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TO: The Brotherhood - Printable Version

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TO: The Brotherhood - The Omega Mirror - 11-20-2024

  • User ID: Kris Jenkins
  • Target ID: The Brotherhood
  • Subject: Permit Request

Greetings to the esteemed Brotherhood of the Corsair Empire

I am Kris Jenkins a reporter employed by the Omega Mirror. I would like to request a permit to be present during the Día de los Muertos fade to record it for the news agency that employs me. The pilots of the vessels named La.Chancla[TBH] and Luna[TBH] have been so kind to inform me to request permission to be present in Omicron Gamma during the fiesta. I wouldn't dream of being rude to the host of such a grand event to show up uninvited so this comm has been written. Additionally I have promised to provide all materials and drafts of the article for your inspection to insure that the Imperio casts it's true reflection on the sector.

Kris Jenkins

RE: TO: The Brotherhood - Elvinos2003 - 11-21-2024

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[Image: fpDwuXt.png]

Sender: Nina ''Crimson Queen'' Rodriguez

Recipient: Senor Kris Jenkins

Subject: Permit Request


Senor Kris Jenkins, consider me impressed to receive this from an outsider. I am afraid I was not notified about this before today.

I prefer to be certain than sorry, but I'd like to hear more about the 'Omega Mirror' which I know nothing. Satisfy my request and I'll see.

Elder Nina Rodriguez

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