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Order RP tips - masternerdguy - 06-16-2009


Recently I upgraded from Corsairs to The Order. I am completely unsure how to RP well as an order character. :crazy:

So Far.....

The first thing I did was a mission for the order (and was surprised how easy it was to beat up liberty ships) and then I bought a corsair super heavy fighter. Nephylyth i think.

Then I explored Nomad worlds such as Omicron Iota, Omicron Lost (a very disappointing system) and the really far out places like the Ravine and the alien jump gate. Then I went into Alaska. But I am unsure as to what to do now RP wise.

How do other order peeps normally RP?

Order RP tips - Sprolf - 06-16-2009

I'm going to assume that you were that Malcolm-UK fellow (or whatever your name was) that I saw earlier.

As a start:
Those ain't Order systems.

Order has Minor and 100.
Iota, 99, 92, Major, etcetera are all Nomad systems.

And as far as RPing an Order character goes...
Just RP... well, an Order character. There isn't much of a trick to it.
Most of them want to save humanity or something high and lofty like that.

Basically, you can hang around Minor and kick any non Order/Corsair/Hogosha out of it, and, if negotiations fail, kill any LN, LSF, of BHG Core that appear in system. RP first, try to get them out.
And then you can start teh pew pew lazers if you must.

Sooner or later, if you hang around Minor, someone will organize a patrol or a raid or something, and you should get into the swing of things pretty quick.

And what do you mean, Lost was disappointing?
It's flapping awesome.

Order RP tips - Fletcher - 06-16-2009

When it comes to PvP, always be defensive unless its with Nomads and Wilde.

The Order do not hunt to kill other human pilots they're aiming to protect, but will fire back towards their enemies like the BHG as an example when provoked.

Ask questions first, and only return fire, unless you got smugglers in Omicron-100.

Order RP tips - masternerdguy - 06-16-2009

' Wrote:I'm going to assume that you were that Malcolm-UK fellow (or whatever your name was) that I saw earlier.

As a start:
Those ain't Order systems.

Order has Minor and 100.
Iota, 99, 92, Major, etcetera are all Nomad systems.
And as far as RPing an Order character goes...
Just RP... well, an Order character. There isn't much of a trick to it.
Most of them want to save humanity or something high and lofty like that.

Basically, you can hang around Minor and kick any non Order/Corsair/Hogosha out of it, and, if negotiations fail, kill any LN, LSF, of BHG Core that appear in system. RP first, try to get them out.
And then you can start teh pew pew lazers if you must.

Sooner or later, if you hang around Minor, someone will organize a patrol or a raid or something, and you should get into the swing of things pretty quick.
And what do you mean, Lost was disappointing?
It's flapping awesome.

1. I know they were nomad systems, thats why i was exploring them i figured we might have some involvement there.

2. Lost feels empty.....

Order RP tips - kikatsu - 06-16-2009

well there are lots of different kinds of characters you would be in the Order...scientist, patrol pilot, recon work, defense flight, spy

but your average week will see the normal order operative workin on all of these jobs

yeah those are nomad systems, but the order finds itself in them rather often

and Lost...that's mainly for RP and events... and it has no NPCs in there, which can stop those nomad assassins from blowing holes in you when you are typing up something

yeah haning around minor is good for getting attention, as all order characters are based off of Toledo, and the Isis makes an excilent camp if the BHG attack (rapid fire heavy mortars for the win sir)

Order RP tips - Walker - 06-16-2009

Drive towards the shiny hole, it has the souls of thousands in it, good company.

Recognize that the Nephthys is a ORDER VHF not a Corsair SHF.
Do not attempt to pirate or PvP with people or be lawful - Seize Nomadic Equipment and Materials.

Its also policy to bar Artifact Smugglers from Alaska; As RP-Wise nothing gets through there alive, and the RP-wise 99.99% Chance of being caught - Barring them and blowing up their ships is merciful - As your going to return the escape pod, whilst the Navy would send it off to Fairbanks to get jelly infused.

Order RP tips - ophidian - 06-17-2009

Well, the RP differs from the point of view you love to look for your char(s).

For example;

I have 2 chars (one is a big ship so it has like 6-7 chars I roleplay and a pilot seldomly)

- Rand "Ophidian" Seith is a Captain of the Order, one of the highest ranks within the primary fleet so he is calm and cold, also with a temper about things. However, because of his rank, he has an "experience" to think before shooting and usually holds back the wings rather than going madly into battle.

Most of the RP involves dialogues with Order. Teasing stuf with BHG and LSF / LN, sometimes uber good "mind touching" interraction with Keepers. RP is you so it depends on your char.

However, factionized or not, in Order space, pilots usually follow the leading figures so it gives a "body" sense of RP'ing.

- My other char is a battleship with its command crew. Captain Matrim Cauthon and his crew. He is a calm but fierce guy, again a mostly passive Captain rather than going madly into situations. Agains, most of the RP is involving dialogues but with Matrim and his ship, I saw lots of battles (well, with Ophidian I probably saw over 100 anyway).

If you need any "situation by situation" basis help, you can always PM an Order| person to help you out.

Order RP tips - carlabrams - 06-17-2009

Here's a suggestion - leave the deep raids into Delta for the Corsairs. They like coming up and blasting away at Dabadoru every so often. Realize that most (not all, but at least most) of the bounty hunters that come looking for you are coming for RP - and that the enemy of my enemy is - still my enemy, but only after the combat is over. So if you're in Delta and get jumped by a Nomad battleship - it's not a bad thing to call the BHG|Core in to help with the destruction of that big ship if there are no other Order around. Just realize that at the end of the combat - the BHG|Core pilot is probably going to want to take the Nomad tech away himself. That gives you lots of opportunity for RP as well, since normally 2 hours a day, that BHG|Core pilot is probably one of my ships.

Oh, and show up Sundays for the big events. That's when we really utilize Lost to it's full extent.