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Nova Torps - Clarkie - 06-09-2009

Hey folks,

I've noticed that when firing nova torps, after hitting fire, they just seem to hang there for a few seconds before flying off. This is at best annoying, and at worst bloody dangerous.

I know that people will almost always prefer a SNAC if its a case of one or the other, and that nova torps tend to fail against some shielded capital ships, to me this seems more of a reason to iron out the remaining problems with the weapon.

I think the speed and damage of the warhead are about right, but I would like to see its acceleration and launch time reduced to near zero. This could be reasoned easily as the launch system employing some kind of magnetic rail or gas-ram in order to get the thing clear of the ship as soon as possible (it is afterall, a barely contained lump of anti-matter).

Seriously, the way they just sit there for what seems like 2-3 seconds is verging on ridiculous, lets have them fly out the tube as soon as we press that big red button..


Nova Torps - kemira - 06-09-2009


Nova Torps - Guest - 06-10-2009

Using TAB and pressing Rmouse helps.

And no, see, you launch a torpedo and it needs to take time to accelerate to its normal speed.

Freelancer may not be the most physic detailed game ever, but there ARE things to keep in mind.

Nova Torps - tansytansey - 06-10-2009

Lag may cause projectiles to appear to "hang" longer than they usually do. I believe Novas were changed to stop bombers killing entire groups of unshielded fighters in one shot.

Nova Torps - Friday - 06-10-2009

The goal with that was to prevent using the weapon at close range - as compensation they increased the hit points of the Torp so a CD cant blow it up unless it hits directly.

Remember the Nova Torp has a good 4200 range, make use of it! This will give the missile time to reach its top speed.

Basically for a bomber, you could have an Interceptor loadout (SNAC + CD) or an Assault loadout (SNAC + Nova). Try them and see how they work for you...

Nova Torps - Tommeh - 06-10-2009

I have used Nova torps few time and got blowed up.Yea I know I was too close,but if you fire it from distance then there are big chances that it will miss his target or it will be shooted before hitting.I rely now only on SNAC.I removed Nova torpedo and putted Train CD for chasing caps.Anyway I wasn't using Nova torpedos often,because bombers always fly in groups and with firing Nova torp I am risking killing my own pilots if they are anywhere near and I can't see them.

Nova Torps - El Nino - 06-10-2009

The Delay was placed so you don't instakill fighters with it.... Pure and simple... much like capital ship missiles have a similar delay.

Nova Torps - rayne - 06-10-2009

' Wrote:I have used Nova torps few time and got blowed up.Yea I know I was too close,but if you fire it from distance then there are big chances that it will miss his target or it will be shooted before hitting.I rely now only on SNAC.I removed Nova torpedo and putted Train CD for chasing caps.Anyway I wasn't using Nova torpedos often,because bombers always fly in groups and with firing Nova torp I am risking killing my own pilots if they are anywhere near and I can't see them.

Do what I have done, I made a /setmsg for nova's when in a group it says.... Firing torpedo... get clear of the target.

Nova Torps - Fletcher - 06-10-2009

The delay has led to the death of my Sentinel almost everytime I fire the flimin torpedoes, I fire, I get CD's, I die. Simple.

I'm swapping my Mini + Nova rack for a Mini + Mini...

Nova's backfire more than a lightsaber pointed the wrong way...

Nova Torps - Robert.Fitzgerald - 06-10-2009

Nova torpedoes don't blow up to cds, unless specifically targetted. Novas aren't bad - just you have to be careful using them. If you are careful and use them well, you'll find they're great at killing or stripping big caps than supernovas.

The delay is so that the nova torpedoes don't kill fighters, bombers and gunboats easily in jousts.