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Admin Notice, player sanctioned - Printable Version

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Admin Notice, player sanctioned - Fellow Hoodlum - 05-16-2009

RM|-=Megavolt(rus)=- has been sanctioned for:

Quote:5.6 If a player engages cruise engine or docks during a PvP fight, this player is considered fleeing. The
fleeing player must leave and may not re-enter the system where the fight took place with any of the
characters on his/her account(s) while the enemy (player or players involved in the fight) remain in the
system, for four hours.
This includes the use of cruise engines to catch up with those capable of thrusting at higher speed.
However, the fleeing player can re-engage at will if chased.
Quote:6.20 Attacking traders or demanding cargo is not allowed for cruisers and battleships, unless cruisers and
battleship belong to Terrorist ID or Phantom ID owner.
Cruising to catch up during the [LN]-[RM] scheduled battle slot, and attacking a trade vessel in front of me
while I was actually mediating the furball.

Fined all credits and guns. Sanction notes are in your hold.

The ship has now been renamed, as it really doesn't fit with our naming convention. Placing country tags
in there is usually a prelude to the excuse of not speaking, or understanding English. It has no place on a
roleplay server. The unnecessary symbols have also evaporated.


Admin link

Admin Notice, player sanctioned - MeGaVolt(rus) - 05-17-2009

1 Cruiser was used to approach to the battleship Liberty before it was destroyed
2 anywhere on the forum I have not seen the names of the rules (especially in this day, I went to the curator of the Russian players Evtlin and no claims to the name he did not have)
3, I was unaware that he is the mediator, because I believe that during the battle, all players are red-enemies-except the admin, or an inscription in the Nicene-observer
4 use (Russian) believe it is possible and not prohibited by the rules
5 I agree to the fine-but 1000.000.000 cr think too much the amount of penalty is not relevant misconduct

Admin Notice, player sanctioned - Guest - 05-17-2009

Да ладно тебе. Пересмотри закони сервера и просто не допусти ошибки.

тебя не надо било использовать крейсер для атаки традера.

EDIT: Неиспользовый транслатор, просто скажи мне и я пере виду

EDIT2: Так же запрещёно в игре и форуме использовать другой язык. Только Английски

Admin Notice, player sanctioned - Laowai - 05-17-2009

Allowing Sindroms a bit of leeway here as he has helped out with Russian players in the past - anyone else who is not directly related to the sanction do not post here. Thankyou.

Admin Notice, player sanctioned - Guest - 05-17-2009

Quote:Да ладно тебе. Пересмотри закони сервера и просто не допусти ошибки.

тебя не надо било использовать крейсер для атаки традера.

EDIT: Неиспользовый транслатор, просто скажи мне и я пере виду

EDIT2: Так же запрещёно в игре и форуме использовать другой язык. Только Английски

Don't worry. Just read over the rules once more not to make mistakes like that.

The thing is you attacked a transport in a cruiser.

EDIT: Don't use that translator, just Type it out here and I will translate.

EDIT2: It's also forbidden to use non English text on the forum or in game.

Admin Notice, player sanctioned - Fellow Hoodlum - 05-17-2009

No other languages on the forums now, apart from English please, same as the server. That is the way it is,
and how it is going to stay. If you cannot understand, or communicate in English, there are always going to
be problems. We cannot make an exception for anyone, it is unfair on all the other players.


Admin Notice, player sanctioned - MeGaVolt(rus) - 05-17-2009

at the forum and in the game using English forum #

in game PROMPT.
on the rules I am not obliged to answer in the game. I think you should reconsider the amount of penalty adequately violations. weapons were izyato in the amount of the purchase of more than 100,000,000 Kp

Admin Notice, player sanctioned - Fellow Hoodlum - 05-17-2009

' Wrote:<<< I am not obliged to answer in the game. >>>
You most definately are obliged, that is the point of roleplay. If you can't, or are not prepared to, then
you should not be on the server. It spoils it for everyone else ...


If you change the name of the ship back again, it will be moved to Bastille. That is a warning you will
take seriously.

Admin Notice, player sanctioned - MeGaVolt(rus) - 05-18-2009

warning ! 1.3 1.5 . 3.6 Names of new characters should be set up with role-playing nature of our server in mind. This means that:

- Names with swear words and offence in any language will result in instant character deletion;
- Names with excessive use of random symbols, capital letters, numbers, symbols, leet speak, emoticons should not be used.
with how long (in Russian) is offensive or abusive???? I am under the name of the server is already 5 months!
do not cover the topic in the flood! This offends you connected!

Admin Notice, player sanctioned - Guest - 05-18-2009

Tam i napisono, sto imet tag kak ime storoni toze zapreseno, na primer (Lv, Rus, Ger, Lt, Eu).
Tebe nelza bilo cruiz brat, stob dognat svoj protivnik, esle on na Tab litel.
Tak ze nelza atakavat traderov na karable kak kreiser i vise.
Tot fakt, sto ti smenel ime obratno toze nepomogojet.
Eto fso napisono v zakoni servera, tak ze imej v vidu, so eto server roli. tipa teatr.

(pda doesent have kirillic, so im using russian mirc speek instead)

Eng: It's also said in the rules, that bearing country tags in your char name is forbidded.
The reason, is that you cruised after someone, who was using Tab to fly away from you.
It's also forbidded to attack traders in a cruiser or up.
The fact, that you changed your name back doesen't help either.
It is all covered in the server rules, which you must follow, taking in mind, that this is a role playing server, as in, a theatre of sorts.

Edit: Issue is being delt with via PMs now