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To: Edgeworlds Syndicate - Printable Version

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To: Edgeworlds Syndicate - Heuschrecke - 11-10-2024

Outbound Transmission
Location: Seward Station, Omicron Delta
Encryption Level: High
Sender: Frederick Schmidt
Recipient: Edgeworlds Syndicate

Greetings, Junkers.

For awhile, your presence around our humble home was noted, and our options were pondered. By the time we decided to send ships out to you, to offer you a bargain, it was as though you all disappeared without a trace. This communications line should be homed in on one of your beacons, but you people seem to be quite slippery.

There’s an offer for you, potentially. If we hear back from you, and you share interest, then this offer can be laid out in full. Until then, we await to hear back from you.


RE: To: Edgeworlds Syndicate - Creutzfeuer - 11-17-2024

[Image: Jameson-Benrath-Helmholtz.png]
[Image: dQZ8iew.png]


Mist'r Schmidt,

we har gott'n yar invite fa talks.
And tru' is, our bus'ness fen leads far an' wide across tha colonies.
Yet we fen 'round tha system onna reg'lar sched'le.

Tha For'man fen told me ta look inta yar prop'sition.
Yar mayhaps fen lay it out fa me, I'fen the judge of it's potential fa bus'ness.

And when yar onit, the lay'n-out, fen so kind as ta disclose who ex'ctly yar fen, group'a freemen, Zon'r skipp'rs or an corp'ration?
Yar name sounds Rhein'ic, wha fen bro'ght yar out 'ere intha f'rst place?

Jameson Benrath Helmholtz
Deputy Foreman
Edgeworlds Syndicate

RE: To: Edgeworlds Syndicate - Heuschrecke - 11-27-2024

Outbound Transmission
Location: Seward Station, Omicron Delta
Encryption Level: High
Sender: Frederick Schmidt
Recipient: Edgeworlds Syndicate

Greetings, Deputy Foreman.

Our origins are that of simply people who sought a home in the far reaches. Our number are few, and those we call friend even fewer. This can be different between us. We can be friends.

You looked as though you wanted a home for yourselves. A place to live and thrive in the ways you know best. This station has several modules that suit a Junker way of life. Salvage and scrap can be refined from operations in and around the Omicrons. Our price is Thirteen Percent of any and all sourced materials. Your efficiency and effectiveness in the salvage department I have no doubt will cover this, with the added bonus of living spaces for you and your people.

Sounds fair, doesn’t it?


RE: To: Edgeworlds Syndicate - Creutzfeuer - 12-03-2024

[Image: Jameson-Benrath-Helmholtz.png]
[Image: dQZ8iew.png]


Mist'r Schmidt fra far outt're,

yar nah mak'n a darn lotta sens' ta me.
Sounds as som' Zon'r outcast - if tha' fen even poss'ble.

We har fenne som' look'n round tha system an its neighb'rs, hence we fen in tha know 'bout tha resourc's in tha region.
Wha yar think why we pick'd tha' part'cul'r system intha first place?
So yar off'ring som'thing in return fa 13%, wha som'thing?
How much m³ we fen talk'n 'bout an wha fac'lties ontha station?
If ther' fen suffic'nt of eitha of tha', I fen agree: Yar off'r sounds fair, if tha' fen nah hook att'ched ta it.

Tell ya wha' - ben'fit ofta doubt.
We fen s'nd tha "
Excuse" ov'r ta wher' yar wanta meet wit' us.
It fen 'nough alone ta fen show our ser'ous int'nt ta cond'ct an negot'ation.

Jameson Benrath Helmholtz
Deputy Foreman
Edgeworlds Syndicate

RE: To: Edgeworlds Syndicate - Heuschrecke - 12-17-2024

Outbound Transmission
Location: Seward Station, Omicron Delta
Encryption Level: High
Sender: Frederick Schmidt
Recipient: Edgeworlds Syndicate

Good day, Deputy Foreman.

It seems that either the Neural Net has delayed this message, or we were ill informed of receiving such a notice from you. Not to worry, let us get straight to business.

While we are currently having our attention focused elsewhere, we aim to arrange a meeting between you and our base’s docking clearance manager. He is already aware of this channel, and will be able to discuss terms and access with you in greater detail. To whet your appetite, the station facilities available consist of salvage reclamation, scrap refining and hydroponics bays. Stocks are currently maintained by limited-availability salvage workers, but I am sure that isn’t of interest to you, is it?

In the meantime, temporary access has been cleared for your vessels. Consider it an opportunity to get a taste of what we are offering to you.
