2024

[Image: bM9dE4l.png]

Transmission received
Code recognised as NT-NOH-Redir-NT-DcO-San-3029

Recipient:Doctor Hans von Goeben
Sender: K.N.I

Subject: A deal forged

[Image: D0NBZDc.png]

Doctor Hans von Goeben.

You are a wise man to accept this offer. I must congratulate you on the new vessel and its given name, a most ironic but fitting one. May it stay true to its name, right?

I will arrange for your vessel to be granted cloaking device usage privileges at once. I will not extend this to Med Force Enterprises. Do not strain our initial working relations with requests, which you should ask for after more than a handful of meaningful reports at the earliest. Further, should Med Force Enterprises require extraordinary broad-scale licenses for contraband goods, they are to request them like everyone else. I might be influential but I am no magician, Doctor.

Please be informed that I await a summary on the initial term of the deal. In addition, please be aware that our first area of interest will be Bretonia, including the Omega-3 system and the Independent Worlds connecting them with House Liberty.

In service of Kusari,


RE: To: Hans von Goeben - Hans von Goeben - 11-12-2024

*Incoming transmission*
*Source: Corvo-Type Explorer "Unsinkable 2"*
*Sender ID: Hans von Goeben*
*Location: Omega 3, Freeport One*
*Encryption: Reciprocated KNI code*
*Type: Text message*
*Topic: Reply to "The Incident"*

To Goryo.

As stated, I understand your decision in regard to the cloaking and contraband permit for MedForce. My sincerest apologies for this crude attempt at the art of diplomatic dealing. Thank you for the cloaking permit for the Unsinkable II, nonetheless.

So, Bretonia it will be.

Omega Three should be easy enough to frequently siphon information from, due to the MedForce Hospital located in this system. Any major fights or sightings of fleets are registered by the station via standard communication surveillance, which my security level has access to. Or by a sudden influx of wounded combatants which require quick treatment, which I will be alerted to.
Cortez, an independent system, will also be rather uncomplicated to observe, either directly or by proxy. The administration on Curacao is known for hiring all sorts of organisations as a means to an end, including MedForce for medical supplies and services. Also, who doesn't like a trip to this place every now and then…
Magellan, on the other hand, will be a tougher nut to crack. With only one central station and a few outlaw ones, some alternative approaches might be necessary to obtain information, apart from personal patrolling. Alternatives I am willing to apply, in that case. Only an attempt will show if such methods will be of use.

Either way, I will make arrangements to relocate my primary area of operation to these systems in order to collect intel within the near future.

Now, on the matter of Sanae Miyasu, or rather Her Imperial Excellency. I have to admit, requesting information about her person of someone who calls her a friend from simpler times, is an obvious demand. We have met numerous times during our spacefaring and freelancing days in Liberty, as well as beyond its borders. Had talks, laughs and occasional drinks together, even met people who were soon mutual friends as well. Or even something more, in her case...But, if my assumptions are correct here, I can’t offer any skeletons in Sanae's closet. You have to be more specific about the kind of information you’re looking for, or otherwise take my word that we were just pals whose connection had slowly worn away over the years, before she ascended to her current position. With the exception of one or two haphazardly sightings in Kusari over the years, that is.

So, in conclusion, let me know if further details in both topics are wanted or required.

Sincerely, and as of late in the service of Kusari,

Hans von Goeben

*End of message*
*Transmission terminated*