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Make way for Dirty Lenny - Printable Version

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Make way for Dirty Lenny - Lenny Bruce - 06-11-2009

Whoa, have I been out of circulaion a while. I just checked this holo-link thing here and it says I died back in August of 1966. Funny, I don't feel dead. A bit dry though. I could really use a scotch. And a smoke. And a microphone, in a sleazy club off Geary Street. Oh, and about a dozen blue-shirted schmucks from the vice squad smacking me silly for exercizing my 1st Amendement rights.

Ok, THAT I won't miss. Oi.

Well, think I'll shlep around for a while. If any of you schmos got a hang-up, keep it to yer self. I'll figure out what cooks, where the cool cats lounge and I don't need no yutz in my space.


This ain't Berkley, but I do see possibilities. Cardimine? Hmmmm, can't wait. Does The Man still hassle? And has anyone seen Frank recently?

See you leckos out there.

Make way for Dirty Lenny - CCI45-px/Probe149 - 06-11-2009

Welcome to our community. Be sure to read the Holly Book.
There is a Skype channel to dedicated to help new players, maybe you'd want to visit it.
And if you're not too sure what to do here, join a player faction (for example by clicking the link in my sig).
Did i forget something? Ah yes! HAVE FUN!

Make way for Dirty Lenny - johnpeter - 06-11-2009

Hello, welcome to Discovery! <strike>If you need a loan- </strike> Have fun!

Make way for Dirty Lenny - Lenny Bruce - 06-12-2009

OCC: Thanks for the two replies.

I actually played here a year ago. 'Been playing Freelancer since The Begining, and I've tried most of the servers out there. I like your guy's RP, even though at times it seems a bit heavy handed. The balance in this mod is very good. I can't stand those other mods with 17 million credit missions and noobs get their capship in a couple of weeks.

Since my charachter is kinda anti-establishment, I'll be working on my Junker rep, with later chars Outcast and Lane Hacker probably. I'll be back in my Falcatta in no time, making suicidal attacks on BH gunboats.

Meanwhile I'll be re-mapping so I know where everything is. But first, I REALLY need to find someplace that serves a decent bagel with lox. It's harder to find a good deli in Sirius than it was when I was in the Bay Area. The one by Allentown in Philly? Forget about it!

(Regarding the first post: Yiddish / Beat to English translations are available on request)

Make way for Dirty Lenny - Jazz - 06-12-2009

hey mate, I know how ya feel. If you really must know, the Freelancer's Deli on Freeport 4 has some killer bagels, made fresh too, not that Synth crap. ;)

OOC: welcome to teh social mate!

Make way for Dirty Lenny - Durandal - 06-12-2009

OOC: The Outcasts may not be the best faction out there for you, they're more focused on spreading the influence of Cardamine than rebelling against the powers that be, from my point of view at least. You'd probably be best off with a generic pilot ID if you want to operate in Liberty, or maybe join the Hackers.

Make way for Dirty Lenny - Malaclypse 666 - 06-12-2009

Lenny, I got bad news man.

It all died.. all of it.

Jack and Neal quit hittin' the road.

The hard stuff became hip stuff became hippy stuff.. Ginsberg got into this "blumenkraft" crap, spoutin' his angst-ridden Kaddish to stoned kids up in the Haight; and Ferlinghetti was reduced to doin' gigs for rich society shiksas at effin' Mills College. Made you wanna heave your guts out over an empty jug of Red Mountain.

The Panthers became pussies. Cleaver did a double nickel and became a futzin' preacher.

The smokey dives on Geary became schmaltzy supper clubs down in Monterey or up in Sebastapol and Russian River.

Russian River, man!

"Television" arrived, and the man became a three-letter word, the "FCC".

That ganze meshugga Tim Leary had his own head cut off and put in a freezer.. Oh, wait.. he was after your time..

Comedy went from satire to self-effacing schmuckery.., like, who can make humanity look the stupidest, dig?

You were better off dead, my brotha.

Two burnt-out putzs had a short run makin' fun of a wacked religion they created in a bowling alley down in Walnut Creek, but the Wednesday night Ladies' League complained, and they got thrown out.

Comedy around here is nothin' but dreck. the goyim wouldn't know a good yuk if it smacked em in the face with an EMP cannon.

The only regular performer with a decent schtick is more into ontological anarchy than the "real" stuff. His meshugge ranting is so out-there that the rubes don't even know when they've been insulted.. even his audience doesn't know its an audience.

It's sad, Lenny. Hope you're good in a cockpit, man, or you'll starve quicker than you did the first time around.

Make way for Dirty Lenny - Lenny Bruce - 06-13-2009

@ Malaclypse 666

One word... Drag.

OCC: I used to live in Sebastopol, hang out on the Russian River and supported the local agricutural economy.
My freinds were rednecks, old hippies and blue collar folks enjoying one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
Jazz on the River, The Dead Kenedys at the Petaluma Vets Hall... Cool foggy mornings, warm sunny afternoons... Craggy beaches with roaring waves, majestic redwoods almost but not quite silent... An old V8 Ford speeding down Bloomfied Road passing cows and horses...

I havn't been back in many years. My last memories were a town destroyed by cultural genocide. All the working people were rounded up and placed in concentration condos. The hills I grew up in were stripped bare of their nobel apple trees, replaced by pretentious vinyards and plastic obscene McMansions. The diverse people of varied, interesting backgrounds were replaced with conformist automotons.

I still grieve. And apperantly digress in an overly specific rant.

Lenny does have an uphill battle, I'm afaraid. His brand of sarcastic social satire has come ond gone. There are, however many ways to stick it to the man. Game on.

BTW: I didn't starve. A health serving of Opiate didn't agree with me and I died of indegestion.

Make way for Dirty Lenny - Marburg - 06-13-2009

Lenny! dude...what are you doin' alive?

Well, as long as you're back in living land, it's only fair to let you know that there's a joke with your name on it:

"What do you think Lenny Bruce would say if he were alive today?"

'Let me out of this f***in' box man, I can't breathe!''

So, since you're apparently among the living now, can I ask if you've had the chance to go bowling with Bill Hicks before going all corporeal again?

Make way for Dirty Lenny - tazuras - 06-13-2009

Hello and welcome.

I normally post on these threads right away, but your in character mini monologue scared me off a bit.

Sure you know about the rules and all that so I will mention them no further.

If you want to meet people around here and get involved I recommend getting skype. I run a help chat, which I like to think is a pretty nice place to hang out and meet people, have interesting conversations and what not. Details in ma sig if you want to know more.

Other than that, glad to see some interesting characters lurking about here and hope you continue to enjoy things here.

PS. Would working to overthrow a Monarchy in place of a democratic government be anti-establishment enough for you, because I might just run a faction that is doing that;)