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My Characters - ryeguy146 - 05-29-2009

Active Characters

[Image: dervinmalfient.png]
Dervin Malfient
Age: 29
Height: 1.7 M
Weight: 78 Kg
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Callsigns/Ships: Too many to list. See the LR Roster.

Dervin left the Liberty Rogues once, but has returned. He has, for the last several months, used Clif Thurston for Malfient's own ends. Dervin has hatched a plan to take the leadership of the Rogues, a position that he feels deserving of. No matter the cost. Dervin is a harsh Rogue. Coming from an Ageira and Hacker background, he's skilled with tech, and intelligent, a rarity in the Rogues. The man can show compassion, but past betrayals have left him jaded. He feels that he is owed the world, and he has but to take it.

[Image: williamblunt.png]
William Blunt
Age: 41
Height: 1.7 M
Weight: 95 Kg
Hair Color: Grey
Eye Color: Brown
Callsigns/Ships: BMM-Waverley[M] (Hegemon)

William Blunt lived the better portion of his life as a miner on Planet Leeds. He and his wife, Marie Brook, had only just given birth to a second son when the Kusari invaded. The Blunt family left with the floods of refuges, emigrating to Planet New London. Marie's employment with the Bretonia Police supplied a cramped apartment. The two had saved some money, and decided to make a move to independent mining. They went to the banks and put a down payment on a Hegemon. With a new ungainly ship, and an equally enormous debt, William Blunt began harvesting gold ore from the unclaimed fields of Dublin. A short time passed before Marie was killed on duty, killed by Kusari invaders. With the last semblance of comfort ripped from his life, William looked to Bretonia Mining to secure his future. He packed his sons into the new ship and set a course for Thames Outpost.

[Image: simonblunt.png]
Simon Blunt
Age: 17
Height: 1.6 M
Weight: 57 Kg
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Green
Callsigns/Ships: Bowex)Stone (Percheron), Bowex)Wicksteed (Shetland)

Simon Blunt, son of William and Marie Blunt of Leeds. Dillian grew up remembering little of his home planet due to the mass exodus from the planet due to the war with Kusari. The Blunt family fled to Planet New London until his mother, a fighter pilot for the police, died fighting Kusari in the line of duty. His father, a miner, went secured work with BMM and moved the family to Planet New Cambridge, striving to give his children the best. Dillian is currently a pilot of terrestrial aeroplanes only, but is an excellent jockey for his age. He's a bit sheltered, and spoiled due to his father's lavish treatment of them. The family isn't rich per se, but well off due to William Blunt's work. Simon, the younger, is more prone to immature outbursts. Simon is also infected with a type of wanderlust, always looking to explore the next system. Like the rest of his family, he is fiercely loyal to Bretonia and the Queen.

[Image: mSPdQ.png]
Captain Clive Starling of the HMS Glowworm
Age: 37
Height: 1.8 M
Weight: 83 Kg
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Blue
Callsigns/Ships: HMS Glowworm (Bretonian Destroyer)

Her Majesty's Ship, Glowworm was commissioned late 817 AS to the secondary fleet. A relatively young ship, she was crafted with a swath of others for the purposes of defending against the incursion of Leeds by Kusari forces. The Glowworm was given to Clive Starling of the Armed Forces for command. His history of excellence in the battlefield was proven throughout the brief conflict with Rheinland in 800 AS and the later Tau wars, rising to sufficient rank to command such a craft. Captain Starling is a man of impeccible manners, and prefers to differ to contemplation that rash decisions. His loyalty to Bretonia is unwaivering, and he will follow his Queen's command to the letter, as well as those of ranking officers from the primary fleet. Clive was educated at Cambridge and studied Bretonian law before assuming a position with the Armed Forces.

My Characters - ryeguy146 - 04-20-2010

Inactive Characters

[Image: 454sk.png]
Dillian Blunt
Age: 20
Height: 1.9 M
Weight: 79 Kg
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Callsigns/Ships: Templar, Challenger

Dillian Blunt, son of William and Marie Blunt of Leeds. Dillian grew up remembering little of his home planet due to the mass exodus from the planet due to the war with Kusari. The Blunt family fled to Planet New London until his mother, a fighter pilot for the police, died fighting Kusari in the line of duty. His father, a miner, went secured work with BMM and moved the family to Planet New Cambridge, striving to give his children the best. Dillian is currently a pilot of terrestrial aeroplanes only, but is an excellent jockey for his age. He's a bit sheltered, and spoiled due to his father's lavish treatment of them. The family isn't rich per se, but well off due to William Blunt's work. Dillian, the elder, is the more relaxed of the Blunt children.
Audrey Rhimes
Age: 28
Height: 1.6 M
Weight: 57 Kg
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Callsigns/Ships: ADS-Montserrat (Bactrian)

Audrey claims to be from Dublin, and refuses to provide further specifics. Accent and mannerisms, however, can be revealing. She's a sweet woman until angered, which can prove all too easy on some occasions. No matter her fiery personality, she is dedicated to the Sanford & Wahlberg branch of Aquila Defense Systems. Audrey's passion, however, lies in various weaponry, and she travels to the corners of Sirius to acquire them. Pistols are her personal weapon of choice, but she'll sell you anything that explodes, shoots, and kills. Lately, she's taken to smithing her own arsenal, but simply as a hobby.

[Image: margarettechevalier.png]
Margarette Chevalier
Age: 31
Height: 1.5 M
Weight: 55 Kg
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Callsigns/Ships: Lynx

It was in her name. She was meant to be a Knight. At least, that's what she always told herself. Ever the romantique, Margarette longed for a life of daring compatriots, of chivalry. Anything but typical life on Metz Station. Her Mother was a professeur, her Father, an agriculteur; they were happy, and they had given her a peaceful and nurtured childhood. Which would have been fine and good but for her dreams. Essentially, this left her with only one prospect, a Knight in the Gallic Royal Navy. Under the pretext of studying abroad in 805 A.S., Margarette moved to Dijon Station in Burgundy to get closer to the Crown. She enrolled in classes on political science, but concentrated her time in the cockpit of the ships that she rented. Using her money for school, Margarette would lease fighters and even bombers to hone her skills. All in hopes of attracting the attention of the Royal Navy. It wasn't until 809 A.S. that Margarette began flying missions, but for the police. Mostly small things, capturing bandits and the like. It was that year that Gap Station was assaulted by the Council. She had listened to the entire event broadcast through the news. Margarette had always mistrusted the shady Council, but assaulting a civilian base for personal gains was an atrocious act of negligence. She pushed for missions through the Royal Navy and eventually was given a few contract missions. Years passed and Margarette managed to survive, but had yet to attain any official position in the Royal Navy, but 817 A.S. would be a year that changed her fortunes, and those of all Gallia. The Council, growing ever more bold had fought to clear a passage from Gallia. With the protective mine field breached, the Crown began calling for recruits in preparation for the invasion of Sirius; Margarette was among those who have applied.
Katey Mathis
Age: 19
Height: 1.6 M
Weight: 53 Kg
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Green
Callsigns/Ships: Currently no ships.

Katey Mathis is a spaceborn Zoner. Her father, Zeke, is a communications officer aboard the Phonon transport, primarily engaged in supplying the Omicron systems. His position afforded some comfort for the family, and Katey's Mother, Marge, spent her days a housemaker, doting upon her Husband and Daughter both. The Mathis family lived well aboard Phonon; they knew of the dangers the Omicrons presented, but had managed to avoid armed conflict through a combination of running and smart flying. But luck always has a way of running low. Their ship as well as a companion transport, StarStilts was accompanying them to Baffin following a successful trade run to the Omega systems. They had just entered Cambridge when they struck. Two Wilde gunboats appeared before the pair was able to dock with the trade lane. Running wasn't a likely option, but was the only one available given a confrontation. The infected Rheinlanders didn't even bother to hail before opening fire. Katey watched out a porthole as StarStilts' hull buckled. The destruction of their friends distracted the Wilde long enough for cruise engines to carry Phonon beyond the reach of their disruptors. Though the crew survived the encounter, it wouldn't be the last time they'd run from the Nomads.

Katey began studying the creatures in her spare time. Due to the ties between the Zoners' and the mysterious Order, she had access to documentation that wasn't available to most civilians. As the confrontations with the aliens continued, the Mathis family became increasingly distraught. Her Mother pushed for Zeke to transfer to a planet, maybe even Gran Canaria. But Katey wasn't content with just dodging the issue. Armed with her limited understanding of the Nomads, she quietly left the convoy during a stopover at Freeport 4. She booked passage to the Zoner base, Bethleham Station, in Liberty with the inention of contacting the Order and joining their ranks. Using what personal funds she had access to, Katey purchased a basic shuttle and began searching.

[Image: cliffthurston.png]
Clifford Thurston
Age: 28
Height: 1.9 M
Weight: 85 Kg
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Callsigns/Ships: Beggar's Behest

Tall and creepy are the two words most often conjured by Clif. Hidden behind his ungainly visage is an intelligent and ambitious mind unburdened by morals. He grew up on Manhattan in various foster homes. After leaving for Kusari to pursue a job with Interspace Commerce, his transport was interdicted by Liberty Rogues, and things were different for Clif after that. While Clif is far from the typical Rogue, he defends his new family with alarming ferocity.

[font=Times New Roman][color=#F96807]Changed the larger images in this thread to links, they all need to be under 700px wide - Widow.

My Characters - ryeguy146 - 07-13-2010

Missing/Deceased Characters
Johannes Meyer
Age: 29
Height: 1.8 M
Weight: 82 Kg
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Ships: Wraith, Snubnose
Johannes was born on Planet Denver to Rheinland parents. His father was a descendant of a group of Rheinlanders that fled to Liberty in 673 A.S. to avoid the riots that had rocked the fatherland. His mother was a citizen of Planet New Berlin that had met his father and joined him in Liberty. Johannes' interest in Rheinland grew after discovering a box of pictures of family left behind. He has flown to Rheinland to discover his past, but has since been sidetracked. Upon arrival, Johannes lost his ship to the many pirates that infest Rheinland space and is now attempting to recover and build a place for himself in a land he now calls home.
Liza Ritt
Age: 34
Height: 1.5 M
Weight: 58.5 Kg
Hair Color: Light Red
Eye Color: Brown
Ships: Interceptor.One (Raven's Talon) and Interceptor.Two (Havok MKII)
Liza was born a miner. Her parents were members of the mining guild, her friends were IMG, everyone she grew up with was a miner. As she grew older, she realized that digging for ore and precious metals was not what she wanted to do with her life; she longed for the stars. One day, a trader was assaulted by Outcasts near her home, Java Station. The rest of the IMG were too timid to try to help, but Liza flew her Mining Ship into the fray. The thick hull and shields of the ship allowed her to survive their attention while the trader docked. The resulting chase through the asteroid field left her Mining Ship battered but intact. The Outcast pirates were nowhere to be seen; they hadn't anticipated her piloting skills. As a reward, the trader helped her to purchase a Raven's Talon from the base and hired her to protect his trade business. In time, she paid off her debt and left to freelance and explore Sirius. Liza has recently made her escort services available to the traders of Sirius. Her services can be requested here.
Uesugi Kenshin
Age: 36
Height: 1.8 M
Weight: 83 Kg
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Ships: Wyrm
Description: Kenshin-san is a reserved and honest man. He was trained in the traditional martial arts by his Father while his Mother gave him a poetic and peaceful life. His devotion to the Kusari State is unwavering and was born on Kyushu to a family of farmers. His father was recently accused of aiding Bretonia and was imprisoned and the family's resources were seized. Kenshin-san has taken work with the Kusari State Police to try to redeem his family and to provide for them. As of yet, he is unaware if the charges against his father are indeed fact. Expect a quiet and respectful experience should you meet him in Sirius, but unlawful and enemies alike should beware his unflinching sense of duty and law.

Derik Leeman
Age: 24
Height: 1.6 M
Weight: 71 Kg
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Ships: Firefly
Derik Leeman is the brother of Cale, the CEO of Leeman's Diamond Compay. Thanks to his parents' respectable resources, Derik was able to attend the exclusive Cambridge University. But he was not to inherit the company. With an untimely accident taking the lives of both parents, Derik was expelled from the family by his jealous and suspicious brother Cale. Derik now pilots a Firefly, trading all around Sirius, looking for opportunities. He is currently employed by BKNL (Leviathan Bankers) as a courier.

My Characters - ryeguy146 - 12-13-2010

Just a quick update. Don't expect my characters around, I've no desire to play anymore. Thanks for the good times, Rogues. I don't want to start tossing out kudos, because I would invariably forget someone. Those that deserve them all know who you are.