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Synth Foods need new leader - Printable Version

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Synth Foods need new leader - SimonBlack - 06-20-2009

I haven't been around lately. For some reason I simply cannot see the server, so I haven't been able to log in as much as I'd like. I am trying to keep my accounts alive, but it's not working out.

With my time limited, Vero under heavy work load, Wrathin leaving, Klaw being able to play on weekends only and the other guys being only so much active, it's time for some change Obama-style.

Thats right, Synth Foods need a new leader. If any of current Synth Foods-ers would take this up, I'd welcome them, but situation being as it is, I'd take anyone with enough guts to lead a player faction. Any discovery member is fit for the job, having in mind he/she is competent and devoted enough to this duty. So there it is, I'm proposing for you to become leader of Synth Foods. Bonus being Synth Foods Money Train and it's funds. I'd like to hear from people. Is anyone up for the job?

I probably wouldnt quit Synth Foods or Freelancer for that matter, though my play time being as it is, it would change little if I would. It all depends if I manage to keep accounts alive and if disco bug bites again.

Post it up now.

Synth Foods need new leader - Vero - 06-21-2009

If no-one else steps forward I will take the leadership role. However like Simon my playing time has been very limited recently and the faction would be better served by someone who had more availability.

As much as I like Synth Foods Inc being a recognized official faction, I dont think it would be the end of the world for us to lose official status. Even if the moderators needed to lock down our old message dump we could find another location for those types of posts.

My Synth Foods ships will continue to fly whatever the outcome is.

Synth Foods need new leader - Elsdragon - 06-21-2009

Ill give it a shot. SYnth is an underplayed faction, And i feel i might be able to do it. LWB and the AFA need some Flashpoint eagles down their throats.Sytnh is supposed to be a major part of the factions RP, SO I could give it the activity it needs.I Would need a Second in command tho, any takers?If ya want, I could wirte an updated factiobn status, if you want.

Synth Foods need new leader - SimonBlack - 06-21-2009

Try making an update. I was working on it recently but it wasn't finished. Only managed to write bio for Los Angeles, I think. All the information is in faction status post and it's pretty much up to date. I'd like to hear from Vero on this as well.

Likewise, my convoy will be running (if only I can get online, dammit!)

Wrathkin said that Synth Foods was the most fun trading. That's pretty good.

P.S. Vero, would you log in Money Train when you can get online? That bad boy needs to stay active.

Synth Foods need new leader - BaconSoda - 06-21-2009

Whomever does take control of this wonderful faction, please spell the LWB's name right in your faction status!


should be spelled:

