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New Shield System Idea - Printable Version

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New Shield System Idea - Fletcher - 05-20-2009

Ships of late are ranging from differing shapes and sizes, but what urks me at times is the complete 'universal-fix-it-all' shielding system.

Yes, shields are lovely, I'll never say no. But I wish to alter them depending on the ships tonnage or class so to speak. A battleship having the same recharge time, not rate as a light fighter is laughable to me. A battleship, yes has powerful shield technology, buts its massive for Pete's sake, it takes time to have sheilds encompass a BB class, let alone recharge after being overloaded. Sure, technology is wonderful, but we are not that clever.

As far as I know the time it takes for a shield to 'recharge', by this I mean the shields re-activating is a universal constant here. Is it what, 6 to 8 second? Someone here knows.

My proposed changes for shields are thus:
  • LF Class shields - Slightly weaker hitpoints, but faster recharge time
  • HF Class Shields - Slightly more hitpoints, slower recharge time.
  • SHF/Bomber Class Shields (lvl 8-10) - More hitpoints, slower recharge time.
  • Capital ship shields (Gunboat and higher) - Much more hitpoints, even slower recharge time.
  • Transports (Freighters, to Adv. Trains and such) - Slightly more hitpoints, but quite slow recharge time.
While I am unsure if the recharge time can be altered due to the fantastic game engine, but I hope you guys can see where I am coming from with this idea.

Capital ships are damage soaks, their shields powerful, but its time on the field is limited and harrowing when their shields drop.

Fighters, especially light fighters are well flies on a wall. They can't take much damage, but their tonnage means the shield generator can recharge at a faster pace. I'm not saying make them even harder to kill, but at times they're easy to kill with the same class of ship.


New Shield System Idea - jenya - 05-20-2009

I like the idea, that way I won't have to run in my Gladiator with barely any shields to wait for them to recharge.

New Shield System Idea - Hawkwings - 05-20-2009

Why not have different shield types? One with larger capacity and slower regen, one with lower capacity and faster regen, and one in the middle (what's there right now). Give people options, which is much better than dictating their choices.

New Shield System Idea - Fletcher - 05-20-2009

' Wrote:Why not have different shield types? One with larger capacity and slower regen, one with lower capacity and faster regen, and one in the middle (what's there right now). Give people options, which is much better than dictating their choices.
Hmm, that sounds like a smarter idea than mine, I'd support it.

New Shield System Idea - X-Lancer - 05-21-2009

if we do this..then there will be tons of things needs to rebalance

New Shield System Idea - Weedalot - 05-21-2009

yea i understand where you coming form but:(i like it how it is.

but yea i understand and if it will be changed it might be good, balance and realistic aspect of the game.

New Shield System Idea - Benjamin - 05-21-2009

For those suckers amongst us flying SHFs and freighters, freighter shields already have a pretty balanced array of high capacity/low regen, low capacity/high regen, and one in between. It's nicer than graviton/positron/persuadatron/decepticon

New Shield System Idea - Weedalot - 05-21-2009

' Wrote:For those suckers amongst us flying SHFs and freighters, freighter shields already have a pretty balanced array of high capacity/low regen, low capacity/high regen, and one in between. It's nicer than graviton/positron/persuadatron/decepticon
i didn't know there is a difference .. was sure they all Regen at same speed. i mean same class same speeds