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Progress with the Ageira - Printable Version

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Progress with the Ageira - deaxy - 05-28-2009

These are our ideas for the faction proposal.
I will add new ideas to this thread. This is going to be something like a pre-proposal message dump. You may freely comment, but keep in mind, these are only Ideas, they may/will change.
Big thanks goes to these people : Hribek, centauri, jdftheman, rayne, jimmy patterson, engrela. Thanks you guys, without you all this would not exist, thank you, really.

If anyone is interested to help us, send me your skype nicknames, and I will add you to our chat.
Also, we now have a forum.

Ageira Tech. history `till the 800AS

44 AS:
Although being relatively new, Ageira Technologies makes its first real breakthrough by developing new materials that allow for the miniaturization of the great drive engines that once powered the great sleeper ships. With this, traveling times between stars was reduced to mere months instead of years.

120 AS:
Ageira makes its second great breakthrough, incorporating recently discovered super strong crystalline polymers and frictionless bearings combined with docking rings: special elevators that almost completely negate the cost of boosting men or materials out of a planetary gravity well. Due to this invention, the industry is completely revolutionized over night as the entire New York system is now open for commercial exploitation. Ageira itself gains enormous fortunes selling their technology to other houses.

126 AS:
Ageira announces that it has ordered the construction of a new R&D station in the Texas system, which will be used to conduct both civil and military research.

128 AS:
DSE finishes the construction on research station Dallas in the Texas system. The space around the station is declared off limits to civilians, something heavily enforced by the Liberty Navy.

130 AS:
A historical year for the researcher’s onboard Dallas. As the first successful test of Ageira’s jumpgate is completed. For the first time ever, a small drone was send to another system in no time at all.

185 AS:
With a grand ceremony, Liberty publicizes their latest development to the general public, The Jumpgate. In his speech, the president of Liberty recognizes Ageira and DSE as the companies who made this all possible.

215 AS:
While Liberty already has its systems linked by jumpgates, other houses clamor for gates of their own. To meet this increased demand, Ageira orders the construction of a manufacturing facility in Colorado,Pueblo station , to mass produce the components required for the jumpgates.

238 AS:
Ageira headquarters moves from planet Manhattan to the lush world of Los Angeles.

280 AS:
Again Ageira surprises Sirius with the development of the tradelane. These lanes allow for ships to reach lightspeed within systems.

420 AS:
Ageira starts to decrease the production of gateparts and starts shifting its full attention to constructing the necessary components for building tradelanes.

500 AS:
The first setback for Ageira in its long history of successes. When testing their new supergates, Dallas suddenly explodes into a giant cloud of dark matter and radioactivity. Ageira not only loses one of its most important research station, but also several of its top scientists and all the data concerning the supergates.

614 AS:
Ageira opens up Detroit Munitions, with which they firmly secure their grasp on the weapons development and production.

700 AS:
Together with Interspace commerce, Ageira develops a system that allows for real time scanning of any cargo passing along the tradelanes. Pueblo station is chosen as the main production facility for these new scanners.

738 AS:
For the first time ever, disgruntled employees of Ageira manage to temporarily deactivate a tradelane. Naming themselves the Lane Hackers, they continue to be a constant thorn in Ageira’s side.

License policy

814 AS:
The Ageira implements a new "License policy''. It is stated, that every trader who wishes to transport the Gate and/or Lane parts, Ageira Light arms and Ageira superconductors, must have an License.

Ageira Tech. bases.

Detroit Munitions
Detroit is the headquarters for Detroit Munitions, one of the oldest privately owned companies in Liberty. Detroit has been manufacturing small- and medium-sized arms since its founding by patriarch Ed Garner in 614 AS. His name still graces the company’s most popular line of blasters.

Pueblo Station
Ageira Technologies manufacturing facility. Notice: All ships should be aware that Ageira Technologies facilities are protected by private security authorized to use deadly force against any deviation from standard flight procedures.

Hamilton Station
Residing on the outskirts of Lawrence Ice Field, the Hamilton Station houses production facilities of Ageira Technologies. Hamilton was constructed to provide enough supplies for nearby mining operations, as well as for station building sites, and possible future trade lane and jump gate construction sites.

Planets with faction presence:

Planet Los Angeles
Mostly covered in deep salt water oceans, Los Angeles was popular among upper-class Manhattanites before terraforming efforts failed during the Great California Drought of 543 A.S. The planet's popularity has resurged with the economic windfall generated by Synth Foods. Synth Foods has perfected an engineered plant matter that can flourish in harsh environments and then processed into Synth Paste. The booming technology market recently induced Ageira Technologies to locate an optical chip plant here.

Planet Denver
Denver was originally the home of miners, smelters, and shipyard workers, but these industries eventually collapsed in 600 AS. With the declining long-term water situation in the California system, however, the wealthy elite of Los Angeles began to look elsewhere for a vacation spot and found Denver’s rough, beautiful vistas to be ideal. Emigration from Los Angeles and Manhattan injected new life into the Denver economy, reviving the planet even as the new upper-class assumed control of the local government. Today Cryer Pharmaceuticals maintains a major research lab on Denver, while Ageira Technologies has a planetside headquarters to oversee its interests in the system. Liberty Police, Inc. (LPI) is well paid by Colorado's new elite to handle security.

Other related bases:

Battleship Rio Grande
Rio Grande became famous in the 792 A.S. campaign against the Xenos in the Hudson System. The Rio Grande, currently commanded by Captain John Palmer, protects the economically vital Ageira Technologies manufacturing facility at Pueblo Station, and also patrols the Trade Lanes into Kepler and Galileo.

Ageira. Tech. Inventions and foundings.

Gate/Lane Parts
Jump Gate and Trade Lane Parts are exclusively manufactured at the Ageira Technologies facility in the Colorado system and are delivered to individual construction sites as necessary. These components are sealed in scanner-proof, tamper-proof white boxes that can only be opened with complex biometric keys. The boxes are also designed to detonate if opened outside of an authorized facility. Additional security measures are confidential, but Ageira has never failed to recover a missing white box.

Docking Ring
A Docking Ring is part of an orbital elevator system invented by Ageira Technologies. Through the use of super strong crystalline polymers and frictionless bearings, Docking Rings assist the smooth atmospheric entry and exit of interstellar vessels with landing capability.

Jump Gate
A Jump Gate allows instantaneous travel between two distinct points in space. Jump Gates were pioneered by Ageira Technologies and are constructed in partnership with Deep Space Engineering.

Refrain from publicising:

Abandoned Base, Silverton Field, Colorado
Once the major source of Silver for all of Liberty, the Silverton Field has been mined to rubble and dust. Within the field is the former site of an Ageira Technologies manufacturing facility, abandoned over a century ago in favor of Pueblo Station, it now houses a large contingent of Xenos. Trace amounts of Silver remain.

Jump Hole
Magnetic and gravimetric readings are consistent with a Jump Hole -- a natural phenomenon that functions similar to a Jump Gate, though the hazards associated with traveling through a Jump Hole remain largely unknown. Ageira Technologies recommends avoiding all contact with Jump Holes.

The Badlands is a particulate cloud filled with asteroids and subject to intense electrical activity that renders most scanners inoperable. Two government research stations, Bedford and Ithaca, were constructed here to study these unique environmental phenomena. However, the Badlands also provides a natural refuge for all types of criminal elements. The Battleship Missouri has since been deployed to protect Liberty interests in the area and deter pirate attacks against nearby Trade Lanes.
Details: CLASSIFIED. Yeah, I don't have a clue - Hribek

Dallas Incident - Rumors:
There has been one most unfortunate occurrence in Ageira's past: the Dallas Incident in 500 AS, a Jump Gate research project in the Texas system that went horribly wrong. Thousands of dedicated Ageira employees were lost in one dreadful moment. To this day the Texas system remains mostly off-limits due to the radiation and debris hazards.
Ageira is somewhat disliked in Texas because of the whole Dallas incident. The sad truth is that no one could have done better, but you can’t always fight perception. So we ship the Side Arms manufactured here to Houston for them, and we also ship to the battleships and other police bases in Liberty.
After the Dallas incident this system went to hell. I guess it was a bad idea in the long run to make one system the depository for all criminals within a House and a government test area.
Our inmates are clearing the debris fields left by the Dallas incident. Many of the fields have pockets of radiation and are too dangerous to clean yet. The first one to get cool enough to begin clearing was the East Dallas area. It is still too hot for civilian workers, but our inmates do the job. We stock plenty of anti-radiation pills in the dispensary.
Did you know that there weren’t any Jump Holes in Texas before the Dallas incident? The criminals in all of Sirius were helped more than they could possibly know. Texas is the crossroads of the criminal universe. If it weren’t for the Jump Holes, we would have crime locked down to nothing.

NPC diplomacy

NPC Diplomacy

Liberty Security Force

Liberty Navy

Every Lawful and Semi-Lawful Faction outside Liberty

Every Unlawful faction outside Liberty
We do not shoot you, until you shoot us

Lane Hackers
Liberty Rogues

The trade division.

The trade division of Ageira Technologies is the backbone of our entire operation within the houses of Sirius. They provide the many production facilities of Ageira with much needed raw materials, and ship away all the products that have been completed.

A new pilot in the Trade division will receive the rank of freighter pilot, and will be given enough credits to buy himself a camara freighter with our DSE friends.

After completing at least 3 trade runs and confirming that he has more than 3 flight hours with his camara, a pilot can be promoted to transport captain second class, allowing him/her to purchase a transport class vessel with a maximum price tag of 25 million Sirius credits. Note that only vessels mentioned in the ship list are allowed to be used, and no other.

After having made at least 7 additional flight hours with his transport and showing his/her loyalty to Ageira Technologies, the transport captain second class can be promoted to transport captain first class, which allows him to fly around in any transport classed vessel out of the Ageira ship list.

All members of the trade division fall directly under the rule off the Transportation manager and the CEO of Ageira. Whenever they are called by either one of these to carry out a special task, this will have full priority over anything else and as such should be carried out as soon as possible.

Whenever a member of the Trade Division plans to move high risk, classified cargo’s (meaning weapons or gate/lane parts) he/she are required to request an escort from the Ageira Security Division, or required to hire a private contractor. Keep in mind that hiring a private contractor will cost some money, but we cannot risk losing any of our weapons or gate/lane parts to foul pirates and terrorists.
Always remember, a destroyed transport is worth nothing to Ageira, so when you encounter pirates, do not engage them, if possible, use your escorts to scare them away or even destroy them. If this isn’t an option, pay up whatever they want in credits, but never ever give them any classified cargo.

Updates and new ideas coming soon

Progress with the Ageira - deaxy - 08-19-2009

I found this thread that I made some time ago. As I understood from Hribek, nobody has really done anything big enough, to bring back Ageira, so I will do my best.
It seems, that I have lost the Ageira-forum I made, so I will be making a new one.
Anyone who is still interested in the "Reawakening/The new age" of Ageira, please contact me or post your ideas here!

Not to make a flood post : anyone who would need to talk to me in skype, please send me your nicknames, I don't use my old acc. no more!!!

Progress with the Ageira - Robert.Fitzgerald - 08-19-2009

There is another Ageira faction being run by Quorg, I believe. Contact him?

Progress with the Ageira - deaxy - 08-19-2009

Ah well, then I have gotten some false info...

Progress with the Ageira - Quorg - 08-19-2009

Hey there! Yes, we're reforming it and making excellent progress.

The new faction is being led by myself, with some excellent assistance from Araevin Teshurr, Mamlas, and Engrela, as well as with some interest from Captain Jim.

We would be delighted to have you on board if you are interested. We are really trying to get this off the ground in a viable fashion ASAP. I have a new corporate structure which will most likely be released as soon as I have the ability to edit the first post in the former faction proposal.

We've already paid the 500 mil, so if you team up with us that's one less thing you'll have to worry about.

Here's the link:

I'll send you my skype info; I'm setting up a skype group as well.

Progress with the Ageira - deaxy - 08-19-2009

If I remember right, the same people helped me, when I was rebuilding Ageira, and we were getting some good progress. I would be happy if you acepted me in your lines, and I know I can help...
Send me your skype nicknames asap.

Progress with the Ageira - hribek - 08-19-2009

My Skype has not changed, and yours?

Progress with the Ageira - deaxy - 08-19-2009

Well, I trust this comunity, so here it goes - janis.dzerve1 and yes, janis is my name.... I will be on later this evening

Progress with the Ageira - deaxy - 11-21-2009

Well, I have been gone (again) for some time now, but now I`m back for good!
I'm just wondering, has anybody made Ageira yet, or do i still have a chance?

Progress with the Ageira - Bobthemanofsteel - 11-21-2009

Id help out if you are going to me remaking it.

If you need it that is.

Otherwise I'd just be happy to join. ;D