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Pirate RP? - Xareck - 05-24-2009

Lately I've seen a large number of pirates sitting outside of bases or Jumpgates waiting for traders to come out or through..

Have Pirates just stopped pirating Trade lanes? As soon as you come out of a base or depot you're hounded by pirates, which seems very OORP to me..



Pirate RP? - deaxy - 05-24-2009

' Wrote:Lately I've seen a large number of pirates sitting outside of bases or Jumpgates waiting for traders to come out or through..

Have Pirates just stopped using Trade lanes? As soon as you come out of a base or depot you're hounded by pirates, which seems very OORP to me..



Well its actualy OORP for pirates to use trade lanes. They can pirate them, but using them from my point of view is a no-no!

It is very OORP for the to pirate close to bases, because they should get ripped to shread by the bases gunners!

I dont find the jumpholes do be a problem, just jump back!

Pirate RP? - Xareck - 05-24-2009

By 'using' tradelanes, I mean pirating them.

Pirate RP? - BaconSoda - 05-24-2009

Jump Gates are just as unprotected as lanes. If a Pirate can get there and pirate successfully, go him. Next to bases, though, unless you're a Hogosha or FA in front of a Samura Base, it's not quite believable...

Pirate RP? - hribek - 05-24-2009

' Wrote:Well its actualy OORP for pirates to use trade lanes. They can pirate them, but using them from my point of view is a no-no!

It is very OORP for the to pirate close to bases, because they should get ripped to shread by the bases gunners!

I dont find the jumpholes do be a problem, just jump back!

Tell that to the desperate NPC Rogues and Xenos trying to get away from my characters... yes, they use lanes to get away and get blown up by the next station...

Pirates can use lanes, but it's very dangerous for them to do so. even approaching a trade lane is.

Pirate RP? - sovereign - 05-24-2009

Pirates doing business outside lawful bases is fine by me, so long as they're getting shot at by them. If my little tradeship undocks from a base and finds someone trying to liberate my wallet, I will usually make mention to what might happen if he tries to fight me for it next to a heavily armed and patrolled battle station. Transports lose pitched battles out in the open, no doubt, but... this is paved ground, if a pirate wants to try his luck here he is welcome to it. Failing that, I always have the ability to turn right around and dock before I explode (unless there's a squadron of them) or employ general pirate evasion tactics with the added bonus of station firepower and NPC clusters.

As for jumpgates, they're better defended than tradelanes but otherwise fall into a similar category as bases. The pirate has the advantage of surprise, but it comes at the price of increased enemy defenses. The price is a lot lower at jumpgates, but they aren't supposed to be the best defended things in the world (usually- for exceptions, go no farther than Bretonia). For the most part they are just another part of the trade routes.

The above assumes that pirates are properly repped, and that if they aren't (or have different circumstances a la Hogosha) have flung ordinance into nearby people with intention to get them to defend their prey. Failure to do so is a rule violation and should be treated as such. But if they cover that, let 'em pirate near bases/lanes/gates/carnivals. It's their right to get themselves killed.

Oh, and in case a sizable chunk of pirates have gathered outside a base, just turn around, dock, call the local navy or police, and wait. Pirates should feel just as disenfranchised by those tactics as the traders should about pirates being there in the first place- i.e., don't complain, just deal with it.

Pirate RP? - Baltar - 05-24-2009

' Wrote:Lately I've seen a large number of pirates sitting outside of bases or Jumpgates waiting for traders to come out or through..

Have Pirates just stopped pirating Trade lanes? As soon as you come out of a base or depot you're hounded by pirates, which seems very OORP to me..


Dude ... you're on post #6? How long have you been here? You say "lately" you've noticed this stuff ... and you're just now showing your face on the forums?

Trade lanes and jump gates are not guarded ... UNLESS there's a base or battleship posted there. So if you're in Galileo about to jump to Colorado ... there's no protection of the gate. Suck it up ... pay the pirate ... move along. You might wanna also recognize that there are only 2 bases in Galileo ... and they are BOTH unlawful bases.

EDIT: Oh yeah ... and Galileo has a jump hole that takes you to the Liberty Rogue Guard system ... HELLO!!!

There is no OORP for a pirate to catch you leaving a base ... UNLESS you are leaving a lawful base and the lawful base is not hostile to him. If you are leaving a Freeport (or other neutral base) or an unlawful base ... you are fair game. If you depart Manhattan and he's dodging bullets while making demands ... no OORP there ... he's just dumb to be trying that close to a hostile base.

' Wrote:Well its actualy OORP for pirates to use trade lanes. They can pirate them, but using them from my point of view is a no-no!

It is very OORP for the to pirate close to bases, because they should get ripped to shread by the bases gunners!

I dont find the jumpholes do be a problem, just jump back!
Wrongo ... trade lanes are usable by all. There's no OORP for a pirate to hook up on one. Let's take this to another level shall we? If you're a Liberty lawful and you venture outside Liberty space ... say to Hudson. There are NO lawful bases in Hudson ... and its a neutral zone between Liberty and Rheinland. Would you (as a Liberty lawful) be OORP for using trade lanes in Hudson? After all ... isn't Liberty at war with Rheinland?

And please don't inject "in my opinion" into the rules or declarations of OORP. If its your opinion ... its NOT a rule.

It is NOT OORP for a pirate to be close to a base ... it IS OORP for him to be there and be friendly with the lawfuls. Please do not confuse the two.

' Wrote:By 'using' tradelanes, I mean pirating them.
Pirates can use them or pirate them ... freaking traders just want things to come easy to them. Lets take another look at this ... but in reverse. Isn't it OORP for a trader to use jump holes? I mean ... really ... jump holes are usually FAR from populated areas and from ... ahem ... "trade" lanes. If you're a "trader" ... shouldn't you use "trade" lanes? If you are using jump holes ... maybe you're trying to "smuggle" stuff. And for a trader to use jump holes that take them right next to unlawful bases where pirates are known to live ... *cough* Chugoku *cough*.

So ... shall we dispense with the hypocrisy? If its OORP for a pirate to "use" trade lanes ... then it is OORP for traders to "use" jump holes and to be too far from a "trade" lane.

Another thing I find hypocritical ... traders that dock on BOTH lawful and unlawful bases. Come on guys ... you cannot claim to be innocent law abiding traders when you associate with unlawfuls.

Pirate RP? - Grimly - 05-24-2009

Pirates can use lanes :

Hackers are ex-Ageira employees for most. Those one have knowledge of Lane uses and can teach it to the outcasts and this knowledge will go to all their allies. For the corsair now, what's a war without spies !
And Xenos may not be born as Xenos but Libertonians.
I never played Starlancer, but I imagine the coalition have their own spies too.
Nomads .... I don't know. Let's say they learned from the rheinlanders they infected just before the nomad war.

Pirates can pirate a jump gate :

Refer to outcasts ships at the Texas/New York jump gate and Xenos ship at the Colorado/New York jump gate.

For anything else about pirating, just know it's a giant cat and mouse game. Just don't get caught !

Pirate RP? - Bear - 05-25-2009

I think they are useing the JG now because people can see the pirates at the lanes and take a different route where as if you jump to another system then it is harder to avoid them.

Pirate RP? - Spear - 05-25-2009

I don't have a problem with pirates holding a jump hole or jump gate, in fact they can even use the trade lanes imho, as long as you are hostile to the local law then go for it.

It does make me sad to see pirates trying to do their pirating outside heavily armed lawful bases, that's OORP to me.