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[Infocards/Systems] Agde's infocard is wrong and bad - Printable Version

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[Infocards/Systems] Agde's infocard is wrong and bad - Petitioner - 11-29-2024

Type: Infocards/Systems
Bug: Agde's infocard says it's cold, but it doesn't look very cold. Also, it says it has a ring system, but it doesn't have a ring system. Also, it says the rings are composed of asteroid impact debris, but there aren't a lot of asteroids in Languedoc. It would be kinda cool if Agde had a ring of debris impact debris, or maybe just regular debris. A debring, if you will?

Reproduction Steps:
Additional Information: je report le bug

Do not repeat this template for unrelated bugs, each needs their own thread.

RE: [Infocards/Systems] Agde's infocard is wrong and bad - Antonio - 12-02-2024

Fixed awaiting release.