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[Selling] Hemlocke's Weaponry - Printable Version

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[Selling] Hemlocke's Weaponry - Hemlocke - 03-20-2025

Add Wolvenblood on discord to expedite purchases

Cap Weaponry

BCR - Energy Shell Barrage (Class 6) - (2x) - 6m each
CR - Cruiser Hybrid Mortar (Class 8) - (x2) - 1m each

Snub Weaponry

Asuras (Class 4) - (x1) - 300k each

Heimdall (Class 3) - (x8) - 300k each
Defiler (Class 3) - (x6) - 300k each
Diamondback (Class 3) - (x7) - 300k each
Taranis (Class 3) - (x6) - 400k each
Claymore (Class 3) - (x2) - 300k each
Ragnarok (Class 3) - (x2) - 350k each
Excalibur (Class 3) - (x1) - 400k
Golden Blade (Class 3) - (x1) - 300k
Thor's Hammer (Class 1) - (x2) - 350k each

Cerberus (Class 3) - (x15) - 400k each
Jade (Class 2) - (x4) - 350k each
Kintano (Class 3) - (x4) - 350k each
Medusa (Class 3) - (x1) - 450k

Phoenix (Class 3) - (x4) - 350k each
Tremor (Class 2) - (x6) - 2m each

Dulzian (Class 3) - (x8) - 450k each

Lamia (Class 3) - (x10) - 1m each

Solaris (Class 3) - (x5) - 450k each

RE: [Selling] Hemlocke's Weaponry - Chenzo- - 03-20-2025

Can I get all cap guns and all Lamia please?

Many thanks

RE: [Selling] Hemlocke's Weaponry - JorgeRyan - 03-20-2025

I'll take the cap codes. I can pay after work. (~6hours)

Edit: lmao

RE: [Selling] Hemlocke's Weaponry - Hemlocke - 03-20-2025

Well that's awkward, you posted at the same time.

Guess I gotta go with what order that shows in.

RE: [Selling] Hemlocke's Weaponry - thisDerius - 03-20-2025

Sent a PM, but looks like I missed the lamias.

Can I get all the dulzies then? I can pay when I am done with work.

RE: [Selling] Hemlocke's Weaponry - Hemlocke - 03-20-2025

Dulzies on hold for ThisDerius

RE: [Selling] Hemlocke's Weaponry - Vlaicone(Ted) - 03-21-2025

Hold those tremors for me

RE: [Selling] Hemlocke's Weaponry - Hemlocke - 03-21-2025

Tremors on hold for Ted.

RE: [Selling] Hemlocke's Weaponry - Burnsie - 03-21-2025

I would take the heimdalls gonna be around in 3-4 hours
Muchos Gracias Burnsie

RE: [Selling] Hemlocke's Weaponry - Hemlocke - 03-21-2025

Heimdalls on hold for Burnsie