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Malta and Cardamine addictions... - Printable Version

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Malta and Cardamine addictions... - MB52 - 05-28-2009

Alright so.. hypothetically.. if a non outcast were to get on Malta... and breath the air for a bit, how long would it take for them to become dependent/addicted to Cardamine? :P

Malta and Cardamine addictions... - Boss - 05-28-2009

It all depends. Shadow isn't addicted due to his cybernetic implants, but others might gain dependency within a week or ten days.

Withdrawal symptoms are a must:P

Malta and Cardamine addictions... - mwerte - 05-28-2009

depends on if he used Cardi or just breathed the air. I'd say a couple of weeks for non-users, a few days for users, but I have no proof.

Malta and Cardamine addictions... - Boss - 05-28-2009

Alright, as BLS Head Honcho and whatnot, I hereby authoritatively state that it's:
-Somewhere between a week and ten days for a nonuser in a plantation area
-Three weeks for a nonuser in well-ventilated areas
-Two days for a user in any situation.


Malta and Cardamine addictions... - MB52 - 05-28-2009

Hmm, interesting... that gives me something to think about... thanks =x

Now withdrawal symptoms I assume are similar to other drugs? just alot worst?

Malta and Cardamine addictions... - Boss - 05-28-2009

Given that cardamine actually influences and rewrites portions of a person's DNA, that length of time is what is needed before the rewrites are irreversible.

It is still not going to be pleasant to have large portions of one's body made of different stuff than the rest, and then watching it slowly make its way back to normal is going to leave scars, both physically and on the psyche.

Malta and Cardamine addictions... - sean24 - 05-28-2009

remember that cardi affects your DNA. Once you have been exposed enough, you have to take it or you basicly die. For my character Scythe it isn't a matter of the want, its a matter of need.

Malta and Cardamine addictions... - ryeguy146 - 05-28-2009

With Cardamine, I compare use with hard drugs like heroin as far as addictive properties go. I'm inclined to say that someone just breathing the air would take at least two weeks, maybe more if he brought his own food/water. But, if you RP it, I'll accept it.

Malta and Cardamine addictions... - MB52 - 05-28-2009

I think I want to give old Karl... just mild withdrawal from breathing it... not from any changes. He won't be on Malta "That" long... I hope...

Mind you it would be very interesting for an LPI officer to be forced to take cardamine...

Malta and Cardamine addictions... - sean24 - 05-28-2009

maybee you could RP a char that is LPI and has to take cardi? Its lawfull RPing with a twist. Ha!, just amagine taking in a smuggler.

"Umm you can give all that cardi to me or get a fine"
"But youve already got a full hold of it!"
"*chews cardi* not anymore-NOW HAND IT OVER!"