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Liberty Capital Ships - JakeSG - 05-27-2009

---Incoming Transmission---
---Source Indentified: William von Darkmoor, Commander---
---Subject: Independent Capital Vessels---

COMM ID: Vice Admiral David Hale
SUBJECT: Capital class vessels in liberty space.

Of late I have seen a concerning amount of capital ( Dreadnaught, Carrier, Assault Battlecruier and Cruiser) class vessels not under the direct command of the admiralty. This has led issues with orders and directives not getting through, including restrictions on operations in Rhienland and other things.

Also the needless waste of resourses and men, sending expensive to run and replace capitol class vessels into combat with small time terrorists, dissidents and criminals like the Xenos and Rogues. These ships are warships, used on large scale operations, not something to be seen patrolling our capitol daily.

Would we want our friends and neighbors the Bretonians to think we are a military state?

On that note I hearby recall all non [LN] tagged liberty capital vessels from service. This is to save on state resources, and to try to unify the navy a little more. We can't afford mix-ups with the chain of command.

Exemptions to this are as follows:
' Wrote:Attached is an updated list of registered vessels. Due to shiftings in the rank structure, all future issues/applicants are to be directed to myself, although you can still try your luck with the High Command if you find me to be unfair.

Vessels highlighted in red are believed to be inactive and requested to make contact ASAP.
Registered Vessels:
  • Liberty Assault Carriers:
    • LNS-Aurora (Rocky)
    • LNS-Thunderbolt (Soul_Reaper & Heiankyo_Alien)
    • LNS-Reliant (Boss)
    • LNS-Dakota (AgentMike)
  • Liberty Dreadnoughts:
    • LNS-Ithaca (Internity)
    • [27th]LNSD|Ft.Wenatchee (Stewcool)
    • LNS-Justice (casero)
    • LNS-Montpelier (Asgardian, JBauer, JakeSG)
    • LNS-Osborne (Jordi)
  • Liberty Assault Battlecruisers:
    • LNS-Destiny.II (HeavyMetalQueen)
    • [1st]LSCA-Ft.Louisbourg (Jimmy Paterson)
    • LNS-Calypso (JBauer)
    • Kearsarge_Matt (SGTMatt)
    • LNS-Massachusetts (Kindred)
    • LNS-Navarro (Lionel)
    • LNS-Guam (Jordi)
    • LNS-Fuliminata (Bloodsword)
    • LNS-Utah (rayne)
    • LAS-Pathfinder (Raisu)
    • LNS-Enterprise (Trackpad.User, =Masket=, Whisper)
    • LNS-Columbia (stuner)
    • LNS-Honolulu (Reptile)
    • LNS-Apache (Hades Durin)
    • LNS-Tenacity (Zack)
    • LNAB-Valley.Forge (Cirren3341)
    • LNS-Resolute (Daniel.Tex)
  • Liberty Siege Cruisers:
    • LNS-Compensation (Hribek)
    • LNS-Fires.Of.Liberation (Dashiell)
    • LNS-Hammer (darthbeck)
    • LNS-Adamant (DarthCadeus)
    • LSCF-Santa.Fe (Thurgret)
  • Unknown Classes:
    • Gafwmn (Various ship classes. Any Capitals under his name are authorised. Be warned, fraud will not be taken lightly.)
    • LNS-Equilibrium (ggngunner)
    • LNS-Greystone (Ackarion)
    • LNS-Redoubt
    • LNS-Valiant (Reptile)
On trial:
  • None at present.
Under Investigation:
  • LNS-Silverleaf (Silverleaf)
The following vessels are required to contact the Liberty Navy for various reasons and are grounded until they do so:
  • LNS-Michigan - Dreadnought
  • LNS-Oregon - Dreadnought
The following vessels have been declared rogue and are to be grounded or shot down until they redeem themselves:
  • LNS-Independence (Niezck)
Hall of Honour (Vessels decomissioned after notable service to the Liberty Navy):
  • LNS_BB-6X"Iowa"
  • LNS-Chisos
(//Could all future applicants please PM myself or a fellow Liberty Lawful with their Skype address? Thanks in advance.)

It is each individual's personal responsibility to ensure that this information is up to date at all times. All captains presently being convicted of crimes have been cleared. Don't screw up this time.

- William von Darkmoor, Commander.

---Transmission Ceased---
---Source Lost---

Liberty Capital Ships - casero - 05-28-2009

---Incomming transmission---
---ID Signature: Captain Johnson---
---Subject: Lx894_"Libertad"---

This is Captain Albus Johnson, commander of the Lx894 Libertad, Siege Cruiser. Confirming its status as active at the front of war.

---Transmission ends---

Liberty Capital Ships - hribek - 05-28-2009

LNS-Compensation would be a Siege Cruiser, sir. It's ready to serve as backup against capital ship groups, as intended.

Liberty Capital Ships - Dashiell - 05-30-2009

::Incoming transmission::

comm id: Virgil redline, captain of the Valley Of Kings

message begins:

Virgil redline here.

the Siege Cruiser Valley Of Kings had her maiden voyage yesterday.

once we get the iff sorted it will be taken in active duty.

Virgil Redline out.

end of message.

Liberty Capital Ships - Asgardian - 06-01-2009

[Inbound Transmission]

~Captain Irene Baxter
> Registry of the LNS-Florida.

I have recently been put in command of a Liberty Siege Cruiser, the LNS-Florida. She has been outfitted with the following weapons array:
  • 1 x Heavy Siege Forward Gun
  • 1 x Light Mortar
  • 2 x Pulse Cannons
  • 5 x Solaris turrets
Crew are as follows:
  • Captain: Cpt. Irene Baxter
  • XO: Lt. Cmdr. Jack Malrone
  • Weapons Officer: Lt. Robert Skinner
  • Engineering: Cpl. Daniel Summons
  • Total Crew: 407 Including civilian Medics
Access codes for the ship have been officially handed over to myself and Lt. Commander Jack Malrone. If anyone else is found to be flying the ship, they are to be arrested on sight. I wont allow this cruiser to be taken by Rheinlanders and paraded into Liberty under the guise of another captain.

For Liberty,

Captain Irene Baxter

--Stream End--
[Transmission End]

Liberty Capital Ships - BillG8s - 06-05-2009


::Status of newly deployed Light Support Cruiser::

Ship Name: The_Fury
Captain: Roy Andersen
Crew: 500 men who are in best cases Green, drafted from planet LA
Ship Class: Liberty Siege Cruiser
Armament: Navy Cruiser Standard, thou possesing the mighty Coaxial Front mounted Gun
Armor: Well, let us just say that it only can perform a support role, any other role might risk the health of the crew.

As the newly appointed captain walks on the narrow tunnel that connects the shipyard and his new command The Fury, bitter thoughts awake. Who where they, the high command, to give him a decorated hero command over a ship with flaws at best. And the crew, well if any of them had ever been in space before it would truly suprise him. But somehow all this amused him in some strange way, an untested ship a green crew. Well it must be the bad odds that reminded him of the good old time. The time onboard his gunboat. Lurking in the many ice fields hunting for kusari convoys. Well with a war back here close to home who can blame him for leave the bretonian battlefield and start caring of his own. A door hissed as they came close to the ship hull. Well what you think of her, aint she a beauty. He did not even stop to listen to the very impressed shipyard worker who had shown him the way. He did not have time, a command was waiting, his command and he would be damn sure to make an impact on the war no matter what ship the Admirality appointed to him. If liberty was at war, he would sure make the enemy feel it.

Liberty Capital Ships - MB52 - 06-07-2009

---Incoming Transmission---
---Source Indentified: Rear Admiral Jessica Porter---
---Subject: Re: Independent Capital Vessels---

The LNX_ThunderBay (Dreadnought) was severely crippled while serving liberty and had to be decommissioned. As a result a new Battlecruiser is to be constructed as her replacement.

//take off the Carrier LNX_ThunderBay please, and I'll give an update when a name is chosen for the BC.

Liberty Capital Ships - JakeSG - 06-11-2009

---Incoming Transmission---
---Source Indentified: William von Darkmoor, Lt Commander---
---Subject: Independent Capital Vessels---

List updated. Mister Anderson, it makes things much simpler if you state the name of your ship. Please send a transmission stating its name ASAP.

Also, expect some possible changes regarding Dreadnoughts and Carriers in the future.

- William von Darkmoor, Lt Commander.

---Transmission Ceased---
---Source Lost---

Liberty Capital Ships - casero - 06-14-2009

----Incoming transmission----

Captain Jack White speaking. I'm glad to inform the High Command, that I have been entrusted with one of the finest ships in the Navy. The LNS-Justice, Liberty Dreadnought, is operating around the Texas system, right now, it's in orbit to planet Houston.
As I'm busy with several matters at the Navy base in planet Houston, sometimes, the ship's gonna be under command of Douglas Maximilian Cordozar.

The Justice is still under weapon test, we are working on the best way to use its power. However, I've been in several cruisers and some carriers, as first officer. I believe it's gonna be on duty soon, however, it's expensive to keep this ship working. So, the Navy office in houston decided to restrict its operation to emergency situations. The justice's crew is gonna be transfered to planet Houston, and they'll get a new house near to the base.
Captain Jack White

Communications ID: LNS-Justice
Class: Executor
Role: Fleet Support
Status: Weapon test
Captain: Captain Jack White
XO: Commander Douglas Maximilian Cordozar

Commander Cordozar's Bio:

Quote:Born in 766 in the Cortez system, Planet Curacao. His father, Antonio Cordozar, a Mercenary from the Omicrons, got tired of the constant on-the-move lifestyle and settled down on Curacao. His mother, a local coffee shop waitress named Maya.

As the years passed by Douglas found himself working as a Bounty Hunter, up to the point of providing flight lessons for trainees on Deshima Station in Shikoku. By the age of 35 he decided to return back to Liberty, and serve in the Navy. Years passed by once again as he built his reputation as a capable commanding officer onboard a gunboat.

By 817, at the age of 51, he was chosen by Captain Jack White as the executive commander onboard the LNS-Justice. He has thought long and hard about the responsibilities working on such a large ship, and has now accepted this position.

He currently resides on Planet Manhattan with his wife and two kids, and is awaiting his transfer to the LNS-Justice.

Liberty Capital Ships - Dashiell - 06-16-2009

::Incoming transmission::

comm id: Virgil redline, captain of the Fires Of Liberation

message begins:

Virgil redline here.

The Siege Cruiser Valley Of Kings has been rechristned Fires Of Liberation

Has a more fitting, patriotic ring to it.

Virgil Redline out.

end of message.