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Silent Night - Printable Version

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Silent Night - Tic - 05-18-2009

Well in the new mod i found my favorit ship to be IMG bomber, for it looks, stats and the fact that it has two cockpits, which is perfect for my Leo and Aeris characters. I've been playing around wit the model a bit to make a ship that would be customized IMG bomber Leo and Aeris would make out of regular IMG bomber.

Here are some pics so i can get a few opinions:

[Image: r2pbon.png]
[Image: 14y9x80.png]
[Image: 213qc86.png]

Changes i made:

-added 6 ribs on wings and main spoiler thingie
-added second spoiler thingie
-added torpedo tubes
-re-aranged textures
-added Silent Night lettering to the textures.

Tell me what do you think please.

And, in advance, my appologies to Doom if my modding of your model is insulting to you. PM comments.

Silent Night - CCI45-px/Probe149 - 05-18-2009

*coughs* Well, without the Silent Nightletterings it could be a "replace" for the IMG bomber as it looks really nice.

However i abstain from saying anything else.

Silent Night - darthbeck - 05-18-2009

i like it, but i want to know why you were using the server to test it, which i belive counts as "modding"

Silent Night - Tic - 05-18-2009

' Wrote:i like it, but i want to know why you were using the server to test it, which i belive counts as "modding"

Not really, only the esthetics are different, everything, and i mean everything else is exactly the same as the original model except the appearance.

Silent Night - tazuras - 05-18-2009

Looks pretty slick. To bad I will probably never see it in game.

' Wrote:i like it, but i want to know why you were using the server to test it, which i belive counts as "modding"

Technically yes, it probably does. I believe texture control is entirely client side though, so this shouldnt cause any problems.

Edit: Ninja'd again...

Silent Night - Xing - 05-18-2009

pretty nice I'd say. I am all for more unique ships.

Silent Night - tazuras - 05-18-2009

' Wrote:I am all for more unique ships.
I'd have o agree with this. Though, in order for a single player to get a unique ship, they better have a large amount of amazing RP, like mon'star. Also, yeah, just dont see it happening with Igiss wanting to keep the mod size to a minimum.

Silent Night - Tic - 05-18-2009

' Wrote:Looks pretty slick. To bad I will probably never see it in game.

If you do, it will still look like a regular IMG bomber to you.

Silent Night - darthbeck - 05-18-2009

unless your changes get put on the IMG bomber . which i would support.

Silent Night - Tic - 05-18-2009

These aren't the change i made for the IMG bomber, it's what i made to make the Silent Night unique.