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I got a question... - Tovig - 05-30-2009

Hello there.

I were on Minor with my Order Cruiser when some BHG attacked. They heavily damaged my cruiser so I went back to the Isis and I docked (So I fleed the fight, ok, no problem). After, the Hunters leaved Minor to go to Delta. I changed account to my fighter. I undock from the Isis, just stay near it when I saw the BHG ships came back from Delta and they are now in Minor. Since I fleed the fight with my cruiser and in respect of the rules, I stay at Isis with my fighter, I didn't engaged them. I stayed at the Isis and encouraged other Orders ships while fighting with the BHG with like "Great shot" or "Kill him !". All the time, I was at 5 meters from the Isis and there were no fight between me and the Hunters. When one of the BHG ship died, he PM me and said that I should be out of the system from 4h since I lose the fight. I told him that was just in case I died, not fleeing. He said "Ok" but I'm sure he will report me so I checked the rules and :

Quote:5.6 If a player engages cruise engine or docks with a station, jump gate, or trade lane during a PvP fight, this player has fled the fight. The fleeing player must leave the system and may not re-enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) while the enemy (player or players involved in the fight) remain in the system until four hours have passed from the time the fight ended.

Seems I was wrong... Or not ? I cannot know exactly. If some people can help me... Thanks you. (and of course, if I breaked a rules, I will apologize for this)

I got a question... - Reverend Del - 05-30-2009

They left, you can return. You don't have to leave if they return. Only if you die do you have to stay away from the system.

I got a question... - Jinx - 05-30-2009

when you fled, you should avoid them in the same system - no matter if you re in a battleship, a fighter or a trader.

in general cases - how would you feel if you made someone retreat - just to have this person pop up again in another ship commenting on your progress ( that is interfering with your RP )

either way ... that is only a minor case of a rule violation ( in my books ) - i don t think a sanction would be given - just a heads up maybe ... and you had it already yourself.

problems with that leaving / coming back business is that a fight can go back and forth and take a long time. - when you retreated and your attacker left the system, you can technically return. - mabe however they are still in the same fight - even when they come back.

always ask yourself what you want others to behave like. - next time, you have made a BHG battleship retreat with a small force. - you chase another BHG out of the system and the battleship pops up back, fully healed with all its bats and bots. if you are fine with that scenario, you are good to go... if you think its unfair, play as fair as you expect others to play.

I got a question... - Birdtalon - 05-30-2009

The way i see it, you are totally within the rules because they left to go to delta.

It says "aslong as they stay in the system" so after they leave then you can come back.

If they came back into Minor after they left then they cant report you because they left.

EDIT: Damn Del beat me too it ^^

I got a question... - Reverend Del - 05-30-2009

I'll put my post in green if it makes my point any clearer. You didn't break the rules in any sense. Although it was bad form.

I got a question... - Tovig - 05-30-2009

Sorry, I just wanted to get out of the system with my fighter when they came back and I prefered to stay near Isis for protecting but you're right, I should remained silent. Thanks for details.

I got a question... - Maint72v - 05-30-2009

well if i am corect, if your an order and your in minor, minor is order sustem, so no matter if you die or not, you dont need to leave, but cant engage again until he leave the system, you said he left for delta, so you can engage him again

PS. sorry for some words her, i am not english

I got a question... - ophidian - 05-30-2009

I have a question about this.

He should leave the system, thats right but Omicron Minor is his faction's HOME SYSTEM. So, I guess he should be allowed to be in system if he is not joining the fight and simply rp'ing right?

He can join the rp from his pod as well, over comms or as if he is on board the ISIS CIC and observing the battling of his friends.

I got a question... - Jinx - 05-30-2009

if you stick to the letter of the rule - and you insist on staying... i think its good manners to not comment or activly RP against them anymore. - that is not a rule.... but nothing is really more annoying than someone you had erased from your list of "to kill" enemies, cause he fled - just to see him pop back up.

not engaging into a fight doesn t mean its less annoying. - there re often players that still try to interfere - and even taunts spoken from a far distance distract and affect the ongoing combat.

I got a question... - ophidian - 05-31-2009

Then the quality of RP, as it does in many cases, plays the role here. As I seen certain "dead" players joining the RP dialogue with excellent blend and I would've refused it myself as the killer to have them leave the system.

I hope Kelt acted in the same manner.