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Oracle Isabella and Vesuvious - reavengitair - 06-26-2009

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Subject: Vesuvious

[Image: theanima.png]
Oracle Isabella on board her private meditation chamber, the shrine.

Profile -

Name - Vesuvious, formerly Vesuva and Oracle Isabella
Gender - Female/Unknown
Age - Unknown
Height - Unknown,
Hair colour - Brown
Eye colour - Hazel
Home planet/system - Unknown, the Shrine.


Status report

Current status: Nomad Morph
Infection Risk: 88%

Oracle Isabella and Vesuvious - reavengitair - 06-26-2009

The Shrine, Unknown System

Oracle Isabella stood by a window in her personal meditation chamber, looking out into the endless void beyond. The stars were bright and shining, stardust clung to the asteroids like a child to its parent. Another day onboard the shrine, another of meditation. Another day of peace.

The Shrine was a marvel in itself. A glowing beacon of wisdom. A long lost monument from an ancient race. The very essence itself of peace and harmony.

Existing from beyond the time that mankind set foot upon old earth, The Shrine beckoned seekers of peace and knowledge to its very core. Those who hear the siren's song would be entranced by its promises. They would feel their own inner peace. They would come to the shrine from far and wide to learn secrets of the universe.

However, for Oracle Isabella, this was not the case.

Oracle Isabella had lived on the shrine her entire life. She was told she arrived at the shrine as a baby, fully telepathic and oracular. No-one knew of her ancestry.
She looked out to the stars above. She saw the peace and beauty of the universe, but she did not see as the other oracles saw, the other oracles were undoubtedly human and probably didn't wan the human race destroyed. She did not see a world to be cured of their hatred. She did not see that these people could become better.

She saw a world that must be destroyed.

Oracle Isabella and Vesuvious - reavengitair - 06-26-2009

16 years previously...

Prison Station Mitchell, Alaska System.

Alaska. Part of Zone 21, even in the early days of the Nomad War, it was still heavily guarded by the Liberty Navy.

It was even guarded even more by an alien race, known only to the humans of that time as "Nomads".

One of these nomads was a Nomad Interceptor, known only to the Humans as Vesuva. Hiding amongst the clouds, hiding in the shadows, he waited for his chance to strike.

A small fleet arrived at the gate, their purpose unknown. It was clear however, that they were here for something.

The fleet headed to Prison Station Mitchell. Their purpose was clear. They were going to free the president.

Vesuva alerted the others. The others alerted Mitchell.

They waited for their chance to strike.

The Shrine, Unknown System, The Present

It was dawn. On the shrine.

Or at least, it was the closest thing you could call dawn. The stars shone through the windows above... below... Light poured in from every direction as the sense of serenity expanded into Isabella's conciousness.

It was time to rise.

Awaking from her meditation chambers, Isabella awoke with the same sense of inner peace that she had always felt since the day she arrived on the shrine. No-one knew where she had come from before. No-one knew her ancestry... it was all she could remember. Flashes of purple... Blue... Darkness... From the depths of her mind. And then, a sense of inner peace.

But the peace was not good. To Isabella, the peace was a curse. It was not inner peace she seeked. In fact, boredom tore at her soul from the very depths of the shrine.

Some considered the shrine a gift. She considered it a curse.

Climbing slowly down the man-made staircase, Isabella made her way down to her usual seat beside Oracle|Helen. It was an open area, where the oracles would gather, one by one, daily. Sharing the fruits of their meditation.

But for Isabella, this was not the case. This was her daily dose of boredom.

Isabella hated the oracles (of course, at the time, she didn't know what hate was like). They were all so... 'I'm right and you're wrong' with their 'words of wisdom'. Why was it that the oracles were so... powerless against the threat? The humans were infected with anger and hate... Why should we try to cure the incurable? Should we not purge them of their anger before it spreads?

The other oracles could sense what she was thinking... She hated it. She hated it so much. Especially when they gave her that sidewards glance... A warm, funny feeling grew from inside her. She try to control it, but she could not. Her face grew red as her face contorted with rage...

A soft hand fell on her shoulder. It was Helen, once more. It seemed only she who could understand Isabella's feelings.

Isabella stood up. Apoligised, and was escorted up to her room.

Oracle Isabella and Vesuvious - reavengitair - 06-26-2009

The Shrine, Unknown system, The Present.

Isabella slammed her door shut, and folded her arms. It was times on board the shrine when she hated life. It wasn't just the oracles... but sometimes, her own stupidity and embarrasment drove her mad. It wouldn't be long now. Some day, she would escape.

Before she knew it, it was day again. How fast life went when one was... "Angered". She stood up, on her feet, and gazed at the stars. They were the same as usual. Pink... Boring... To her, peace was nothing. Peace was normal... in essence, to her, peace didn't exist. It was only anger that she could really feel.

Isabella sat down, on the bare, man-made chair that stood in her meditation chambers. She could sense something... Something... Sleeping. Something... down... in the depths...

But then again, she had always sensed this. Just like she always wondered what it was. "Ha", she thought, pulling a book from the closest bookshelf.

10 hours later...

Isabella raced down the staircase. Could this be it? Could this be the answer?

The book. Entitled. The Shrine.

The Shrine had 4 levels and a basement, as made by man. The rest... was nothing. There was nothing out there. Or was there.

The map of the shrine. How small it seemed. How small the man-made sector seemed compared to the rest of the shrine itself.

There was something out there. Isabella knew it.

And the map had described... Basement 2.

Oracle Isabella and Vesuvious - reavengitair - 06-26-2009

Prison Station Mitchell, Alaska System.

First there was a scream.

Not a human scream,

A nomad scream.

A telepathic scream.

A scream which echoed in the minds of the nomads for quite some time.

The scream was a notice.

It described two things.

A nomad had died,

And the president was free.

The nomads were angered. Weapons powered up, shields were activated. The Alaska system was filled with nomad activity. Vesuva powered up his his weapons. They would pay for that one.

Across the other end of the system, the Liberty Navy had successfully set up their blockade. They awaited. Patiently. For The Order, there would be no escape.

The docking bay on Prison Station Mitchell opened.

The fleet undocked...

To be met by an enormous fleet of hostile nomads.

A fight broke out. Weapons and missiles flew through space with deadly precision. The order tried to escape, but the nomads would make sure that they did not escape. Cruise disruptors were fired in every location. Thrusters were powered up. The order was slowly escaping...

Only to be met with by an enormous Liberty Navy Fleet.

Yet another battle broke out. This time, for the order, there would be no escape. Motars and missiles fired in every direction. The order were about to die, and the plan was going to be initiated.

Then, something happened that no-one expected.

An order-controller liberty cruiser began to charge at the blockade. Vesuvus and several other fighters attempted to stop it before it reached the navy blockade.

Vesuva sensed what was about to happen a split second before the other nomads. That split second was enough to save him.

It did not know what happened. The next thing it knew... Less than a morph...

It was time to repeat the cycle, all over again.

Oracle Isabella and Vesuvious - reavengitair - 06-26-2009

The Shrine, Unknown System, The present.

Oracle Isabella walked within the sacred libarary, avoiding the attention of the other oracles. A place where the very knowledge of the universe was stored. Every secret, every thought. Every language, everything. The universe was stored in a room of endless mazes, bookshelf upon bookshelf.

Isabella sat down upon the bare ground beneath her feet. The library held the answers to everything, and everything had an answer.


The elevator stopped on the 4th floor - Isabella's final destination. If she had access, she would have gone furthur to the docking bay, but that required special access.

It wasn't like Isabella could concentrate. Her mind was filled with unanswered questions, questions that meditation could not answer. She pulled at the closest book... unthinking on what would happen.


The bookcase began revolving.

Really, Isabella thought, That has to be the OLDEST trick in the book.

Behind the bookshelf was a hidden staircase. A winding path that lead to all areas of the shrine... Whispers from below came floating up the tunnel.... Something was down there.

Isabella smiled. This was her path to freedom.

Isabella literally ran down the staircase. This was her one moment of freedom. Already she could sense the other oracles feeling her emotions. Probing her mind. Finding her location.

They were coming.

Isabella arived at the basement. The lowest level of the Shrine. This was where destiny awaited. A chance to see what was out there. A chance to purge the world of the hatred that had been described to her so many times. Although she did not know what it was... She knew it must be stopped.

Oracle Isabella and Vesuvious - reavengitair - 06-26-2009

Somewhere in the void known as space...

Vesuva was in a deep sleep... At least, that is the only thing it could be compared with. Its thoughts were confused, much like that of a new baby opening its eyes for the first time.

Its instincts told it where to head... or rather... where to drift... The Shrine was the last safe place.

10 years later...

An unknown object flew toward the shrine. A blue small pulsing ball, not a Nomad Bacteria, but barely in the process to a Nomad Morph.

It docked...

Docking rights were granted...

And as usual, the oracles knew what to do.

Being a learner, the trapped it within the library. The Oracles did not truely understand how a nomad learns, but they assumed it learned they same way we did. Through knowledge. The library was the perfect place for that.

Little did they know that this nomad learned only from experience, so Vesuva could do nothing. A hybernation period was the best he could do. Trapped in an eternal sleep...

But now it sensed something coming..

Oracle Isabella and Vesuvious - reavengitair - 06-26-2009

The Shrine, below the docking area.

The air was dark and musty. It lacked oxygen, as if no-one had been here for many, many years. Dark whispers grew louder... The presence grew stronger... and Isabela drew closer.

As Isabella descended the stairs, the lights were gradually dimmed to pure darkness. She began suffocating from lack of oxygen, but she could survive. She just needed to adapt. Lighting a match, she continued into the darkness.

Then suddenly...

In the corner of her mind...

An echoing presence was felt throughout the shrine.

Once again...

It was alive.

Oracle Isabella and Vesuvious - reavengitair - 06-26-2009

The Shrine, Far below the docking area.

Vesva was sleeping.


So long now, it has been.

So long since it had lived...

Then suddenly...

it was awake...

Disturbed by the presence of heat and light. It was awake once again.

Ready to learn...

Ready to begin the cycle once more.

Oracle Isabella and Vesuvious - reavengitair - 06-26-2009

The Shrine, Docking Level 5.

Oracle Isabella stood at the entrance to the room. A blue glow had illuminated the dark room for the first time in what seemed to be a very long time.

It was there... It just... Stood there...



but then... the whispers started... Whispering in Oracle Isabella's mind.

Of course, the thing couldn't speak english yet... but as an oracle, Isabella knew what it was saying.

***Where?*** it said, as if waking up from a long sleep.
"The Shrine" answere Isabella, adrenaline pulsing through her vains..
"Quite some time it seems..."

Oracle Isabella stared. Was this yet another incident concerning the oracles? Was this another being, just like her, being imprisoned in the shrine?

"Why can't you escape?"
"Oh... You can't escape because you can't activate the docking bay..."

Isabella thought for quite some time. She could escape... Learn the ways of the universe....

Isabella walked over to the control pannel. It was dusty and corroded, but if she put enough effort.


The lever was pulled down. Lights slowly flickered on. The docking bay was clear.

The docking bay slowly began to open...

***Come...*** transmitted Vesuva
"What!?" yelled Isabella
***Come... With me...***

Isabella thought once more. This was her chance. A chance to be free... to be tought the universe by this... thing...


Jumping into the closest Eagle in the docking bay, Isabella started up the engines (which she had learned from reading). Oracles appeared at the doorway, horrified looks on their faces. Oracle Helen looked somewhat sympathetic.

The docking bay was open.

They were free.