To: Bretonia Mining & Manufacturing | From: Vicarro Medical Group - Kathryn Brandt - 01-04-2025
From: Dr. Lucia Tremblay Vicarro, Vicarro Medical Group
To: Bretonia Mining & Fabrication - Customer Inquiries
Topic: Shipbuilding Contract - BUSTARD Pattern
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To whom it may concern at Bretonia Mining & Manufacturing,
My name is Dr. Vicarro, and I represent a Zoner association of General Practitioners and Independent Researchers operating primarily out of the Omicron and Omega sectors. As I'm sure you're aware, conflict has been on the rise in the Border Systems as of late. The growing requirement for comprehensive medical treatment and affordable pharmaceuticals outside of House space has highlighted many issues to our firm, in particular the unreliability and unavailability of existing medical facilities and equipment.
As such, Vicarro Medical Group is looking to commission a large dedicated Medical Facility to support our growing operational requirements in the Border Worlds. It has come to my attention that the BUSTARD Carrier Pattern has been authorized for production by your firm, and I'm very interested in discussing your current shipbuilding capabilities.
Please be advised that while the exterior hull and superstructure would most likely not require a departure from the standard Bustard pattern, the internal compartmental layout would certainly require a complete overhaul. Specific requirements for fitted systems can be securely transferred to your firm upon request.
I look forward to future correspondence with your firm.
Dr. Lucia Vicarro | Lead Research Director | Vicarro Medical Group