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To: My gang <> From: "Gas.Gas.GAAS" - Printable Version

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To: My gang <> From: "Gas.Gas.GAAS" - Perfect Gentleman - 03-20-2025

When each of the pirates of the Independent-1 gang opened this message, they saw his face after each lost battle: abrasions, bruises, a couple of deep wounds, sealed with special bandages. He will recover quickly, quite quickly, from his look you can understand that he is very angry, and wants to call the gang together again, like in the good old days.

"So guys..." - He shakes his head, occasionally looking away from the camera to grab something medicinal, or a drink, or to take out a cigarette and light it. The view from behind suggests that he is somewhere in Tau-37: the rooms in this system have a special design, unique in all of Sirius. "Anyway, guys, the local freaks from IMG decided to show us their balls and refused to pay. Moreover, they hired some idiot freelancer, who I quickly taught some manners. It seems that they believe in themselves and refuse to make deals with us."

He took a drag on his cigarette and, holding a bottle of beer in his bandaged hand, took a couple of sips of the relaxing drink. His look says that he is not yet half-drunk, which, incidentally, can be understood from his voice. So he is not joking.

"In general, transfer your ships to Tau-37, to this Freeport. Zoners won't touch us, and if they try, the Phoenix will quickly stand up for us because of our agreements with them. From there, we jump into Tau-23 and just have a fun hunt for every bastard we meet. So that they don't do it again."

He leaned back in his chair, looking off to the side and thinking about something of his own. A short pause was interrupted by another part of his speech.

"It's time to remind the locals of the border worlds who's boss, right? Anyway, yeah, like I said earlier - I'm waiting for you all at Tau-37. There's supposedly a good bar and a whole brothel here that the local station bosses turn a blind eye to. Let's have some fun, we've all wandered off a bit, I'll be glad to see you all back in action."

At the end of this speech, all of his gang members can see him smiling. He'll be glad to see everyone back in action, and on that positive note, he reaches for the button to turn off the video feed. It seems that having fun with the Coalition in Omega 48 isn't as interesting as asserting his influence in Tau 23. However, it's a pretty good deal for everyone: a lot of people are hanging out there, and they need someone to profit from it.

RE: To: My gang <> From: "Gas.Gas.GAAS" - Burnsie - 03-20-2025


Ship ID: Eagle
Sender: Esteban Harriwa, Independent Pirate Squadron
Encryption Level: ███████


Finally got this bird back online. Thought I was gone? Not a chance. Just had to lay low, handle some business.

Been listening in. IMG? Freelancers? They got too comfortable in the Taus. Give ’em an inch, they take the whole damn sector.

I’m on my way. The Eagle’s still flying, and my guns are itching for action. When I hit Tau-37, we’re taking back what’s ours. Anyone dumb enough to stand in my way?

They’ll learn who they’re dealing with.