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HAF-M-Sir_Dark - Printable Version

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HAF-M-Sir_Dark - Sir_Dark - 06-26-2009

Sir_Dark is a title that is inheriting generations. I inherited when my father was declared missing during the battle in which the force 6 of HAF is gone fighting with nomads. I was born in Crete and never met my father, a fighter pilot in the fleet of the HAF. Growth watching the HAF was destroyed, the stories of my childhood were always on the HAF pilots brave fight against their enemies, sometimes winning, others losing. For the 12 years started my training as a fighter pilot, he never raised me to be something else, was the family tradition, and neither will I be going through your head otherwise.

Especially in academy and in the pilot test of the Titans. Bombers and other aircraft are not giving me so well, but if the fighter. It seems she had a special gift for the fight quicker than is needed in fighters ships. Although my teachers always complained that it was a bit suicidal, the truth is always attacked to destroy myself or my enemy.

With 16 years, we get the terrible news, HAF fleet had been destroyed almost completely, and the force 6 disappeared after a strong attack of Nomads. My father is lost... So to become the new Sir_Dark and I enroll in the Corsair forces.

At that time, the HAF is blurred and it seemed that no longer exist, some were dealing with zoners (now known that they were collecting money to build a new fleet HAF), others were recruited as independent forces corsairs.

So I spent my youth, struggling here and there in various encounters with the enemies of the Corsairs. More than once afloat in space capsule in my exhaust, but once I am free from death by luck. So fuy making a name as a tireless fighter and a good fighter pilot.

When I was 25 years, an old man appeared in our humble home in Crete. It was one of the old masters of the old days of HAF. Despite his age, even in their eyes you could guess a terrible strength and determination. We talked for hours, past, present and even more so in the future. Told me as a new fleet was being built in Tripoli, as many pilots HAF (old and new) were together again in secret. He told me his hopes that the HAF re-cross the area as such, with their logos painted on their proud ships, with their organization and teamwork, with their hopes of joining the Nation back to Spain in a single house.

Is totally and absolutely convinced of my mission, to finally know that I was born. The old man suggested to me to be the Marshal of this new HAF. Explained that had compared the reports of all the young riders and I (and many others) have the qualities we were looking for the new Marshal. I never left my surprise, since in fact known to have such qualities, I was concerned only to fly right and kill the maximum number of enemies before I topple. But he insisted, should see something in me that looked.

Accept this and change my life forever. Change my name to HAF-M-Sir_Dark and paint my logo and that of the HAF in my Titan. Others did the same and start the new HAF to fly the Corsairs space.

But it would not be so easy. While the HAF was created again from scratch, other factions have created their own fleets and dominated the space Corsario under the command of a council of elders. It seems they do not like to see again HAF alive, as we declared war. A civil war between Corsairs. At first, the sadness and helplessness made a dent in the HAF. How could we fight against our brothers?. But here is where you confirm that the old man who offered me the post did so knowing what to. I relinquish my determination prevented. As Marshal, to organize the forces of HAF and present battle. They were bitter times, the victories even knew that the worst defeats, as they were against our brothers Corsairs. Many stories could count on the civil war, but they are not needed in this. Just to say that at last peace came back to the Gamma and so was able to order HAF fly free in Corsairs space.

Once at peace and becoming a consummate Mariscal and tanning in a thousand battles, devote my efforts to grow the HAF, in which I work. And the efforts (mine and the whole HAF) are watching. The HAF is now the most numerous faction Corsair. Our day to day control of the Corsair space and every day our reputation spreads by Sirius.

I am HAF-M-Sir_Dark, Mariscal, and thus leader of the HAF. Devote my life to make the HAF which always was and what never should cease to be, the Armed Forces of Hispania House of Sirius.