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Ramdomly banned - Printable Version

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Ramdomly banned - Hell Hunter - 05-30-2009

I was ramdomly banned for running away from 2 LSF's ships...but " Connection to the server has been lost" check the router if it went offline.. it didint... click ok then retryed to join " Im Sorry But the account ID is banned from this server."
*smashes keyboard*
I dont know why the heck i was banned...(Guessing JiHad joe kick a BanBall at me)
But why was i banned ?( i dont know where the heck to put this topic...)
Why Why why why why why why why was i banned >:| :angry: :angry: :angry: :nono: :(
I didin't do anything much apart from saying it was a bad idea for me to get chased in shorter ( not l33t sp33k.. but normal ol' nomad morph one)
I want teh reason >:(

Little Edit : A guy killed me aswell But he died and had to leave the System so i came back with my other nomad errr... friend :D

Ramdomly banned - Cannon - 05-30-2009

See here...

Ramdomly banned - Jacob S. - 05-30-2009

I can give you some reasons, lots of OOC in system, powergaming turning off the comms then complaining OOC when people don't play along, avoiding LSF Capture by hiding behind and running around a Lawful base (The Missouri for example), hiring a Council Mercenary and bringing him to Alaska, amongst other things.
I'm sure Joe had quite a pick of things to ban you for.

Ramdomly banned - Fellow Hoodlum - 05-30-2009

And we are not going back to the 'trial by forum' days please.
