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[101st] Communique to [GST] - Printable Version

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[101st] Communique to [GST] - Eppy - 06-26-2009

***Incoming Transmission***
***Comm ID: Admiral Sarah Dattaglia, 101st***
***Target ID: All GST Transponders***
***Re: Your Trade Routes and Their Potential Implications for Future Business***

It has recently been brought to the attention of the Outcast Guard that GST vessels have been hauling goods through certain spaces labeled on nav charts as Omicrons 90 and 99. It seems unlikely to us, quite frankly, that the memo about those spaces being extremely restricted airspace has yet to reach your vessels; hence, consider this your one warning. Do not enter Omicrons 90 and 99 or the offending vessels will be destroyed on sight. We hope this makes matters clear.

Cordially Yours,
Sarah Dattaglia, Admiral, 101st

***End Transmission***

[101st] Communique to [GST] - Tuckson - 06-27-2009

***Incoming Transmission***
To: Admiral Sarah Dattaglia, 101st
From: Capt. Tuckson.

Subject: ***Re: Your Trade Routes and Their Potential Implications for Future Business***

Dear Madam,

First of all with all my respect, i assure you that we have no intention to enter in this strongly restricted area.
Omicron 90 and Omicron 99 are not on our usual trade routes which are, as you know certainly, to Liberty for bringing nice Cardamine and to Malta with some good people of volunteers for working in the large fields producing the delicious substance.

I take the liberty of attracting your attention to the fact that we always maintained very good reports with your brothers Outcasts and that under no circumstances we do not like to see his relations degrading.

As you can determine it on neuronal network, our company is the butt of the hostility of certain factions which do not hesitate to tie relations with those whom they consider to be their enemies.
Recently GST-Tumbler had a discussion with Mr Brand Garrison about a misunderstanding that was concerning a piece of Weed.
Mr Garrison will confirm you that Tumbler had given a fee of 2 Millions $ in proof of our good will.

We wish more than ever that our relations are the best possible. That's why I kindly ask you not to be taken in by possible tries of disinformations which would have as the only purpose only to create one situation of harmful hostility in the peace which reigns in Omicrons.

Our CEO John Burton will told about this preliminary maintenance and will take all necessary measures necessarily.

With all our respects Madam,

Best regards.

***Transmission ended***

[101st] Communique to [GST] - Tuckson - 06-27-2009

***Incoming Transmission***
To: Admiral Sarah Dattaglia, 101st
From: Capt. Tuckson.

Subject: ***Re: Your Trade Routes and Their Potential Implications for Future Business***

Dear Madam,

After a quick research in the flighjplans of our squadron, it appears, in fact, that one member of our team has entered in this restricted area.

This will happens no more.

He is under arrest in his room and have the great pleasure to help our cleaner-robots to wash the HeadQuarter's...ahem...latrines.

Very best Regards Madam.

***Tuckson Out***