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Casualties of the Revolution - Printable Version

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Casualties of the Revolution - Black Widow - 06-27-2009

Incoming Transmission...........
Source: Unknown

Our fight to Free Malta from the Hand of the imperial fasciasts Continues, everyday we Strive to free Malta from these Corrupt Dons and Outcasts who line their Pockets with Drug money earned off the backs of slaves and Maltans. Whom of which do not see a penny for the work they do!
These Traitors who would rather side with the likes of disgusting Freelancers than Indy Outcasts must be expelled.
Death to the 101st , Death to the RoS and Death to the SOB plus all those that would side with these Fasciast Swine! All Must Die. Give thanks to the Martyr Ryuujin.Jakka who spearheaded this Revolution and who will soon be hailed a Hero when we stroll into a FREE MALTA, marked as Saviours of the Sacred Maltese Cross and all that it Represents.
Of Course the Enemy is Strong far more superior to our Own, but with Guerilla Warfare and Tactics we shall overcome this most Irritant of Worms. The Engine driving this Worm the Slavers and Cardamine Traffickers, You are also Not Safe we are hunting you and Spill your Cargos you shall! or meet the Same End as these other Traitors. Remember you Slavers are not fueling the Maltese Economy, you are Lining the Pockets of the Corrupt Dons and Financing the enemy we cannot allow!
We call on all free Outcasts to take up the Revolution, Join your brothers in arms the Stray and together we will set malta Free!
The Traitors and Leaders of the Imperialist Scum:
Mia Bonello (101st), Juan Zavala (RoS), Don Emilio Santini, Leader of the SOB and other top ranking Outcasts Dons and Generals there Deaths are key to the Revolution and Soon their Heads shall be here to for all eyes to See!

now Gaze upon the Traitors Slane so Far *God Wills it*:

[Image: Death.png]

Black Soul of the Stray Outcast Rebels Out....................

Transmission Ceased............................................

Casualties of the Revolution - Thexare - 06-27-2009

Incoming transmission...
Sender: Don Emilio Santini
To: Unidentified Pilot
Subject: Poorly-Planned Rebellion

Just blind kittens pretending to be lions, I see. Nothing important.

I thought you'd like to know, your families are still safe. I've had my agents checking on them. Quite regularly, in fact.

Good day.

End of transmission.

Casualties of the Revolution - Jihadjoe - 06-28-2009


COMM ID: Grand Reaper Don Juan Zavala.
TARGET ID: Black Soul of the "Stray Outcast Rebels."

Thats quite a moniker you've appropriated for your own use.

I believe there was once a man who said the following... "An army of Sheep led by a Lion is better than an army of Lions led by a Sheep."

You sir, are that sheep. You also lack lions.

Your inspirational 'martyr' was nothing but an agressive and ill informed idiot. Your rebelion is based on nothing but one man's stupidity. How long do you think you will last?

Your loved ones had better start greiving now.

Zavala out.


Casualties of the Revolution - Black Widow - 06-28-2009

Incoming Transmission.............
Source: Unknown
ID: Ame`Noire "Black Soul" of the Stray Outcast Rebels

Bonjour M'Sieur Zavala Im afraid your words hold little wait here. We are the Sons of the Revolution, and as time moves forward we shall grow ever stronger as more Brothers in Arms shall come to help Liberate Malta. We want you out, so start packing time to go Amigo! As for my family, I have none remember I am a Gallic Refugee who fled from home and settled on Malta. Remember all revolutons happen because the Will of the People is greater than anything else, Once the people have had spoken you will bow to their Will!
All that awaits you and your Amigos friend is a War Crimes Tribunal and Possible Execution! If I do not get to you first.
Anyway here some more Slane Traitors who have surcomed to the Will of the Revolution!

[Image: Death2.png]
[Image: deaths3.png]
Hahaha your attempts on our lives and those of our allies continue to Fail only today IMG group ''Mobius'' helped us slay yet another Outcast battle group, the Last 3 Slayed I'm Particuarly Proud of!
Revenge is Sweet for those who hold the Black Orchid, our Guerilla War Continues......

Black Soul of the Stray Outcast Rebels Out

Transmission Ceased..........................

Casualties of the Revolution - Thexare - 06-28-2009

Incoming transmission...
Sender: Don Emilio Santini
To: Minor Annoyance
Subject: Clarification

I wasn't just referring to your family. Moving on, it has escaped you thus far that the entire reason for Ryuujin's foolish crusade stems from his inappropriate conduct toward a valued ally. Put in more direct terms, the man was making an ass of himself. That is what this rebellion comes from. It's not a righteous crusade, it's one man's wounded pride.

Until recently I found this amusing. Now, I consider it a mild irritant. You're still not a threat; simply an ant or two at my picnic.

End of transmission.

Casualties of the Revolution - D56 - 06-28-2009

***Incoming Transmission***
Comm ID: Grand Reaper Dante Todorio

Now you do realize you've killed young and naive pilots? For that, I've returned from Omicron Delta. You are going down kiddo. And I mean so down, that you will regret you were born.
All ships, report for duty. We have an idiot to catch. *cough*
Dante out.

(goes into Scarlet Wings)

***End Transmission***

Casualties of the Revolution - Black Widow - 06-28-2009

' Wrote:Incoming transmission...
Sender: Don Emilio Santini
To: Minor Annoyance
Subject: Clarification

I wasn't just referring to your family. Moving on, it has escaped you thus far that the entire reason for Ryuujin's foolish crusade stems from his inappropriate conduct toward a valued ally. Put in more direct terms, the man was making an ass of himself. That is what this rebellion comes from. It's not a righteous crusade, it's one man's wounded pride.

Until recently I found this amusing. Now, I consider it a mild irritant. You're still not a threat; simply an ant or two at my picnic.

End of transmission.
[Image: sas.png]
You mean this Dead Valued Ally?? hmm I hoping to collect the Pair o well watch this space!
You underestimate such a Revolution as this, I also have Grievances with the Outcast Ruling bodies all strays do. Im aware of his reasons and I back him up throughly in his right to wage Jihad againstyou as do all of us that you have scarred!
You talk of Ants your scimitar is soon to be Dust as well Mon Cheri if you see me Run, for I am the holder of the Black Ochid and with it I shall grace you and all that follow you with Death. Expect Nothing More!
Anyway I have much damage to repair and Traitors Blood to clean off my ship, we shall be in Touch Don

Au Revoir!

Casualties of the Revolution - Thexare - 06-28-2009

Incoming transmission...
Sender: Don Emilio Santini
To: Insect, Outcasts
Subject: Simple Question

Which Scimitar? I own quite a few. I don't fly any of them, though, so I'm not sure what you hope to accomplish by destroying an unmanned craft. I'm merely a collector of quality weaponry.

You appear to have irritated the Reapers though. Therefore, I have an announcement to make.

Whoever correctly guesses which Reaper claims the first kill of a Stray will win half a million credits. This challenge is open to all Outcasts except for the Reapers. It wouldn't be fair to bet on yourselves, after all.

End of transmission.


Casualties of the Revolution - Jihadjoe - 06-30-2009

' Wrote:You appear to have irritated the Reapers though. Therefore, I have an announcement to make.

Whoever correctly guesses which Reaper claims the first kill of a Stray will win half a million credits. This challenge is open to all Outcasts except for the Reapers. It wouldn't be fair to bet on yourselves, after all.


COMM ID: Grand Reaper Don Juan Zavala.
TARGET ID: Emilio Santini, The Strays, RoS command, Outcast Forces.
SUBJECT: Stop guessing.

Well friends... Seems the big talk really does mean little. Seems they do only kill by waiting until their target is sat still and talking before opening fire.

My guncam shows the following...

Guncam shot.

I blew this man's ship up, him having dropped my sheild a grand total of twice. Frankly I see that as a poor performance, and after the talk I expected far better.

Now... How does it feel Stray? You know what I can do, and I assure you, many of the men I command are far more talented. The Archon Lohingren, my superiour, is a more gifted pilot than myself.

You take my men while they suspect it least. You beleive shooting down the rookies under training makes you a man. You now know my opinion. You'll see nothing from me but my kraken fire. You'll see no look in my eyes but hatred, aside from the pity I hold for those who follow your pathetic lead. You will end up dead 'amigo'. I will inform your widow of your demise when it occurs, and I will let her know how you wept.

Zavala out.


Casualties of the Revolution - Lohingren - 06-30-2009


COMM ID: Don Lohingren Rala'state, Archon of the Reapers
TARGET ID: Emilio Santini, The Strays, RoS command, Outcast Forces.
SUBJECT: Announcement

*Sounds of extreme laughter come from over the comms*

My friend, you amuse me oh so much, So much so... I feel I will personally deal with you myself. Usually I would send Gontfried on such a mission. But iIfeel your arrogance deserves to be purified by my hand personally.

You call us Fascists, We call you inferior, You call us swines, We call you prey. You are nothing more than a pleb in things to come my friend this you shall see. If i meet you in battle do not fear for your puny life, I know mercy my friend unlike the Barbarians you depict us to be. No, I shall let you live and see what we Reapers shall truly do to Sirius, then I shall watch you grovel at my feet for mercy as everything around you burns slowly.

Until we meet squib.

Lohingren Rala'state Out