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another day - - 06-25-2009

greetings again

another thought about RP. friendly pirates destroy your ship because they cannot decide who recives tribute.
another hard day at trader track:). how can u become an outlaw when u see all of the just waiting to steal from u. u can be one of them and they just want to show u a power of their guns. pirating the easiestway to gain money. how do piracy work just show me the money or lets talk. i meet pirates who u can agreed on tribute and pass thtu territory even if u met others. and tooday just we will kill u. nothing gained nothing lost. just for a pleasure. no RP just, i have better guns. idiocy in purest example outside of territory just we want u give or u dead. i know that some of us are good player but traders met a lot of idiots that just w8 for cash. they dont care about Rp just want to gain cash for their battleships to steal more and more. no dognity no RP and most of all no POLICE. tell me why POLIce andNavy just dont want to akc as Their RP tells them to do. they just scan your cargo and say u must pay or u can go.

another day - Hawkwings - 06-25-2009

1. Piracy is a very very poor way to make money.

2. Police can't be around all the time.

3. Pirates come in all sorts, some are really good roleplayers, others just want blue kill messages.

another day - pchwang - 06-25-2009

' Wrote:1. Piracy is a very very poor way to make money.
Achem... I beg to differ.

Done properly, it is very efficient.

another day - Hawkwings - 06-25-2009

Done properly, trading is much better. Unless you've got traders that pay you obscene amounts, of course.

another day - Zeltak - 06-25-2009

Well, piracy is both fun and you can earn all the way up to 50 million per day. (Well by my standards, heh.)

Now that is of course very little compared to a Trader's profit per day, but if you are like me, have less than five characters and only need repair money once in a while then Pirating is epicLOLfun.

Oooor... you can also mine the Pittsburg area and earn the huuuuge amount of 50 million credits per hour getting Scrap Metal, but since this calculation was made by Connor that is of course a total lie.

And I might have gotten a bit off-topic, sorry!

another day - Moneybags - 06-27-2009

Excuse me!?
For almost all people Pirateing is all RP. I once ran into a pirate and he charged me 5mill, so I RPed with him for a bit and after awhile, he let me go. In privte comms he told me that pirateing for him wasn't about the money, but for the RP.
So there you go, pirateing is NOT the best way to get money, obvously he used his trader to buy his "big battleship"