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New Dawn - jammi - 05-26-2009

Julio Quinetillia walked the Revolutionary Railway. It was route, a way of life, to which the Banda de Revolucionarios had dedicated themselves to travelling. They had planned to collapse one of the mine shafts that tore into Cretes surface, to bloody the wallet of the wealthy familia that owned it. They had failed a guard had spotted them as they cut the perimeter fence wire.

Five had been killed in the fire fight, leaving only Julio and two others to melt back into the hills. The other two had fled back to the slums, abandoning the cause in fear. Julio had remained in the foothills around the shaft with a satchel of explosives, waiting for an opportunity. Twelve hours later the opportunity presented itself.

Hiding on the side of the road that approached the facility, he spotted a flatbed truck approaching, carrying a load of mining machinery. He adjusted the timer for seven minutes then threw the bag onto the vehicle as it passed.

Then hed run, heading back to the slums. A short while later there was a rumbling boom and a flash of light. Julio crawled back to the brow of the slope to peer back down at the compound that was in the valley below. One of the buildings had been flattened, while several other buildings including the mining tower blazed fiercely. Julio had smiled to himself then. The Revolution would advance and Cretes obscene Council of the rich and influential would be brought to its knees.

New Dawn - jammi - 05-26-2009

After that, things had moved quickly for Julio. He had returned to the safehouse that the Revolucionarios would have retreated to once the mission had been completed. There had been a man waiting for him, a man who was swinging back on a chair with his booted feet resting on the kitchen table. Most importantly he was a man who had lazily pulled back the hammer of a revolver which was aimed at Julios chest.

Hola. I presume you are Julio Quinetilla? Julio had nodded, searching for a weapon with his peripheral vision. You should have picked better revolutionary comrades amigo. I ran into one fleeing through the streets a little earlier who blubbered about everything. I shot him for his troubles, damn coward...

And who would you be, amigo? Julio had replied slowly, staring at the intruder seated opposite him, trying to buy some time to think of something.

I am your last hope my blundering comrade. While your efforts at the Riviera mine were commendable, they lacked the finesse of training. Hence the reason the vast majority of your Revolucionarios are dead. I would not be surprised if even now the Riviera familias slaves are hunting you down, and lets face it this safehouse isnt particularly safe. He followed this statement up by casually putting a fist through one of the plastered exterior walls. He had a point.

New Dawn - jammi - 05-26-2009

I am an agent of the revolution, and you, are now a wanted man amigo. A light of comprehension dawned in Julios eyes. The Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army! Julio and his followers were mere amateurs, attempting to replicate the dreams of the Peoples Revolution over the Capitalist Pigs the SCRA had inspired in them (as they had in many of Cretes other youths) during their fiery speeches which were delivered by great and charismatic leaders. This was a true calling.

The agent holstered his weapon and leapt to his feet, momentarily startling Julio. You amigo, will be following me. You dont need to know my name and you dont need to know your destination. Just follow me and dont ask any questions, Si? Julio nodded rigorously and hurried out the door once the agent had swept past, marching away through the crowded and noisy streets of the city-slum Heraklion. Julio had turned to look back over his shoulder to see a man kick down the apartments door and another three storm in amidst a blaze of gunfire.

The agent smiled to himself for a moment, before pulling a small metal stick from his pocket, throwing it up into the air and catching it in the other hand. Then he pressed himself up against a nearby wall and pressed a button. A wall of heat rolled down the street followed by a blinding flash of light and finally the deafening roar as a boiling inferno of fire rose from the buildings remnants. Julio, along with everyone else that had been caught in the open was knocked to the ground. As the dust settled the sound of screams and the crackle of burning became apparent.

New Dawn - jammi - 05-27-2009

The agent unstuck himself from the wall and gestured for Julio to get up, before hauling him to his feet and shoving him away from the bomb site. Move boy! Weve got to reach the spaceport! Julio broke into a staggering jog, the agent coasting along next to him. Julio absently noticed him pulling out a pair of ear plugs and throwing them to the floor.

As they moved further away the press of the crowd returned. Most of the people were stationary, craning their necks at the smoke that billowed from behind a row of rickety shanty-houses. Julio and the agent pressed through them, struggling onwards to their route off-planet.

After another seven minutes they broke through to a clearing. The spaceport. Titans and other fighters squatted around the landing pads edge, with refuelling lines attached to their flanks and munitions trolleys reloading missiles and mines.

The agent grabbed Julio by the shoulder and led him away from the Titans and warships towards a small freighter. An inconspicuous looking Zoner Dromedray. Julio was ordered into the cargo bay while the agent proceeded through into the cockpit. There was a moments silence before there was a stuttering roar from the engines and the deck began to rhythmically rattle as the generators that powered the ship kicked in. There was a burst of static as the comms systems were turned on, followed by a small squawk from flight control.

Freighter Gold 9/1-4, flight clearance is denied. Space port clearance is denied to all non military vessels for the duration. Please hold until told otherwise. Julio guessed that was down to the bomb being set off. There was the distant sound of swearing from the cockpit before the agent returned back down through the cargo bay. He checked the pistol at his hip then disappeared out the door.

Three minutes later he returned then sent the freighter arcing upwards towards the cold void of space.

New Dawn - jammi - 06-02-2009

There had been a scattering of pilots orbiting around Crete, chattering nervously about the bomb blast and wondering about their families. Julio was oblivious to this due to his location in the cargo bay, but the agent overheard it all and used the pilots distracted concern to inconspicuously slide away into the Gredos Cloud and disappear.

Julio first became aware that hed left the system as they jumped the gut wrenching sensation of being accelerated through a space anomaly throwing him onto his side and then to the floor. Finally the sensation abated and he was able to clamber back onto the seat, feeling slightly sick. All was stable for a little while longer, until the ship jumped for a second time a few minutes later. This time Julio was sick on the floor. Two jumps in less than ten minutes was too much for someone whod never left his home system before.

There was a burst of static over the intercom and the Agents voice crackled through. Amigo, youd better clear that up. Theres a mop in the compartment above your seat. If that mess is still there when we land, Ill have your guts for garters, comprende? Julio looked around for a surveillance camera and thought he saw a glint of a lense in the shadows above the cargo bay bulkhead. Spitting out the last of the vomit he opened the cupboard and pulled the mop out.

Then there was the long sound of grating along the ships flanks, followed by a loud echoing boom. Docking clamps? To affirm this thought, there was a nauseating sense of weightlessness until the ships gravity adjusted from Crete Standard to whatever the local setting was. Julio wondered where he had been taken...

New Dawn - jammi - 06-02-2009

The Agent kicked the cockpit door open with a resounding bang, then stormed down the ramp and into the cargo bay. He looked at the floor for a moment, then content that it was clean, walked over to the cargo door bulkhead and pressed a button to lower it. You amigo, walk quick and follow me. If you get lost on this station, you will end your days with your eyes and testicles switching places. These guys really dont like Corsairs. Here's a hint to where we are - our people have been at war with them for decades." That was still a fairly long list of possible candidates. "Still nothing? The name begins with a 'H'. With a feeling not entirely dissimilar to when he had gone through the first jump hole, he realised where he was. Omega 5. Hessian territory. The Agent laughed. "Aaah, now you know where we are, don't you?"

The Agent strolled out into the room beyond while Julio loitered in the shadows of the doorway. The hanger appeared to be empty. He closed his eyes for a moment, wondering whether he should just go back inside the freighter and request to be dropped off on a Freeport somewhere. Then his resolve returned. This was a trial to test his courage and integrity, and there was nothing greater than giving your life in service of the Revolution. If he backed out now he would live the rest of his life in shame, knowing he was unfit to live. So he swallowed nervously and stepped out into the light.

The Agent was watching him with a small smile as he walked down the disembarking ramp. Hed passed some kind of test by getting off the ship. Come comrade. Youll be staying in one of the rooms the Coalition maintains on the station for this very reason. I trust you know where you are, Si? Julio nodded. Good. Now follow me.

Both men proceeded to travel into the base, passing alternately between metal clad corridors and tunnels roughly hewn from the asteroids bare rock. As they passed doors would slam, and passing denizens would glare at Julio, sometimes spitting or murmuring something in their own language. Most had their hands on the holsters of their weapons, and Julio was certain the only reason they didnt kill him on the spot was the fact he was being escorted by an Agent of the Revolution. Julio battled with his own terror, but still walked on.

New Dawn - jammi - 06-02-2009

The cabin door had been locked for Julios own protection, to ensure vengeful Hessians didnt lynch him for past grudges. Julio himself was pacing up and down in the room that contained his bed. The accommodation was fairly small, consisting of a sleeping area, a living area that the door opened up onto and a kitchen area so he wouldnt have to risk life and limb in the canteen.

Time slowly crawled by. Julio had nothing to do, save pace and shine his boots. They already had a surface resembling a mirror he could see a slightly blurry image of his face reflected by the sheen of gloss that coated the surface. So he practiced drill movements, revising timings for turns and salutes taught long ago during his time as a Cadet.

Hour after hour melted by and still no-one came for him or appeared to show any interest in him. So he ate some dinner and went to bed once the lights dimmed for the night cycle. As sleep fell over him like a great black blanket, he heard a small grating noise from the door.

His eyes popped open. There was a small click, and the door swung slightly ajar, a slither of dull light falling into the room. Julio silently rolled out of his bed and dropped onto his haunches slowly reaching under the bed for the metal batton hed discovered earlier that day. He assumed it had been put there just in case something like this happened.

He froze as a hoarse whispering voice cut through the heavy silence. Corsaaaair... Ich bin dabei, Sie zu schneiden amigo. Then the door swung open as a large heavy set man pushed in. He had a knife clutched in one massive hand.

New Dawn - jammi - 06-03-2009

The massive Hessian continued to advance into the room, swinging the door shut behind him. He swung his head left and right searching for Julio. At that moment in time, Julio was crouched near the partition wall that separated the bedroom from the living space, the baton in hand. His eyes had already adjusted to the gloom because hed been in the darkened room trying to get some sleep. The Hessian however, had just come in from a lit corridor and couldnt see much.

As the Hessian appeared in the doorway Julio swung, sending the baton arcing upwards to connect with the invaders jaw with a sickening crunch. The man was knocked off his feet and fell into a heap on the floor. Even so, the knife remained clutched in the attackers hand, so Julio stamped on the wrist, hearing it snap. The knife rolled away, and Julio kicked it to the other side of the room.

Flicking the light on, he blinked for a moment, dazzled by the sudden bright light. Then he cast around for a marker pen, and eventually finding one, stooped down over the prone Hessian. Hed been pretty badly messed up. A tooth had been knocked out, his jaw was probably broken and it looked like hed bitten the end of his tongue off. Biting the lid off the pen, he wrote No joda conmigo on the unconcious man's forehead, then grasping him under the arms, dragged him to the doorway, rolled him out and locked it again.

Then, exhausted he walked back to bed and curled up. Sleep did not come easily that night, despite how tired he was.

New Dawn - jammi - 06-05-2009

Slowly Julio came to. There was a nasty cramp in his shoulder. Maybe he should have stretched before incapacitating that Hessian last night? Probably should have done a cool-down exercise at least. Getting out of bed and rolling his shoulders to try and work the cramp out, he wandered into the living room.

In a startling mimicry of when Julio had first met him, the Agent was swinging back on a chair with his boots on the table, sans the gun this time. There was a small grin on his face. Well done dealing with that Hessian amigo. There were bets running on what the outcome would be. I won. Oh, and nice note on the guy's head. I found it funny even if the Hessians didn't. So. That had been planned? Julio tried not to allow any signs of anger to show through his mask of composure. It was a test. He walked forward into the room and accidently put his foot in the stain of congealed blood. Revolted he hopped off it, wiping the gore off onto another patch of carpet. The smug smirk was still on the Agents face.

Comrade, I think youre ready for transport to Omega 52. Time to see if youve got what it takes. At that, all previous resentment was washed away. Excitement and adrenaline flowed through his viens making him feel cold and shaky. He was going to serve!

Thank you comrade! Should I pack my things? The agent laughed.

What things? Youve got nothing worth keeping. Just put some sturdy cloths on then follow me. Youll be issued with stand-up kit and a cabin on the recruit deck on arrival at Zhukovsky. Julio nodded, then went back to the sleeping area to find a shirt. Things were definitely starting to improve.

New Dawn - jammi - 06-18-2009

Julio halted in front of the recruiting office door, pausing to take in the sights and sounds of the surrounding corridors. Hed been on Zhukovsky for just over a week now, and had been almost constantly been in training to improve his mental and physical prowess. Hed been tutored in the ways of communism, drill and weapons handling in an effort to craft him into a trained soldier. But Julio didnt want to be a soldier, guarding bases and ships. He wanted to be a pilot in the Fighter Corps, the warriors who could spread the words of Revolution throughout the stars. That had brought him to the recruiting office door.

There were several blood trails leading from the room, graphically adding impact to the stories that the Commissariat would execute any spy or otherwise morally corrupt capitalist slave that attempted to infiltrate the People's Army. The efficiency with which the owners of those blood trails must have been exterminated made Julio's chest swell with pride.

Breathing deeply to calm his racing heart, he knocked crisply three times before opening the door and marching in, falling back on the drill training he had received over the last few days, as well as the basic training he had received oh so long ago in the Revolutionary Youth on Crete. That had been before the obscene mockery of a Regime that was the Corsair Council had recognised the threat the SCRA had posed to their corrupt and class-steeped ways.

He murmured the timings to himself under his breath. Left, right, left, right (halt) check - one - two, IN! His polished boots slammed to a halt, slightly blemishing the polished surface by throwing up a light spray of blood. Then a salute to honour the comrade-Commissar's rank. Only after this did Julio notice the bodies that lay littered around the room in various states of mortal existence, and the two other recruits that stood nearby.

"Hola Comrade-Commissars! Julio Quinetillia ready and willing the serve the Revolution!" The three officers turned to glare at him, one leaning on the desk holding a kebab, one standing with a large side-arm in his hand and the other seated behind the desk: Captain Thorvaldsson, Commissar-Captain Gorodetsky and Commander Weise. From the smell of the alcohol fumes coming from one or the other, they may well have exploded had someone lit a lighter under their noses.