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Liberty Navy to 'Concerned Citizens' of Liberty - Printable Version

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Liberty Navy to 'Concerned Citizens' of Liberty - JakeSG - 06-23-2009

---Incoming Transmission---
---Source Identified: William von Darkmoor, Liberty Navy---
---Subject: Independent Navy Captains---

To: Liberty Police Inc., 'Concerned Civilians' of Liberty
CC: Liberty Navy, Bretonian Armed Forces, Kusari Naval Forces

Liberty is in a state of war, as is well known. Despite our engagement with the Rheinland forces, we are doing our best to ensure that the homeland, as well as our relations with neighboring Houses, are kept as secure as possible.

Unfortunately, it seems that some of our newer captains are unable to cope with the pressure of command, and have subsequently left the realms of sanity. These individuals suffer from what can only be called 'Space Madness', and need professional help so that they are no longer a threat to your safety. Understand that we, the Liberty Navy, do our best to restrict these ships to captains whom we believe capable, with screening programs and routine check-ups, however things change over time and unfortunately we are not always the first to know.

So we call on you, the civilians of Liberty, to keep us informed of any odd behaviour you see from officers of the Navy, especially in such a situation where their behaviour risks causing harm to you, the civilian, or another non-military personnel. In an effort to prevent possible future issues with early preventative measures, we also request that if you see any Naval ship of Siege Cruiser class or higher which is not registered here, that you inform them of their mistake and contact us here. More delicate matters, to ensure the security of yourself and your families, may be forwarded directly to the Navy in secure communications.

Once more, we do all we can to ensure the home front is secure. However, ever-vigilant as we are we are not omniscient. With your help, we can ensure that the home front is kept secure, that our captains are kept in peak mental state. With your help, we will win this war.

- William von Darkmoor, Lieutenant Commander

---Transmission Ceased---
---Source Lost---

Liberty Navy to 'Concerned Citizens' of Liberty - rayne - 06-23-2009

.:Incoming Transmission:.
[Image: Julia.png]
.:Comm ID: LSF Julia Wolfe:.
.:Location: Classified:.
.:Target ID: Liberty Navy High Command
.:Encryption Protocol: Zeta:.

Me and my agents have been keeping a close eye on everything that goes on in Liberty. Should any of these "mad" captains threaten security of our home land or any of my agents, we will arrest, detain and "interrogate" them. Once we are satisfied they are no longer a risk we will then turn them over to the Navy.

Director of [color=#FF0000]**CLASSIFIED**
Miss Julia Wolfe

[color=#FF0000].:Transmission Terminated:.
.:Signal Lost:.
.:Trace......... Impossible:.

Liberty Navy to 'Concerned Citizens' of Liberty - Saronsen - 07-19-2009

-Incoming transmission-
-Source: Freelancer Identified, Saronsen Nighten-

In light of the.. Recent events from earlier, I assumed it was time to name off a few of these maddened captains I've seen on the loose.

For starters, the captain of the Liberty Navy Vessel, or LNS, Brookstone: Of my long time in Liberty, this one is the worst. Once a Siege Cruiser, he has upgraded to a Battlecruiser not too long ago. But despite all of that, he has taken a liking to shooting down innocents, as well as wasting your precious resources on fighters. And of those innocents? Usually transports and freighters that don't hear his halts, or if he feels that theyre enemies. He's even taken to saying that the junkers are "Guilty of helping the pirates", despite that they have little or no proof that every junker is an assistant. Junkers are junkers, not pirates.

Let's move on to another ship, the DragonsFury, or a Siege Cruiser. The captain of this vessel I've seen fly after defenseless Zoner Whales, and with a simple "Engaging", and no true reason behind it, begins ripping them apart with his cannons. They may have been smuggling, but I was unable to find out from the distance I kept. He also seems to have the same routine of attacking various fighters with, or without, any sort of warning or reason.

A third vessel I have come along, has a very awkward name. The best I can remember of it is.. LNS-[Canada]RCMP.Ajax, or something. It's another Battlecruiser. The Captain has done the same sort of actions such as the previous two, but also seems to be afflicted with the Lahl syndrome, or more commonly known as, the Lawlspeak syndrome. He speaks as if he has characters, or other persons of himself quite often, and also uses symbols in his speech, such as Colon Parenthesis.

Overall, I believe these captains are unstable, and unable to properly command their vessels. I recommend checking them out.

Liberty Navy to 'Concerned Citizens' of Liberty - Asgardian - 07-19-2009

[Inbound Transmission]

~Lt. Commander Jack Malrone.
>Concerning Captains.

Mr Knighten,

Your opinion of these Captains has been noted and a full internal investigation shall be conducted into said officers.

The proceedings of such investigations, however, will not be made public for reasons of house security.

Lt. Commander Jack Malrone

--Stream End--
[Transmission End]

Liberty Navy to 'Concerned Citizens' of Liberty - Vrouw - 07-19-2009

***Incoming Transmission***
***Transmission Recieved***

***ID: Ensign Urielle Stelvin***

I'm aware that I was part of the events that recently unfolded causing the concerns, and I'd like to fully apologize. I was under the influence of an officer who ordered me to engage. I saw the civilian attacking the Officer, and I assisted, thinking it was my duty. I was not there during the previous events that led up to the attacks.

My prayers go with anyone who I may've hurt, or even worse, killed.

***Transmission ended***

Liberty Navy to 'Concerned Citizens' of Liberty - JakeSG - 07-19-2009

---Incoming Transmission---
---Source Indentified: William von Darkmoor, Lt Commander---
---Subject: Concerned Citizens---

Whilst your opinions are appreciated, that is all they will be unless you have physical proof to back up your claims. If we were to leap on every single accusation, we'd shuffle through officers awfully quickly.

Nevertheless, thankyou for being the first to use the appropriate channels for these complains. Hopefully it is a trend that will continue in the future.

- William von Darkmoor, Lt Commander.

---Transmission Ceased---
---Source Lost---

Liberty Navy to 'Concerned Citizens' of Liberty - Saronsen - 07-19-2009

-Incoming transmission-
-Source: Freelancer Identified, Saronsen Nighten-

Right, for the Navys sake, I'll make sure to send in proper evidence of these deranged captains next time, so they discontinue blasting whatever flies the wrong way.

Saronsen out.

Liberty Navy to 'Concerned Citizens' of Liberty - Akura - 11-26-2009


ID: LN-Armstrong
Name: Duke Armstrong

Targets: ImpuLs and HEMI426

Well... to put it simply, had some angry letters... one from a Hogosha, of all people, and one from a concerned Rogue...



We got ImpuLs making no sense in New York, a moron like that shouldn't be allowed to fly a Seige Cruiser should he?

[Image: screen1267.png]


And here is the really weird one, HEMI426, from the Hogosha up north, this one really doesn't make sense.

Here is the ships route:

[Image: routen.jpg]

It was spotted by [|]Sakura in Tottori, then fled through Tau-42, Tau-44, Tau-23, Kyushu, Tau-29, Baffin, Coronado, and the trail dies there.

First contact:

Alot of the other stuff was lost, in the Ion Storm.


Now, this dates back to a prior report of mine, I have archived, lemmie dig it up... ah here:


The two are clearly infected, all of the witnesses can testify.
They clearly killed a miner, supposedly for hauling Cardimine, which I find hard to believe, and for shooting at, and nearly killing The junker ship Royal.Fortune.

Also, clearly showing ImpuLs dropped the dreaded 'F-Bomb'.


And LSF spotted thier signals as far as Gamma, Delta, and then Minor. This is insane, hunt them down and control them please, this cannot go unnoticed.


Clearly the two are grouped, infected and everywhere.

I'll leave it up to you.

- Armstrong

***Transmission Ends***

Liberty Navy to 'Concerned Citizens' of Liberty - Dashiell - 11-26-2009

:: incoming transmission::

Comm id: Virgil Redline

message begins:

I second those reports. I have received intel that both HEMI and Impuls were spotted as far as Omega 47.

they seem infected and generally their combined IQs won't outmatch that of gaian wildlife.

they are a thread to anyone who comes close, trader, ally or minor pirate alike. They should be removed from command.

Virgil Redline

end of transmission.