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To: New Camelot, BMM, MBF, GF)SEC - Printable Version

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To: New Camelot, BMM, MBF, GF)SEC - Lionel Bourcher - 03-21-2025

[Image: c48f39c0c029d183817e4ef1e393aa00.png]

From:Lionel Bourcher
To:New Camelot, BMM, MBF, GF)SEC
Subject:You have crossed the line


I have seen a lot of things, but to help someone, only to be shot and gunned down in the back in an unfair fight by the very same people without so much of a warning? Well, I haven't seen such betrayal since the Council went against Mazagran. Here I am shooting the IMG miners that the Union welcomed to their territories, and these two bastards of yours do this?

[21.03.2025 19:01:28] [FLG]Lionel's.Jag was obliterated by GF:SEC)-Jack.O'Sullivan(53%)
[21.03.2025 19:01:28] Assisted by: GF:SEC)-Susan.Winters(25%), IMG|Tau-1(22%)

You have some explaining to do, or you have just made a new enemy.

Terminer l'émission,
Lionel Bourcher
[Image: 1709806c19387f0a8f82501542a70a63.png]

RE: To: New Camelot, BMM, MBF, GF)SEC - Levenna - 03-21-2025

Source: Jackie O'Sullivan
Destination: Lionel Bourcher
Subject: RE: docking request
Incoming transmission...
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[Image: DLi7VuI.png]

Good Day,

Thank you for contacting Galway Frontiers, Mr. Bourcher.
Your assistance was neither requested nor required, and members of my security division will not be punished for shooting a bottom-of-the-barrel Gallic leecher that appeared red on their scanners.

Have a super day!

Jackie O'Sullivan
Executive Vice President of Internal Security
Galway Frontiers

End of message

RE: To: New Camelot, BMM, MBF, GF)SEC - Vlaicone(Ted) - 03-21-2025

[Image: Jg53ENV.png]
[Image: 2rafTf1.png]
[Image: MhsD1XB.gif]

ENCRYPTION == █ █ █ █ █
RECIPIENT == Lionel Bourcher
SENDER == Mark "Maddog" Harris
LOCATION == Isle of Skye,New London
SUBJECT == Unvoluntary participation

Good day,

While we are not responsible in anyway for your participation, we are very sorry for the lose of vessel. Nobody has asked for your participation and/or implication in the fights around our base, therefore, the damaged done by our allies is in fact collateral and no action can be taken. We stand with the Galway Frontiers on this ones, but we can express our feelings for the lack of skills and self preservation

With respect, yours truly

[Image: Jg5oqve.gif]

M. Harris
Security Wing Director
Bretonia Mining & Fabrication