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CApital ship requirements? - Printable Version

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CApital ship requirements? - silverleaf - 06-10-2009


Will just register it and be an indie pilot...
And will shut up about setting up a corp till I actually have the 1bil...

I should have enough for a big fat capital ship within a month or two.
Any one has any suggestion which one I should get? A cruiser or assault cruiser is nice.

Anyway, are there any limitations on which cap ship i can buy? I heard it is encouraged but not a requirement to register with the player run corps, which I personally think have no right to restrict my ship purchases (who gave THEM that right?).

Anyway I'm looking at a nice fat dreadnaught some day, but gona start with a humble cruiser.
Still undecided on which faction I should support but want lots of action.

Freelancing for Liberty is good, being an indie capship owner... then again if I want to one day start my own corp and outer reaches empire, zoners or order ships will be best... *Then declare whoever we want hostile and pwn everybody and take over space, trash allegence with order if they don't like us and beat up everyone* Just a thought :crazy:. Ok... maybe I'm not going to do that... but starting my own empire in the border worlds is definately my plan. And for that we need CAPSHIPS... and not partnered with any of the existing NPC coorperations... but can't get zoner guard rep...

So, who MUST I register with? I have no intentions to join their closely knit corp, at least not now. I prefer the freedom of doing what I want, when I want.

CApital ship requirements? - Varyag - 06-10-2009

I would say that a far reaching corp is near impossible to create or maintain in the current enviroment. I would really look into the lore behind the factions and decide which cap will not only be fun but will add to the community. A gunboat would be a far easier place to start and interact with a cap to test the waters.... that ad they are about a tenth of the price to buy and outfit. Thats how I did it.

-i think i fought your bomber last night, it was pretty fun. If you get your ship (preferably a gb to start), contact me in game and we can cruise around and i will show you the ropes a bit. Plus I could help with missions, I have a gb that needs its rep sorted out anyway.

CApital ship requirements? - Elsdragon - 06-10-2009

due to new rules, YOu cant get anything bigger than a cruiser without official faction will, or Admin decision

Double posting, but i had a simalar idea, of a Core of freelancers based out of coronado who defend law and order. Less OORP and cap spam tho. I dont want any shipps bigger than a BH GB in any faction i start, execpt for one or two dessies.

CApital ship requirements? - n00bl3t - 06-10-2009

' Wrote:due to new rules, YOu cant get anything bigger than a cruiser without official faction will, or Admin decision


CApital ship requirements? - Athenian - 06-10-2009

Something to think about

Last part hasnt been update in a bit

CApital ship requirements? - Quorg - 06-10-2009

' Wrote:due to new rules, YOu cant get anything bigger than a cruiser without official faction will, or Admin decision


Definitely read Athenian's post, though.

CApital ship requirements? - silverleaf - 06-10-2009

Allright!! What I wish is for the player run corps to be less bossy. Just because they're the biggest and most well established liberty navy player group DOES NOT mean that liberty navy belongs to them. They are just a group operating in liberty navy and DO NOT represent the entire values or control of the LN.
Others should be free to set up their own squardron without being flamed to death.
Anyway, I'm looking to set up a peacekeeping force. When nations clash for no reason except political, the people suffer. I want to set up a corp to preserve that freedom of the people. Well.. something like that. A new nation where people tired of war and strife can flee and start anew. Only problem is we need LOTS of people to do that. Impossible. Cannot be done. Even if half of discovery join my cause, we simply can't. Unless the server player limit is extended to 1000 and we actually have the players to populate it.

CApital ship requirements? - JovialKnight - 06-10-2009

What is your obsession with getting people to defect to the outer reaches of space to join your cause? There are plenty of different choices available within canon.

CApital ship requirements? - tazuras - 06-10-2009

You should probably also know that players or player factions cannot have a major effect on the plotline of discovery. On the whole the plot is controlled by Igiss. He is the "dungeon master" of sorts and has the final word on, well, pretty much everything he says he has the final word on, which includes major plot events in disco.

Other than that, it sounds like you want to create a zoner faction. I think it can work as a faction, just needs some revisions.

CApital ship requirements? - triple88a - 06-10-2009

sir once you get out of ur trader, you will realise that having a battleship with out rp means nothing. The ability to kill big NPCs only goes so far and then gets boring.