Discovery Gaming Community
Welcome to the Communication Channel - Printable Version

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Welcome to the Communication Channel - Athenian - 05-29-2009

The Communication Channel serves to allow negotiations between factions and individuals, the exchange of welcomes between groups who have not yet previously interacted and the occasional threat to disembowel someone because you don't like them.

Some things to bear in mind:

1. This is a role-play forum. Any out of character posts will be deleted without warning. Lines of out of character text will be snipped from role-play posts.
2. If a transmission is not directed at you, or it is made clear that you are not a party to the communication, don't post in it.
3. If a transmission is not directed at your characters, your characters should not know about it.

This thread will serve for feedback for any points people might like to raise regarding this sub-forum.

Welcome to the Communication Channel - Dab - 05-03-2010

As some people seem to have a problem with understanding what has been said here, I'm going to make a very clear list of things you are allowed and not allowed to do in this forum section.

1) A thread does not need to have a line stating the channel is encrypted in order to be secure. Simply put, unless it says it is an open channel, it is encrypted. An encryption line is completely optional, and threads omitting this line are awarded the same level of security as a thread including an 'encrypted' line.

2) You may post in a thread here only if one of the following conditions are met;
2a) Your character is on the list of recipients or belongs to the faction which the transmission is directed towards. If the transmission is directed to your faction leadership, and your character is not part of that leadership, your character does not have view/post access to that transmission. If you are in doubt, contact your faction leader first.

2b) You have permission from the transmission's author, or from the transmission's recipient (author/recipient must post detailing that they are allowing you access) to view/post in that transmission.

2c) You have existing roleplay with the recipient that allows your character to view all mail he or she receives, and authorization to respond to said mail.

2d) The transmission is directed towards your faction leader, but that player is unavailable for a long-period of time (three days or more) and unable to respond. In such a situation, the faction's second in command, or another member of the faction's leadership, may respond in his or her stead, but only on transmissions relevant to the faction, and not over personal business.

2e) The transmission is directed to the NPC faction to which you belong, and not specifically to the player faction. In cases where the player faction's name/tag is the same as the NPC faction's (Examples; BAF, KNF, RM, LN, GRN), check the content of the message to see if it clarifies. If it does not, contact the transmission's author before posting.

2f) The author or recipient is either the military or police forces of a house in which you are the governmental leader, but only when the faction as a whole is being contacted, and not a specific person(s). (Example; Kusari Emperor may read and respond to any messages sent to the Kusari Naval Forces or Kusari State Police.) Governmental leaders are not allowed to read or respond to transmissions sent to that nation's intelligence agencies (MI5/MI6, LSF, Kempetei, MND) unless otherwise designated by the thread author or recipient.

If none of the above conditions are met, you can not post in that thread. If you are confused or in doubt over whether one of these conditions are met, or if there is sufficient reason that you believe justifies your character having access to read and/or respond to those messages, contact the thread author or a forum moderator before posting.

3) Relations with a faction, such as being a mercenary group in their employment, being an ally, or having docking access to their bases, does not mean you can read or respond to transmissions directed to them. Likewise, governmental, police, intelligence, and military leaders may not read or respond to messages sent to or from corporate factions from their house unless otherwise designated by the message author or recipient.

4) It is the responsibility of the author to make sure the thread clearly states the author's character's name/faction and the recipient of the message.

Welcome to the Communication Channel - Dab - 04-26-2011

I am adding a quote from the Stories section here, as it pertains to this section as well. Please pay special attention to the metagaming and powergaming clauses.

' Wrote:<strike>The Stories and Biographies section is for the posting of stories, character logs/diaries, and character biographies.</strike>

Please act courteously to other players and their stories.

Unless a thread states that it is open to everyone, or to one of your characters, do not post in it without first asking the thread creator for permission.
Do not powergame or metagame in stories, even if they belong to you. A definition of metagaming and powergaming below;
Quote:Metagaming is the use of out-of-character knowledge in an in-character situation.
Quote:Powergaming is a particular way of playing in which the emphasis lies on developing a player character that is either as powerful as possible, usually to the detriment of other aspects of the game, such as character interaction, or violates roleplaying etiquette by either taking control of other players' characters, actions, or the outcome of a game. See here for further information.

<strike>When posting in another person's story, or incorporating another person's character into a story of your own, please take the time to send a copy of that post to the person in question for approval before posting it on the forums.</strike>

Posts that exhibit a significant level of metagaming or powergaming will be set invisible until the mod/admin who did so contacts the player the post is affecting for confirmation on whether or not they are fine with it.

The following post has good advice pertaining to this issue. It's recommended you read it prior to posting in this section.
So you want to RP - Arvg

Please cooperate with anyone a story affects.

Welcome to the Communication Channel - Dab - 08-24-2011


This still applies to the entire Roleplay Section. Do not post in threads you aren't allowed in.

Welcome to the Communication Channel - Alley - 02-21-2012


RE: Welcome to the Communication Channel - Machelvanius - 05-04-2016

(04-26-2011, 12:43 AM)Dab Wrote: The following post has good advice pertaining to this issue. It's recommended you read it prior to posting in this section.
So you want to RP - Arvg

Please cooperate with anyone a story affects.
That link seems to be broken. It takes me to the Forums Front page. Maybe the topic was moved or has a different ID?

RE: Welcome to the Communication Channel - Petitioner - 05-21-2016

(05-04-2016, 05:22 PM)Machelvanius Wrote:
(04-26-2011, 12:43 AM)Dab Wrote: The following post has good advice pertaining to this issue. It's recommended you read it prior to posting in this section.
So you want to RP - Arvg

Please cooperate with anyone a story affects.
That link seems to be broken. It takes me to the Forums Front page. Maybe the topic was moved or has a different ID?

All "old" forum links are broken. We've changed forum software several times, and a lot of old RP was lost or made inaccessible as a result. Maybe someone can find the new link to that post (if it still exists) and have a mod edit Dab's post with it (and also clarify that the Emperor can no longer respond for the KSP, hehe) - I remember when I was new in the community, I found the linked thread pretty useful.