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Sirius Cartel - Mircipion - 06-20-2009

[font=Arial]A man walks into a bar; hes a reporter for Sirius News. He looks around and finds who hes looking for, a man dressed in a very pricey suit whos sitting in a dark corner of the bar by himself. He walks over and sits down at the table.*

Reporter: So I heard you could give me some information on this new crime family thats appeared in Sirius, The Cartel. *Reaches into his pocket* I brought the money, now what can you tell me?

Man: New crime family? *laughs* what do you want to know?

Reporter: well lets start first with your name? And what role you played in this crime syndicate?

Man: You can call me Tony, dont worry about my last name you dont need to know. I was what they called a Soldier I killed who ever they asked me to. *Looks down, and takes another drink* I did a lot of bad things

Reporter: Earlier you laughed when I mentioned New Crime Family why?

Tony: Because there not. They have been around for some time. You people just didnt even realize they were right in front of your face.

Reporter: Well how come we havent heard of them before?

Tony: They went into hiding for awhile *Takes another drink* about a year ago they were known as Liberty Mafia. The police thought they had completely destroyed them, but they hadnt at all. They went into hiding on planet Malta with the outcasts and worked several strong holds into the political area and government. They broke off after awhile when their power was increaseing, they wanted to take a more direct role in crime on liberty, so they made their own crime family down in liberty while still managing to staying hidden, they are the main force behind smuggling cardamine into Liberty. Who knows how many people they got working for them off the books.

Reporter: Were did this crime family before it went into hiding, "liberty Mafia" Originate from?

Tony: Planet Manhattan, or thats at least were it all came together. They started off with small time things, drug deals, kidnapping, and the works. After awhile of wars between crime families one Don emerged and managed to crush all the others and bring them under one banner. With there new found power they were able to expand their Black Market, extortion, and kidnapping into space, what they called The New Frontier for business. Then they hid out on malta for awhile reforming themselves after a major crack down on crime.

Reporter: What can you tell me about this Don of the Cartel?

Tony: *shifts around a little nervous* wellIm going to need another drink. He was born on planet Denver, before his family moved to Manhattan. He was in and out of Sugarland, were he made his first connections with mob bosses and family. They called him Buccalleto.the butcher, he got that nickname from hacking off the limbs of Crime bosses to set an example so no one would oppose him.
Reporter: Can you give any details on what he looks like?

Tony: I dont have a clue, never seen him. Although I heard the main thing that distinguishes him is his tattoos on his hand, a little treat from prison I suspose.

Reporter: What kind of allies do they have?

Tony: They are friends with the many Pirate clans, Liberty Rogues, the outcast. But they are highly organized they smuggle all their equipment off the black market, and use their many soldiers to extort local businesses into paying them protection money.

Reporter: Were do the cartels operate now?

Tony: everywhere, all over the liberty systems. *Takes another drink, and a drag on his cigarette* Ill be lucky if I survive the week for what Im telling you *Nervously laughs*. They operate like ghosts with a get-in-get-out sort of idea. Thats all I know.

Reporter: Thank you for your time I know how dangerous it is for you to come here and talk to me with how you have deflected from the Cartel.

Tony: You dont deflect. Ill be dead by the end of the week. *Takes a drink*

*The reporter gets up, putting away his notes and heads for the door. As hes leaving the bar a man bumps into him*

Pardon me.

*The man dressed in a black trench coat continues into the bar with two similarly dressed men behind him. The reporter continues to walk then stops, something that Tony had said stood out You dont deflect, You dont deflect, You dont deflect, playing over and over in his head. He turned around and stared at the door leading back into the bar afraid to go in. Just then he heard a voice from the inside, Buccalleto sends his regards. A sound of short gunfire bursts followed after, spraying the entire bar with hot lead. The reporter took off running down the dark alley into the rainy night*....

Sirius Cartel - Mircipion - 06-22-2009

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