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Sirius Security Service [SSS] background story - Printable Version

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Sirius Security Service [SSS] background story - Koltes - 06-22-2009

817 A.S.
Berring - Freeport 2.

“Commander Koltes Seymour, are you the man for the job?” – Admiral Izaru and three others looked hard at the person before them, faces stoned.
“You’ve read my profile, admiral. I wouldn’t be here if you think otherwise.”
“Very well then! We hired you to start top-secret organization named Sirius Security Service. Your com tag Triple S has already been registered with the international fleet.”

No muscle moved on commander’s face.
“What is it about?”
“Triple S is dedicated to clear out the space from pirates and other scum by all means possible. Espionage, intelligence, highly trained assault team, the global criminal database. You name it.”
“Who’s funding the project?”
“This is classified information Seymour. The credits will come from multiple third party fake trading companies. This will be impossible to track.”
“And the equipment?”
“That will be up to you, commander. We must have no connections with Triple S what so ever.”
“I’m a mercenary, admiral. I have friends with Corsairs who will help acquiring the right equipment.”

Admiral Izaru shook his head impatiently.
“So be it.”
“That deal will come with the price. Corsairs are not stupid and will ask something valuable in return.”
“Such as?”
“They will want Triple S to aid in their war with Outcasts. Since this is…”
“That is impossible, commander! Triple S cannot be involved in any conflicts between factions! This is out of question!”

Koltes Seymour took a long hard look at the four people before him. They all were high authorities from different factions. His eyes stopped at the Rheinlander Herr Drauffmann.
“Vizeadmiral, this is not a surprise for me to see that high ranked officers from two rival factions are having war negotiations. What I’m troubled to understand is why would they start joint organization behind the back of their factions while in fearful war with each other?”
“This is also classified information, Seymour!” – Izaru spoke first stopping Drauffmann from making any statements, but Koltes ignored him.
“You were in command of Westfalen Battleship in Hamburg Vizeadmiral and recently assigned on to a new role. No additional information provided.” – Koltes turned his face back to Izaru. – “That is the same with you, admiral. You were in charge of security for Zone-21 and the jump gate to Alaska in New York, yes don’t look so surprised - I have my own sources of information. Then recently you were reassigned and your case is also classified. It will not take much imagination to assume that the rest of you have similar history records. If you want me to work for you I must know what I’m getting into!”

The Rheinlander looked at the other representatives trying to find support. There was none. Finally, he nodded.
“Alright commander, be it your way.” – Drauffmann took glass of water and quickly drank it slamming it back to the table. – “This comes from the highest authorities. The Triple S is a secret organization put together by combined support of four major faction leaders such as Liberty, Rheinland, Kusari and Bretonia. This is quite usual for rivals to become allies when facing other more serious threat.”

Drauffmann gave commander a hard look.
“Seymour I hope you make no illusions about why wars are fought in the first place. They all have two main reasons behind them – the money and the power and two go perfectly together. Factions cannot fund their wars on their own without support of allied private companies. The constant flow of the credits greatly depend on their continues operating which is in a great danger because of the high pirates activity. This is more serious threat then it sounds.”
“This does not explain the creation of global security force. You have your own police. Why not use them?”

The admiral Izaru took word again.
“Because we all only have authority in our own zone of influence and cannot spread our activities into independent worlds or other factions territories. We all understand that and that is why the decision was made to create such sovereign organization which will be able to spread its activity across the whole Sirius.”
“That makes sense.” – Seymour nodded. – “However, since Triple S is autonomous organization our contacts with Corsairs will not drop a shadow on the factions. We could…”

“Commander, we cannot allow the organization to get involved into any conflicts. This is…”
“No admiral!” – Koltes raised his voice. – “You must come to your senses. You will not supply us with any equipment and we will have to rely on our own sources only. No one else have access to high technological weapons and ships as Corsairs. Apart from their own, they can source ships made by The Order and we both know what they worth in the battle. Corsairs themselves are not as big thread in piracy than those who does so for money. Last pirate I’ve met in Omicron Gamma who came back with hull full of trophies sold them for food which he gave away to his starving people on Crete.”

Admiral fired an angry look at the commander, but Koltes took it without hesitation.
“They will not work with us unless we give them something in return. Remember that by fighting Outcasts we not only helping Corsairs, but also ourselves. Outcasts do their dirty raids across the whole sector and often leave only dead bodies. Their hunger for profits means not only threat to traders, but also very dangerous drug for population which they keep smuggling in to the systems.”
“But how would you go around stopping Corsairs from pirating or are you going to fire at some bandits and let the others go?”
“I agree that pirating is not the only way of making a living and that is why we will also stop Corsairs from doing so, however the very least we can do is to give them a chance to turn around and leave before engaging. This is fair and even they will take it in return for our support in their war against Outcasts.”
“What about The Order? If I understood you correctly, you are going to utilize their technologies. Ships, weapons. They will not be happy about that.”

“Admiral, with all due respect, but this war against The Order is beyond my understanding. Liberty is punishing a good people for the deeds of one person. Besides, it is because of The Order the Liberty does not face a much higher threat than a bunch of pirates. Yes, I am talking about the aliens. The Order pilots greatly outnumbered risking their lives every day and literally make heroic acts in every battle.”
“You have not answered my question commander.”
“I have. They are much easier to reason with than it seems. This is another reason to be friendly with the Corsairs and through this connection we possibly will be able to use The Order's equipment. Apart from that, I plan to make a special arrangement in guarding Alaska gate in NY, which even more so will help us to come to some sort of agreement. They have plenty of problems with smugglers using that not-so-secured top secret system.”

Four men exchange the hard look and after a little conversation, each gave his approval. Admiral Izaru who apparently was their spokesperson said with the sound of agreement.
“Be it your way commander. You will have to contact all our military and police authorities and let them know of who you are and the goals of the Triple S and get the permission to bring any types of ships into their territories as long as they all marked with [SSS] sign. You must understand that their policies are all made to make their home space a safer zone. They must know that you are not an enemy. Dismissed.”


[Image: SSS_logo_forum.png]