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Bounty Hunters Rumour Mill - Printable Version

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Bounty Hunters Rumour Mill - Athenian - 06-26-2009

We want to compile all the rumours in game about the Bounty Hunters Guild. So post away! Screeenshots in JPEG form please, cropped to size if possible.

(I have the one about Cryer getting the Guild to catch Outcast pilots for experiments and the one about what happens to people who reveal jumphole locations, which Ill post later. But we'd really like to see as many as posssible in one place. Maybe someone missed something.)

Also, descriptions of the many Bounty Hunter wrecks lying around the place would be helpful.

Colony News reports also please!!


[Image: rumour-unknown.gif]

[Image: bhnews.png]

[Image: rumour-BHG-newstart.gif]

Bounty Hunters Rumour Mill - Benjamin - 06-26-2009

I'm a slut for rumours and I screenshot most of the ones that are even semi-interesting.
However, I have no bounty hunter characters or even anything really close to it, so I've only got a handful of rumours here, and even then, how much they have to do with Hunters is pretty flimsy.

First up, from a hunter on FP5, the shocking revelation that Corsairs hate jousting???(!)?
[Image: bh1.png]

Mysterious guild only weapon. The dude on Atka again.
[Image: bh2.png]

The lane hacker on Montezuma. I guess you guys need to brush up your 'hanging out in hotels' rp, never been your strong point and it's really breaking canon.
[Image: bh3.png]

Some mope, can't rremember. Freeport 1 maybe, don't know who. That's him in the background of the picture anyway if you know the coat.
[Image: bh4.png]

Okay, because these offerings are pretty paltry, I'm giving you a bonus. An excellent bonus. Please insert this character in to the higher echelons of the BHG| faction and give them a large forum RP presence.

[Image: bh5.png]

Bounty Hunters Rumour Mill - Athenian - 06-26-2009

We have a new leader! Sweet!