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Thea Bauer - farmerman - 06-24-2009

Rheinland Federal Police File 817-17M41BE7-TB

Thea Bauer

Currently unavailable

History and Family:
DOB: 2/13/792
Parents: Helmut Bauer, Katherine Bauer
Current location: Unknown

Personal History:
Graduated, Bergedorf School, Planet Hamburg, 809
Graduated, University of New Berlin, degree in Rheinland History and Linguistics, 813
Graduated, University of New Berlin, Masters Degree in Linguistics, 815
Attended, University of New Berlin, Doctorate in Historic Linguistics, 816

Criminal History:
Thea was first mentioned in the RFP files in 807, at the age of 15, while living on Planet Hamburg. She was picked up for breaking and entering after she illegally entered the home of a family of Kusari immigrants. The owner claimed Thea was just visiting his children; charges were subsequently dropped. Later in the year, she was arrested after crashing a Humpback that she did not have a license for; She was fined and released to her parents' custody.

In her first year attending the University of New Berlin after a large Bundschuh demonstration she was again arrested. It is thought she was introduced to the movement by her then roommate, Eva Morgenrot, now of the LWB. Insufficient evidence of involvement was attained and she was placed under surveillance and released. She continued to be watched due to her connections to Josef Marks, a Professor at the University and Thea advisor. After Marks fled and nothing else seemed to come from Thea, surveillance was dropped. She continued her studies in an uneventful and lawful manner until 816.

Soon after she began her doctoral studies in late 815, she disappeared from the RFP radar. Anonymous sources state this was after an incident with one Jakob Erlichmann, a man thought to be her significant other at the time. The source stated she worked for a group of Bretonian Junkers in their attempts to further relations in Rheinland, but no proof of any involvement has been clearly shown. Her accomplice, Jakob, soon later became a member of the Red Hessians and was killed in a fight with the Rheinland Military in Dresden in mid 816. Within two weeks of the report of his death, Thea was seen in Stuttgart and then again in Frankfurt. Each time she was spotted in small transports alongside known Bundschuh members before finally being seen in a Loki class ship fighting alongside the Volksfront.

Standing Warrants (multiples combined for ease of reading):
High Crimes Against the State
Defaming the Kanzler
Resisting Arrest
Destruction of State Property
Distribution of Subversive Media
Use of Unlicensed Spacecraft
Membership of an Outlawed Political Organisation

Known Associates:
Eva Morgenrot - A known member of the Landwirtrechtbewegung and former roommate of Thea at the University of New Berlin.

Josef Marks - A former Professor, known political terrorist, and rogue broadcaster.

Roger Thompson - Known Junker with over 50 unpaid parking tickets.

Konstantin Preus, Kaspar Keitel, Lyubomir Gechevski - Infamous pilots of the Volksfront and known associates of Thea. She was recently seen to recover escape pods on their behalf.

Josef Bauer - Former LWB pilot suspected to have been influenced by the Wild. Thea's second cousin. Caution is advised in case there is a genetic component to nomad influence.